Monday, January 30, 2017

Tuesday, Jan 31st 2017

Let's expand on the energy from yesterday. Let's continue to push the ego far from self. Work on your personal everyday interactions. Does it belittle that person when you correct them or does it help them grow?  Is what your saying contributing to the conversation, or is it derailing the conversation? We must hold ourselves accountable. The Princess of Disks comes up to root us in the third dimension. Does your comment better the situation, or do you need to step out of your own self and breath? The soil of our planet is in turmoil. Our bodies are soaking up that energy, and tempers are running hot. The more hate and fear we project, the more hate and fear is out there waiting to be absorbed by someone's energy field. So, ask yourself, how can you approach this situation you might be in, calmly through understanding and love. This Princess plants seeds. They help their roots thrive and grow.  Let's ground ourselves now, and let our roots spread further than they ever have before. Let's let them grow into the future and for other generations. Let's let our actions speak for the future. The moon is going to be void for most of the day, roughly noon-5pm, so it's not the best day for starting major projects. It's a great day for reworking our own thought patterns, and it's a great day for working on compassion. Because this card is so heavily rooted in the third dimension, it could serve you well to write down what you think would help future generations of Earth. It's a good idea to write down synonyms for compassion and love. Let your vernacular in the light multiply. How many times can you turn a complaint into a compliment? If you would like to work on the lower chakras to help ground yourself, it's always a good idea to surround yourself in their colors. Red, orange, and yellow take precedent, but deep browns and cinnamon colors are a good idea also. If you choose to continue to work on putting love first and ego aside, it could help you to keep a rose quartz with you today. In these trying times it can never hurt to keep some obsidian on you as well! You got this, and you're going to be living your best life for others in no time!


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mon, January 31st, Enter the Rooster

The Tower is one of those cards that people dread. It is a card from the Major Arcana bringing forth rapid change, and often destruction. It's kicking off our week, and kicking off the year of the Rooster. The Rooster is ushering in light and new opportunities. We are waking up. That's what a rooster is known for, right? It's known for waking us up with the sun. The sun harnesses a lot of Yang energy, and, as you can see, this card does as well. It's interesting this card comes up today, because today happens to be lead by Neptune and Pisces, dreamers. We're in a waking state, and there's no time for dreaming today. We need to focus on grounding ourselves. The Tower is here to bring up all of the changes happening with Pluto. We are on a life changing course, and a lot is being shaken and broken up for us right now. Towers are crashing down everywhere, but the most important ones are the towers that build walls between us and our neighbors. Break down barriers! Its time for community, and it's time to work together. We are entering the Age of Aquarius, and it's time for revolution! Pluto rules the root chakra, and it's a force of transformation. This is our focus for the week: Transformation. We have a lot of internal change ahead, and it's very exciting. The biggest, and hardest, change we will be going through is the death of ego. That's why the Tower has shown up today. That's why it's here on a day we're so easily in our own heads and up in the stars. We are to burn our ego to the ground. Nothing is personal. Nothing that occurs is about one person. We are a collective. No more division. There are no real categories, sections, walls, boundaries, etc. We must unite as neighbors, cities, states, nations, and as one earth. For now, we will start with ourselves. We will start with what we can control directly. We will break down all the walls of our own ego and set it on fire! When our feet feel firmly on the ground, only then is it safe for our minds to float off into the stars.


Friday, January 27, 2017


All right y'all, this is it, the NEW MOON in Aquarius. Normally, I would say that it's a new beginning, but this particular moon won't feel that way. The current energetics are too thick to feel renewed. We've been so focused all week though, so let's not loose that momentum. Aquarius is an air sign. So speak your mind toward the sky. Tools for an air sign ritual include, wind chimes, pin wheels, feathers, paper airplanes, etc. Anything that's affected by air. I'm a big fan of writing my wishes for the next lunar month onto a paper and sending it in whatever the direction the moon needs, so in our case this month by air. I'll be speaking my wishes and ringing wind chimes on top of a hill. Sounds like something right out of a cheesy movie, right? The thing is, it will work. The Princess of Wands has shown up to keep us grounded. Don't go flying away with your feathers off the mountain top today. Keep your chin up and feet firmly rooted to the ground. This Princess is fearless. They can tame wild animals and become one themselves, if they want. Use that energy to feel liberated. 2017 is the "Dawn Bringer" year, the year of the Rooster, the year of fire. If you want to burn your lists to invoke the power of their fire, go for it! Write them on yellow paper with a red pen to make it super official. This card wants you to manifest your love and desires, and wants you to live through love. What you put out there will come back. So, while we all have many concerns right now, write them positively. Instead of using words like worry and concern, use change and progress. Our words travel into the fourth dimension, and gravity brings them right back down onto this existence. So speak to the root of every issue, and speak of it as a resolution. Good luck out there light warriors.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday, 1/26/17

How are you today? How has this week been going? Do you remember what we talked about on Monday? It may serve you to revisit Monday's post because as I was shuffling the cards for today's pull, the Hermit jumped out. Let's make some plans today. Make it a goal to write down your visions and wishes for your life. Doing something as small as writing down your ideas and plans sets intention. It's a spell in itself, and the more you focus on those goals and ideas, the higher your chance of staying the coarse and having positive results! As the Moon conjuncts Pluto today, revisit life lessons you've had over the past couple of weeks. Has anything happened to you that has shifted your perception of reality? Today is a big day of growth. Since the Hermit is here, it might be a day of growing from within. Not all of our achievements can be seen by outsiders. The Six of Swords comes up when we must make something new out of tools we've had for a long time. Just like Monday, what skills do you have already? How can they be applied to the new world dynamic that is in play? Many people are standing up and becoming new activists, and that is fearless and incredible. Not everyone has to do this. There are so many ways to play a positive roll in the introduction of light onto the planet. So many of you already have the skills you need, and the rest of you just need to listen to self. You will guide yourself to greatness. You are divine. Sort through the chaos of today. The day before a New Moon always has a surge of power! Be thoughtful and ready to set intentions for tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

