Thursday, April 9, 2015

Saturday April 11

Yesterday Pluto went into retrograde. One of the major themes occurring in our lives when this happens is the shedding of what we no longer need. Pluto teamed with a waning moon makes for a strong sense of renewal. The Empress wants you to focus on the love in your life. Think about everything that you have that you love, those are the things that stick around. Whatever didn't make your list needs to go. This is just another exercise preparing you for the upcoming spiritual Renaissance. It is no coincidence that these astrological aspects are occurring at the same time. To access your divine self you must focus on unconditional love, and that means loving yourself as well. Anything that is standing in the way must go, without excuses. The Empress is our loving goddess. She is there to comfort and nourish in time of need, but that's not why she's here today. She's here to help guide you into making choices that rebuild anything that's broken, to make healthy living choices, and to fall in love with yourself. It's time to focus on the path we're going to walk after the new moon. The Capricorn moon is here to help motivate you to get things accomplished. It's time to let go of all of the things in your life that you don't love.


I am ahead of myself when I say Pluto is in retrograde, that happens next week, but the energies from this have begun and everything I said still applies. 

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