Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wednesday, 3/1/17

Everything proceeds from order to disorder. Melancholy. Binah's dark deep see of the "abysmal womb." She calls out, for the future is matriarchy, but breaking our current brings chaos and disruption. The heart feels like it slips further into the abyss each day. Look toward the moon. The moon shines in the darkness and casts shadows on hidden truths. The moon flows with the tides and our sexuality. Look toward the moon and breath it in, for it is the answer. It calls out to us, telling us to engage in our healing practices. Focus on healing of the heart today. Fill each other's buckets, and try not to take. This will be a sensitive day for many. It's a great day for activism or doing something that makes you feel strong. In numerology, the day adds up to 3, just like the card we have here. Three's call on our ascended masters and are powerful days to access your divine spark! Communicate with your favorite people, even if it's been a long time. Tell them you're thinking of them! Build up your community as the patriarchy crashes down. Meditate with the lay lines, draw a bunch of pyramids, and fill it all with your light! If you want to focus on the healing aspect of the day, check out this cool new blog I found about incorporating healing herbs into your meal plans. It's called thegreatkosmickitchen.com If you're feeling like you don't know where to start, today would be a great day for a tarot reading. This week, intuitives will be able to communicate in a way that really will click with you. Seek out some guidance if you feel like you could use some!


Monday, February 27, 2017

Tuesday, Feb 28, 2017

This is always a card that scares my readers and for good reason. This card has 9 swords dripping with blood about to penetrate our stomachs! Lol, it's all good. The direction of this card is very important. This is self inflicted pain. How do you look at yourself? Do you admire certain people? What do you admire about them? That can be you. Yes, it can. Write down what you would want to change about yourself. What do you see? Be the change! Harness Jupiter and grow! Treat yourself the you want to be treated. How do we do this for ourselves without living through our ego? It's all in the way you think. The suite of swords rules our intelligence, so today should be a growing period for how you think of yourself. If you are constantly doing for yourself at the expense of others, or put yourself in a category that is above others, then it's time to stop. We're not nice to ourselves because we're better than anyone else. We're nice to ourselves because that's how we want to treat everyone else. This is where the thought process of equality comes in. If you see people treating anyone badly, say something. All of the people that are treated like they are lesser than need to rise. We should be treating everyone as we want to be treated by others. That's why this card is here. It hasn't come up to hurt us. It's here to give us some hard truths and really examine our interactions. At the end of the day, think about how you handled coexisting. Make improvements. Let's grow some patience and understanding.


Monday 2/27/17

We start the week off on Earth. We're very in tune to our root chakra today, and there's a high chance our ego is calling all the shots. You can see the bull pulling on the Prince's chariot. That could be us today. We may only even realize it once the day is over, but if we had had more patience today, it could have been an easier day. This card is about keeping everything for ourself, and the astrology is kicking into gear a can-do kind of attitude, so that could result in us taking on more than we can handle. It's ok to ask for help, in fact, I encourage you to ask others for help. The important part of this trying week ahead is, to remain humble. We must learn from our missteps. If you were the bull today, what did you learn from that? If you were on the receiving end of a hardheaded conversation today, how could you have changed the outcome? What can you take out of today that will help ensure others' experiences with you enhance their lives? When you make life better for your peers, your life gets better. We're still riding that bull-driven chariot, so we're rocketing into tomorrow. Get a good night sleep tonight!


