Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday July 16th

Happy New Moon! Hopefully this Cancerian moon is bringing you all out of your shell instead of retreating inward. I would imagine with its fellow planets being all over the place that you've been feeling a little bit like doing both. Today is all about authenticity. This is a card that comes up over and over in our lives to test us, and it's how we deal with these tests that makes or breaks us. The Lord of Shortened Force is heavily influenced by Gemini, and Mercury is trying to instill great wisdom on us today. We're being given answers to some of our deepest questions this lunar cycle, and it's exciting! Mercury has been sitting in the degree of "a man staring at a mandala referencing an ancient book of wisdom" for a while now. Have you been listening? This is a great time for meditation. The watery moon gives us heightened intuition and perception, which is great when you want to receive messages from your guides. The 8 of Swords was pulled today, but it's not as scary as it looks. This card comes up when you're acting as an admirer more than a participant. You admire qualities of life, like wisdom or meditation (examples, it could be anything), but you're not putting any effort forth to bring them into your life. There's an uneven balance being acquired and you're not investing in the tools within yourself to fix it. Don't focus on how others perceive you or what vibe you want to give off, focus on strengthening yourself within to be the person of your dreams. If you be what you want to attract there's no stopping you! With Venus going into retrograde in a about 10 days, really fulfilling your inner self desires is going to be extremely important. We must have a strong sense of self and rely less on how relationships with other people make us feel when Venus is retrograde. This card is coming up to prepare us for any interference that could come up, and it's teaming with the moon in the degree of "a woman stranded on a desert island with two men." Everyone is in it together. When three people are stranded on an island, they don't separate and do their own thing. They stick together and team up. Three is better than one. If each member of your soul family is strengthening their inner self your team will be unstoppable!


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday, July 14th

The new moon in Cancer on Wednesday is increasing our intuition and emotional output already. We've been feeling it's pull since yesterday and it's making some of us really relationship focused and sentimental. Yesterday was all about celebrating the most meaningful relationships in your life and building two solid individuals to make that power couple. This could be within a partnership, it could be lovers, or just good friends. The watery nature of the moon and these cards is enhancing our heart and throat chakras. It's a good time to tell others how you feel about them, particularly if it's kind words. It's not a great time for burning bridges, since the water is so overpowering, it will put out your fire and you'll just end up looking foolish. Strengthen bonds now. The Empress is the goddess of the moon and creation. She's here to encourage our spiritual development and help us gain access to other dimensions. With Venus square Saturn today it will be easy to stay in our dream worlds and be distracted. We're still feeling that pull of partnership and love from yesterday, and we will through tomorrow as well. We have interesting numerology happening today. Yesterday was a two, balance, love, harmony, and today we have a three, creativity, expansion, manifestation. If you like to do new moon rituals, it will serve you well to start planning today. This is the perfect moon for including others into your ritual and really focusing on the strength you give your relationships. Cancer crabs can hide in their shells, but when they come out they are beautifully passionate, caring, and thoughtful beings. Encourage the crab in its confidence and include water in your ritual. This could mean taking your practice to a body of water, or simply anointing each other with it. The winter frost Sabian symbol that's been hanging over us for the past two months is rapidly melting, and we're seeing it flow and fill our cups. The Empress is here to encourage us to plant seeds for our future today. Do something that fulfills your heart, and over the course of this new lunar month you'll watch it grow and grow. She's encouraging our path of ascension. Surround yourself with people who do the same over these next couple of days. You'll be blown away by the cosmic magnetism.


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Monday, July 13th

Last night around 11 the Sun squared Uranus and it's bringing a great force of change. The focus of the day is far away from the root chakra because we're to expect the unexpected. Uranus can stir up much in your life, but the focus will surround activities from the weekend. Fri-Sun brought a cosmic force with it that we'll see repeating throughout the rest of the year. There were influences from dreams, adventure, love, and passion. This change is focused on your heart and steams from your pulse. What makes your heart jump? What makes you excited? The Two of Cups is focused on partnership, but the most pure and healthy form of partnership. This card is all about two strong parts coming together to make an even stronger whole. Often when we pair up with someone, especially romantically, we spend most of our time with them and loose a piece of ourselves. This card comes forward to remind us what attracted us to that person in the first place, and that it's essential to maintain our individuality if we want to have a strong duo. The main lotus in the center represents the relationship pouring love and light into the two individuals. It can be hard to be this way when one enters into a relationship with someone, but nothing good is ever easy. When things become easy we appreciate them less. Strengthen an important relationship today. Most likely that means, don't actually hang out with your partner, unless you already have been strengthening through separation, then today could be the perfect day to celebrate how awesome each of you is to one another. We're really feeling the effects of Uranus today.  This planet wants us to see something differently and will drop it in your lap if it has to. Who knows, maybe this information is exactly what you needed to be reminded of. You're super strong and are a powerful individual. You don't need a partnership to validate your personal being. If you already know this and live by that code, maybe today is a good day to let down some walls. Let someone who matters to you get a little closer. The Gemini moon is teamed with firey planets in Leo making this a great day to connect with friends, partners, and lovers. Gemini raises a lot of talk about duality, along with the number two featured on our card. Apply a little extra balance where needed today.