Wow! Our second Major Arcana card for the week. We are really pushing through something to this New Moon on Friday. Yesterday, I talked a little about drawing energy from Mars and focusing on your vision for your life. The Death card takes that focus to the next level. If you have been living with bad habits or people that don't respect you, it is time for that to come to an end. Do you remember a time in your life when you had lots of extra energy? What were you doing back then to contribute to that energy? I'll use myself as an example, at my best I drink 1 coffee in the morning, and 3-5 large containers of water throughout the day. I get home and dance, meditate, pull cards, and maaaaybe watch something. I like to have an hour before bed without screens, so the watching something is inconsistent. Those were my practices when I felt my best. I consumed very little sugary products and tons of water. Think that way. Think about habits you had that benefited your life, that made you feel strong and secure. That is what the Death card is all about today. Be realistic. With the Moon sextile Neptune, it will be easy to end up fantasizing a life style that is unattainable. The steps can be super small. It can be as simple as drinking more water, or just drinking less alcohol. Drugs and alcohol weaken our energy and make us more susceptible to negative energy attachments. I'm not saying go cold turkey or else, it's just something to consider when you think about balancing your lifestyle. The balance of one's life brings large amounts of energy. It will reduce the anxiety you may feel every time you need to call someone in the House of Representatives. So, cut some ties, shine some light, and kick butt today lovers!


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday, Marsday, January 24th, 2017

My guides told me we were going to need 2 cards today, so here they are. Marsday, the day of the week ruled by Mars. Mars embodies fire, which is interesting considering I pulled two water cards. It is also the planet of yang energy and war. My favorite part about Mars, is its dynamic energy and its ability to illuminate our vision of what we want for our lives. It's a focusing energy that helps us rule out those things in our lives that are no longer serving us. This is great focus for us on a day where the moon will be mostly void. The energy weighs thick, like a dark misty morning when it feels impossible to wake. The Prince of Cups has a hard time figuring out what they need. They are constantly searching for something bigger and better. This card comes up when we need to make a choice. We need to stop looking past what we already have. It's time to focus in on the people that understand us the best. That's where the abundance card comes in. This card doesn't represent an abundance of material objects. The water suit, or Cups, revolves around our interpersonal relationships. It's a day for focusing in on our teams and allies. The ones we have now. No longing for people we miss, or times that once were. We must remain present, and do our best with what we have right now. If you start to feel overwhelmed with responsibilities today, that's ok. Reach out to someone that understands you. Someone that you know will answer your text/call/email/dm. Carry a rose quartz for extra love, or burn some dragon's blood for motivation. As a side note, keeping some dragon's blood, sage, or palo santo is an excellent idea these days. All of these have cleansing and protection properties. Keeping the energy in our homes pure and full of love is a must, especially when every day starts to feel like a battle. If you have no one to turn to today, I encourage you to go out and find like minds based on your ethics, instead of hobbies. It's important to have a team right now.


Monday, Moon-Day, January 23, 2017

 Today is the first step of many. The date being 1.23 is significant in numerology because a consecutive series of numbers is steps moving forward. Let's take these first steps as a group of light warriors, on an earth shifting into darkness. The Hermit shows up today with purpose. You could be having a hard time getting motivated today, due to weather and the astrological pull from the Moon square Neptune. That's ok. If you are able to stay in bed today, I say do it. We have gone through a lot over the past few days, and today could be perfect for regrouping. Be constructive in your laziness though. Take some time to meditate. Figure out where you stand in this battle. What are your strengths? What tools do you already have for defeating the darkness? Do you need to take a self defense class? Do you need to start exercising to gain more energy? Lay in bed with your eyes shut, and ask your guides what you need to do to prepare. This is going to be a long fight. We need to build up our strength so we don't burn out. Also, the Hermit isn't necessarily about pulling away from others. If you learn the most about yourself with a certain group, reach out to that group today. This is about becoming the master of yourself. Do what you need to do to gain that information. The three headed dog on this card is Cerberus. Cerberus is said to be a Grand-Marquis of hell, but he is also known for restoring lost dignities and honors and for teaching arts and sciences. In an age so focused on trade and business, we are loosing our free thinkers and artists. We need you! If you are local, you will remember the University of Maine canceling many of its philosophy, art, women's studies, and language classes. Those were heart-breaking decisions. If you have a passion in that area, maybe that's how you contribute. If you're really good at asking questions, we need you. If you have a long history in women's studies, we need you! Artists, we need you! Cerberus shows up to restore our love for learning and thinking. Formulate thoughts around free thinking and asking questions, if it helps. While Mercury is sextile Neptune, we can slow down our thoughts and really tune into what we need for ourselves. The person on this card is holding a lantern. That lantern lives in our core and begins to shine a gold light through our body. This is a good place to start if you want a new meditation practice. Let's all take some deep breaths, slow down, listen to ourselves, and strengthen up!