Week of 2/27- 3/4/17

The week after a big eclipse will always be intense. As you can see, this one will be no different. This week is all about separation from ego, familial karmic ties, and pain. Most of the week, we will focus on the root chakra, solar plexus, sacral chakra, and our thought patterns. The hardest part about this week will be looking at our darkness in depth, accepting it, learning from our actions, and emerging brighter. It's too easy to place blame on others or to point your anger at another, but we can't do that anymore. If we are to live out our purpose and elevate our soul energy, then we have to accept and grow. Living through anger and hate isn't acceptable. We'll be dealing with Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, and the Sun all week. The combination of these planets brings along separation and detachment. If we talk about the Piscean eclipse specifically, the tone is very similar. It's job is to release us completely from the past, whether your past is full of memories you do or don't want to forget, it's time to move on and look into the future. Toward the end of the week Jupiter opposite Uranus/Mars will be a big awakening. The end of this week/beginning of next will have a focus on healing through medicine. Not western medicine, but natural medicines, like herbs and exercise. So, if you don't exercise or take a daily vitamin, now would be the time to work something like that into your life. To experience all of this change we're being handed, you have to want to. Your life won't just up and change completely for you, unless that's what you want to happen. Since we're still feeling the new moon's energy, write down exactly how you would like all of this energy to effect you. Think specifically in ways I touched on, those will be the most effortless ways to make change in your life this week.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Thursday 2/23/17

Yesterday Mercury made the shift from Capricorn to Aquarius, from earth to air. (Remember when I said I am using a combination of traditional Vedic astrology and western?) This is a big change, and you're probably starting to notice it more today then yesterday. Aquarius rushes in a charge of independence. If you've been having a hard time getting your point across, or making a big picture plan, you might finally gain some insight and clarity. The Ace of Swords brings a new path, and when it teams up with communication oriented Mercury, we're set up for big changes. We've been following our gut and passions, and now we can actually get all of those details set in stone. While Mercury was in Capricorn, it was ruled by Saturn. If you have the same experience with Saturn, it likes to teach me lots of hard lessons. I always look forward to these changes, haha. Beyond our forward thinking astrology that's in the air now, we have a larger connectedness to the outer metatron's cube. As we get closer and closer to the new moon Sunday, we feel more introspective and at ease with ourselves. With the New Moon falling into Aquarius as well, it will be important to really begin to let go of what no longer serves you. Walk into the new lunar cycle fresh and renewed. As we begin to get deeper into severing ties of our past and past lives, we get closer to bliss. So, in short, make important plans and stick to them!
Last week we challenged ourselves to step out of our comfort zone. I hope it helped some walk in others' shoes and gain empathy. Live out your dreams through compassion and love always, and know that you are exactly who you are, and you're perfect. Your short comings make you exactly who you are, and without them you would be a very different person. Absorb those ideas for others, and keep people close to your heart.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Wednesday 2/22/17

In a field with fists full of flowers, as harps are strummed wildly, a breeze blows. You struggle to hold onto bundles of wildflowers, but the wind has decided to pollinate the ground further. The tides are rising across the eastern coastline, and you can feel the salt on your skin. You would smile but your lips are dry, and just as you wish for water, you notice a bee hive dripping with honey. You dip your finger in and wipe some on your lips. The sweetness makes you smile, and your hair gets stuck to your face. You sit at the base of the tree, and the bees don't bother you at all. The sun is setting, and the air is beginning to cool. You have no where to be, so you relax and close your eyes. When you wake, you are surrounded by galaxies and stars. There's the big dipper! It's always the easiest for you to find. You've lost the bundles of wild flowers from the beginning of the day. What once was the day's goals, are no longer,  and you have a new goal. Can you find mars? Mars continues to shift today, and continues to stir the energy up. You may start the day off with a certain task, you may add many to the list, and you may try to juggle all of these tasks. Slow your mind down and prioritize. You can do many, but in order to do them well you may need to compromise some other tasks, and write them into a plan for later in the week. Don't stretch yourself too thin today. It will be easy to feel frustrated and to frustrate others. Only do what you can do well.
Last week had us harnessing the energy of a lion tamer. If that helps to remind you that you can accomplish everything you want to accomplish, then great! Harness the lion tamer today. New beginnings are on the horizon. Keep pushing for what you want and what you believe. The energy is out there to seize. Grab ahold and go get it! 


