Saturday, April 4, 2015


The full moon has such a spiritual connection for us this month. If you're having trouble feeling that connection, it might prove useful for you to carry with you some crystals that specifically activate your crown chakra. In the picture I have amethyst, spirit Quartz, blue kyanite, and Quartz. Other excellent stones for awakening your crown and third eye are, but not limited to, moldevite (one of my all time favs), herkimir diamonds, and other indigo, blue, or violet stones. Why does this matter?
We're going through a deep spiritual awakening. Living life closer to your God/gods and further from your cell phone will improve your health, your loved ones, and your life. Look around you, watch others faces, stretch out your body (I've been specifically working on my back bends), and drink lots of water. Engage with your soul. You're here to grow and learn and teach, not consume; it's time we get our priorities in order. It's time for the second spiritual Renaissance! (Which will be April 18th, the new moon)

Love and light blessings

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