Tuesday 2/21/17

I touched briefly on the intensity of this week. This stems from Mars making moving into Aries tomorrow. The combination brings a lot of fierce independence, and when you mix it with the 7 of Wands you get a certain ungovernability energetic. The 7 of Wands is intense, and represents a certain state of battle. When this card comes up in a reading, it represents a person having a lot going on in their life. They may be reaching a state of feeling like they are drowning or overwhelmed. The number 7 has Yin qualities, it has a certain connectedness to the moon, but the fire depicted in this card has extreme Yang representation, and it's outweighing the Yin. There's an imbalance to this card, and it's up to the individual to add that balance. It's a card that says, stand up and fight for what you believe in! The time is now! Take those extra steps toward your goal. It reminds us that our free will is greater than the Universal force. We have the power to change our own lives at any given second, and we need to use that power right now to make sure things are going the way we want them to. The Lord of Valour chimes in and tells us we have an army by our side. We have people that want the same things as we do, but that voice isn't enough. It's the individuality that shines today and tomorrow. If we compare this card to what I pulled last week, you'll see that you've been training for this.
You've had it in you all along. You don't have to wait for the universe any longer. If there is something you've been wanting, it's time to go get it! The Hermit was our internal strength builder. It was our pause on the everyday goings on to sit back and do some homework. That card came up at a time when we needed to learn a lot about ourselves, and we needed to learn what moves us forward. What lights our fire? What is the one thing that is at a stalemate that needs to be given a push? Swing your sword with Valour and charge forth!


Monday, February 20, 2017

Monday 2/20

One of our major symbols of the week is the triangle. This has many symbiotic meanings across the globe, but in relation to my transmissions and the work I do, the triangle is related to Sirius. The ancient Egyptians looked at Sirius as the, "Sun behind the Sun." The star system lives in the 6th dimension, sandwiched between everlasting love and sound healing. This particular set of stars has a huge energetic pull over the planets in our own solar system. The energetic beings from this dimension want to instill thoughts of well-being and oneness within us. When humans begin their transition into sixth dimensional consciousness they start to experience dizziness, the feeling that time is moving faster than they can keep up with,  synchronicities become overwhelming and apparent, and the nature of our mediocre existence doesn't feel 'real' anymore. These are also all signs that your third eye is developing and opening, meaning, you are becoming more open to your psychic  and telepathic abilities. Go with the flow. Use this openness to translate into inclusiveness in your communities. Try to slow down the mind and let this open up a world of patience within you. Patience over frustration. Guidance over insult. The Disks suit specifically relates to the ground we stand on. The third dimensional life that many cultivate and live for. How to we practice higher living among this realm? Well, what feels best to you? I tend to practice my spirituality alone, but not necessarily alone. Maybe, you're like me, and you would like a community of people to talk to, or maybe you just need to maintain your house as your sanctuary and live it up from within. Do what feels right to you. Let's do some comparing:
Last Monday we had a card from the Disks suit show up as well. Both cards aren't concerned with us getting our jobs in order, like many other cards in this suit. These cards are about raising up our community to create a shift of higher consciousness amongst many. You can revisit last Monday to get specific details, but float through today and see what happens. Let's embrace the pull of Sirius for today and see where it leads us.

Here comes the week of 2/20!

Here's a quick sneak peak into the week ahead of us. We have some major changes in the astrological currents ahead. All of our strength training and light work is going to come into play this week. It's going to be hard, but walking the high ground is what we're going to have to do. There will be a lot of moments when we'll be asked to step out of our comfort zone and put others first. If you look at each card of the week, they all have a highlighted moment in the center. Our hearts and our core will be our most important and worked areas of our system. Meditating on these three chakras will lead to focus and protection. It will save you from feeling totally drained by Wednesday. Have you ever heard of a psychic vampire? They are people who, knowingly and unknowingly, absorb others' energies for personal strength. You don't have to be an empath to feel their drain, and they need us more than ever. They don't know how to tap into the well of source and refill their own energy. Instead of letting them take from you, build up their confidence. If you have a person who makes you feel tired, let them know you love them, but it might be the time to step back, for now. Big picture projects and major life shifts are occurring this week. It might not be obvious at first, but this week is worth highlighting in a journal to reflect upon later. What actions will you take to change the course of your life forever? What path do you want to be walking? With the moon in the third quarter phase, it's the best time to revise and realign. All week I'll be looking at the card of the day, but I will also be looking at the card from last week as well. What brought us to where we are, and how to we move forward into the light? How do we remain warriors? We'll talk a little bit more about the occult references in these cards this week, because many in places of more power and control, use these references for personal gain and darkness. The light workers need to know how to flip these symbols and spells for the good of all humans so we can take down the elite terrorism!

Recap of the end of last week

I didn't end up getting a blog post to you guys toward the end of the week. We did miss some big inner-self work, but it's nothing that isn't continuing on throughout the end of Feb, so no sweat. The 9 of Wands came up. This card always wants us to love ourselves and love all sides to ourselves. It comes up to remind us that we are comprised of a light and a darkness, and that without one or the other we wouldn't be the fabulous people we are today. Yes, you're amazing! Yes, you have purpose! Even if your direct purpose to human consciousness isn't coming forth in this life, the character building of your soul is happening now. Everything that is happening, is truly happening with purpose. This card didn't come up this past week for any of its normal discussions. It came forward to tell us we must begin to challenge ourselves. It's time to get out of your comfort zone. What makes you uncomfortable? Is it a type of person, a texture, a word, a place? Find the good somewhere, even if it's just that a learning experience can occur. Challenge yourself to be comfortable everywhere and with everyone and everything. This won't be resolved in a day, but work out some baby steps to have confidence in every situation. Be the master of your personal space.
And then the 4 of Wands came forward. This is a step back in the cycle. This is a core building card that will help with the discomfort of putting yourself out there. So, the cards asked you to step out of your comfort zone and be vulnerable for a day, and then they told you that it's ok to take a step back and build up your strength. The activities must happen in that order to truly understand what you need to do to succeed with mastering your personal space. I like to envision a golden orb growing inside of me until it envelopes my entire body. With my golden bubble of protection, I can emit radiance and love, but harm and anger can not penetrate or effect me. That's how I enter arguments, because arguments make me very uncomfortable. I need to be strong in them though, because it's important to stand your ground. (Of course, it's important to be flexible, but I'm talking about standing up for fundamental human/animal/environmental rights and consciousness.) This card comes forward to let you know that you're on the right path, and that you're putting the wands in place to make a fully rotating wheel. As you develop and grow, you will roll smoother along through life turbulence. You just need to know what tools you need to keep going, stay strong, and be positive. Keeping that positive mental attitude, not only benefits you, but it helps everyone you come in contact with. So, take a few deep breaths after your adventure into unchartered, uncomfortable territory, and regroup. What do you need to do to make your next step a little less tense or awkward? 


Monday, February 13, 2017

Tuesday, Valentine's Day 2017

Happy Valentine's Day lovers! Our planet of love, Venus, is rivaling with Mars in Aries right now, so we'll have to take inspiration elsewhere. It won't be hard! I've mentioned the Black Moon Lilith coming out of her reign in Scorpio and moving forward to Sagittarius until May. Let's get deeper with this shift. Learning more is the theme of today and Thursday. These next few months will carry the traits of Chiron, the teacher and healer, because when Lilith was transitioning, Chiron was as well. They'll be a team, in humanity's favor. The two energetics together will bring up ideas of empathy, inclusion, and oneness. If you've been blessed with a day off today, take some time to figure out how you fit into that bigger picture. Take some criticism and grow. When you read about certain issues, do you say, "that's not me," and continue on with your life. Think about how, instead of listening and learning, what that dismissive behavior creates. It also changes the subject in your mind to you. You make the situation about you. Today is about accepting about the harsh truths, and letting them be your teacher. Learn and grow from every moment. Crowley wrote this card to contain every mystery of life. The irridescent snake represents Mercury, which is a big player for us this week. Communication is key.  If we wrap up the occult secrets mapped out in this card in a tortilla of the astrology that's occurring, we'll get a fierce taco filled with clear communication, strength through engagement with others, wisdom from internal monologue, and empathy for others. Let's feast.


Monday, Feb 13th 2017

More pentagrams! You'll notice the 5 of Disks looks a lot like last week's 5 of Swords. Going back to the fall of man into matter. What does that look like here in the third dimension? This card is about us doing the actual labor of helping other starseeds and light workers begin their awakening. Our political revolution has opened some minds, but now it's time to go further. Maybe the start is something simple like hanging a flower of life picture up at your desk, or getting a new piece of jewelry that you can talk about with your friends. Mercury has come out of the confusing Rahn, so now our communication will go a little better. We'll be able to speak in a way that makes sense to others, that really hits on their level. The planets are promoting hard work generated by good ideas all week. Every card I pull this week has reoccurring energy. What I mean by that, is that the energy this card brings isn't restricted to Monday. We'll be putting our energetic threads out onto this plain all week, and other people will begin to take notice. Helping people open their third eye and explore other dimensions will begin their ascension. This is directly corresponding with the idea of the fall of man into matter. We start as a pure energetic spirit, come to earth, raise the vibration, raise others, so that when we ascend we begin to bring this plane into the pure light with us. How was the eclipse weekend for you? It brought out a lot of emotion for people. Eclipses are purges for many, and they also bring closure. An eclipse will also break the auric plane of Earth and shift energetics. I'll talk about that more as we get closer to the new moon and the next eclipse!


The week ahead of us

This week we're going to be asked to step out of our comfort zone. We're coming off of an emotional weekend, full moon and eclipse, and we have to ask ourselves, "where are we going?" In numerology our year, 2017, adds up to 1. We're unlocking new chapters in the history of our planet, and a lot of messy issues are coming up. To diagnose a sickness you have to go through lots of tests, and often, to cure the sickness we treat it with another one. (and now I can't get the song down with the sickness out of my head. What have I done!? haha) So, anyway, it's the lightworkers jobs to, sort of, spread the knowledge of how to get healthy and stay healthy. We're seeing a lot of what we never wanted to see and what we never want to see again. This is the first step to building a new paradigm and walking on new ground. Now, for us on a personal level, like I said before, we're going to be asked to step out of our comfort zone this week. This is going to create a wider and expansive comfort zone for us in the long run. What do you think happens if you feel comfortable with more people and in more places? I'll let you answer that to yourself. The Black Moon Lilith has come out of Scorpio, where she was living since last May, and now she's in Sagittarius. This is going to induce endings and help us get some closure on our past. We have Mercury out of Rahu, which will help with communication. I'll go into more detail about the astrology day by day. Overall this week is going to build our armor for bigger tasks coming up, and it's also going to soften our hearts.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Full Moon Friday!

Today is a huge day! By now, I'm sure you've all read about the comet, the lunar eclipse, and the full moon all happening today. What does this mean for us as light workers? Today marks a special moment in time where we become leaders. People will be looking to us for guidance and answers. We have them! Today also marks the moment when we begin to fully operate out of our highest self. It won't be effortless at first, but we will take every new step through the actions of our highest evolution of self. A lunar eclipse marks the shutting of one door and the opening of another. We shut the door on self doubt and open the door to leadership. The full moon in Cancer opens up all of our feelers, to lead through empathy. Lead with the intentions of everyone having everything they need. Lead through love and not competition. Give guidance that helps others lift themselves and be self reliant. Lead through the intention of creating other leaders. It's time to get back to strengthening ourselves through our passions, through philosophical discussions, and through love. Let's talk about the Telluric realm for a minute. This second layer of energy, resting above the Earth's core holds a lot of power. The Lust card shows a woman who has tamed an epic beast. She's pulling down the layer of ground that our feet rest on, and she's pulling it into the Telluric realm. For some people, they may never visit, but for others, you were born there. So, how do we connect with these other realms that only our spirit remembers? Meditation is huge. Meditating is the answer to many problems. It's important to silence the mind and just listen. Connecting into the lunar cycle is a great way to extend your energy chords to other dimensions and realms. That can mean doing some type of ritual for the full and new moons. It doesn't have to be witchcraft. Maybe the moon cycle is the night you host yoga for you and a close friend, or it's the night you always go dancing. It can be anything, as long as the intention is to connect yourself to the moon. Since this moon falls into Cancer, I recommend going to water. Tell the water exactly what you want to get out of your life, and then spend some time listening to what it has to say about that. If you don't live where there is access to water, take a ritualistic shower, or bath. You can have the same conversation. You may hear things that throw you off a little bit, but know that what you hear is truth. Your guides may step in and tell you that you have to do certain things to take steps toward living life exactly as you wish. It's all part of the ascension process. So, let's go back to this Lust card. This card is full of strength and fire! Let's embody that for the next couple of weeks, all the way to the new moon.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

THURSDAY, 2/9/17

Wow! After an intense workload the past two days, the Major Arcana has shown up! This is big! These cards only show up when we are on our path toward destiny or fate. This is The Aeon, and it has a tale. Let me tell you the story. Both figures you see on the card represent Horus. Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. Osiris was murdered by his brother, Set, so Horus was raised by Isis alone. As Horus became a man and rose into power, he struggled with Set. Eventually, through many battles, Horus claimed his rightful throne to power, and Set was sent away. This is a card of reassurance. It comes up when we go through hard times. We may have someone evil at the reigns, but good always prevails. We may have to go through many battles to get there, but good will win. Without question. That isn't to say we can relax. Horus had to defeat Set. We must fight. As long as we keep our strength up, stay focused, and work hard, we will win. Have any of you tapped into your light sources over the past couple of days? If any of you are in communication with the Pleiades, you know this information to be true. If not, and you're interested, I will again suggest any Barbara Hand Clow books, or the Flower of Life books. I also highly recommend the Biancatown channel on YouTube. She is my healer, and will change your life. Anyway, today is a breather. Follow your instincts. We have some intense energy shifts approaching Friday. If you're like me, you can already feel it. I slept 2 hours last night! Pay attention to new people popping up in your life. Hear what they have to say. Focus your words, and make sure they come from your highest self.



The Five of Swords is back! Continuing that shifting energy. Breaking down walls. Breaking old habits. Shattering that which doesn't serve our highest self. Let's look a little deeper into this card. Let's talk about the pentagram. Pentagram's can be found in many forms with many meanings, but because Aleister Crowley made this deck, we're going to talk of his intent for this symbol. He used the five-pointed star in a reversed angle to represent the fall of man. The fall of man means the falling of our spirit onto the material plane. When people begin to vibrate higher and raise their consciousness, they begin their ascension. So, the idea is for our soul to fall into matter, and then raise the vibration of the entire dimension, and bring that matter back to spirit. That's what we were beginning yesterday. By getting rid of pointless tasks in your day to day life, you begin to fill it with more meaningful moments, and, therefore, begin to raise your vibration. There's a lot of different ways to begin the ascension, and we all will have different goals and feelings. Some of mine include tarot, meditation, reading, dancing, etc. Excercise is a very common way people begin to raise their vibration. It's not going to be one thing. It's going to be a long term routine. That's the only way to see real change. Your third eye will open, and you'll begin to see life in a new way. Small things will bother you less, moods will be more stable, breaths will be deeper, feeling human won't feel so hard.  So, baby steps. Just like yesterday. Keep up with breaking pointless habits. Keep choosing light over darkness. The more we strengthen our minds, the less we can be tricked, and the more butt we can


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday, ruled by Mars, the day we regain energy that is often drained from Monday. There's a lot of work to do today. I've pulled the 5 of Swords, which sort of seems like a downer upon first glance, but it's actually strengthening us. Swords is the suit of the mind and intelligence. It's ruled by Air. This card is here to break old patterns and arch our future. The focus of today is to begin to rid ourselves of pointless distractions. It's not going to be easy going forward. Less Netflix, less social media, less tabloids, and less sports. None of these things contribute to your galactic intelligence, or even or third dimensional intelligence. These are all futile. The first step will be to reduce the amount of time and energy put into these things. You may have to dig deep within yourself and ask why you like them so much. These diversions might be the root of something bigger for you. The second step will be to replace them. Reading books is a great way to replace social media. If you're looking to expand your space, you may want to start with the Flower of Live Vol 1&2, or any Barbara Hand Clow book. If you're unsure where to start, sit in silence for a few minutes and ask. Listen to what you hear, listen to your intuition. There are beings on this planet that want us to turn our eye so that they can lead. They want us to be so caught up in personal drama, or celebrity drama that we don't see the big picture. There is a bigger problem, far beyond Trump and his administration. The light workers must strengthen because we can get to the root. Anyway, back to breaking old ground. We need to walk on new footing. If we simply follow in our ancestors foot steps, history will just keep repeating. Let's make every moment count.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday, February 5, 2017

The end of January hit us with Saturn placing pressure on a lot of different signs. We're feeling this a little extra right now as Mercury moves through the ruling signs of Saturn. I'm not gonna lie, Saturn is a turd. It's the hardship bringer, the lesson-teacher. Everything that Saturn brings forth is a harsh lesson, that, ultimately, makes us better people, but it sucks to go through. If you have a lot of Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, or Virgo in your chart, you could be feeling this in a number of ways right now. The 10 of Wands can act as a roadblock at times, but it is also here to slow us down. It tends to show up at moments when we think we've checked everything over, and we're ready to move onto another cycle in our lives, and we're SO sure this cycle is right for us. It slows us down for a minute and makes us re-ask the question, "is it?" Is what we've been gunning for for the past few weeks/months really what we need in our lives right now? Instead of moving forward and closing that door completely, take some deep breaths. Picture the trajectory you're moving toward. Think long term. It's important to think how our actions affect others and the state of our lives longterm. That's when Jupiter comes into play. It went into retrograde Sunday, and it is slowing down a lot of inner growth. This is a long term retrograde, it lasts until June. Carry some carnelian with you today, and meditate on passion. Does your previous plan line up with the things you're passionate about? What are you passionate about? What makes you feel the most alive? Now isn't the time to brush those things aside. As the week continues, it's going to be extra important to know the answers to those questions. As we focus on our Sacral chakra, emotions and passions are heightened. Luckily for us, Venus is also making some major moves this month, and it might just be our natural instinct to act out of love, rather than hate. We're in some trying times, and a lot of people are having hatred thrown in their faces. Let's make sure we're safe spaces full of love and light.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week in prediction, Feb 6-10

Your lil Mama's back after a short hiatus. I'm V good at busting technology, and my internet went out for no reason other than it just did for 2+ days! I'm giving an overview look into the week ahead of us. Trying out a new format, and looking into a different type of astrology. I'm going to ride the wave between western astrology, which I've been using up to this point, and Vedic astrology this week. Google the differences if I begin to confuse, but I'm using both because I believe that they both have a strong validation in the energetics of our planet and our personal growth as humans.

We kick off the week with Jupiter retrograding in Virgo. Jupiter is going to sit in this position until June, so let's get comfy for a while. There are many different feelings about what a retrograde actually does to us. I'm going to focus on how a retrograde in Jupiter is specific to itself, rather than what a general definition of retrograde means. We're going to be experiencing some slow moving growth this week that I'll go into more detail with for Monday's post. There will be a lot of focus on shattering glass ceilings, breaking old paradigms, walking new paths, rising from the ashes, and inter-dimensional energetics coming at us this week. You'll notice that I pull cards for Mon-Fri, and that there are only 4 cards pictured. One of these cards comes up two days in a row. This week is going to be intense! The month of February has our souls finding people from our past lives, and we'll be driven to make major changes that fulfill us on deeper levels. This is super important as we begin to walk a new ground. We don't want to walk in the same steps as the past anymore. We need to make new footprints, carve new paths, and pave new roads. The past is full of oppression, and it's no coincidence the 10 of Wands is the first card of the week! We are beginning a new life of love and light. The hate is dredging up through the Telluric floor, and it will push past the fourth dimension when we're through with it. It won't be left with a gravitational pull to resurface on Earth for a while!