Friday, July 10, 2015

July weekend 10-12 (Fri, Sat, Sun)

The overall look of this weekend is achievements and temptation. It looks like we're going to be tempted to celebrate and socialize, but our lives will be better suited if we stay practical and make progress. We're coming from a place of community building, soul tribe gathering, team building, etc. We've been supportive of our peers and found strength within us through our families. We've been gaining momentum in areas we weren't particularly focused on and it's becoming easier to walk amongst 3 and 4 D. This trend is going to continue all weekend. For some of you, you might not even realize you're making decisions with purpose. We're gearing up toward a New Moon and our subconscious and astral self are adjusting our paths/goals. If you'll look at the cards in the south, east, and west positions, you'll see the wands crossing over each other. This is an indication of being exactly where you need to be at the right moment. These types of syncronicities are important to pay attention to because they will drop the perfect information or person in your lap just when you need it/them. This is one of the big reasons it's important to stay on task all weekend. There will be themes of security, sexuality, relationships, fears, and anxieties all rolled into one until about Sunday early afternoon. Keeping a focused mind and open heart will help drive us toward the answers we need. The Taurus moon will be motivating us to keep up our homes and stay responsible, which will help us focus our energies toward a higher ascension. We'll end up doing a little bit of juggling at the beginning of the weekend, but things should smooth out for us. Even when problems hit us head on this weekend, we'll have the velocity to power through. All of these wands remind us that we're insatiably passionate beings with a lust for happiness. Working toward being unconditionally happy is our truth and even if it's hard, we can make it, and we will make it! The energy is cooling down by Sunday and communication opens up. Inner reflection is favored, especially if you feel like many different things are all coming at you at once. They may have the power to chip away at you, but they won't break you, just like the sword pictured on the card. The Seven of Swords comes up when we've been working on combining our talents or ideas, but it's not really working. We've been placing the wrong amount of attention in the wrong direction. It's ok, just reset your equation. Even out your efforts. You know the ideal way you want things to happen. It could be helpful for you right now to write down your goals and what you need to do to accomplish them. A little organization for your mind will go a long way while the Sun squares Uranus. If you find yourself in need of some social interaction, keep it balanced with work. You'll be glad you did by Monday!


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday July 8

Today is a day full of movement and alignment. We've been pushing through two months of challenging energy, and today things start to lighten up and change for us. Imagine us as the Prince of Wands from yesterday. We were glowing red and charging forth. The fire had strands of green throughout it, indicating we were working through our heart chakra. Today that green has taken over. Later in the day when Mercury enters Cancer it will be much more apparent, but your heart is speaking volumes today. We are gifted with truths that don't always get noticed, but with several planets in Cancer, we're open enough to hear our inner voices. It's a time of deep intuition and emotional sensitivity. As we work on getting in touch with this sudden burst of clairvoyance, we take deep parts of ourselves and begin to align them along the path of ascension. When we were the Prince of Wands we were glowing red. Imagine taking pieces of yourself from that time period, your favorite pieces (for me it was my positivity, energy, and fierce drive), and placing them at the base of a pyramid. Use these strengths to provide structure and help you achieve your goals. They are the three disks on the card. Dreams are linking up with reality, and it's important we have a strong structure to lean back on. As your pyramid narrows at the top, the space gets tighter and less can be stored. Prioritize what has brought you to the joy you're feeling right now. Keep that inner light, love, kindness to others, humility, and care stacked on top of each other because that's what will pierce the veil. Think of this pyramid as a throne. You're building a solid foundation on which to seat yourself as you enter the highest realm in the Second Renaissance. Remain open to possibilities today, let things sync up as they're meant to, and keep moving. Threes are a number of action. They relate to growth, expansion, and the principles of increase. It's important that we entertain these flourishing moments in our lives. Some days are better than others for letting the universe do as it will, but today isn't one of those days. Get out there and seize every moment, keeping this throne in the back of your mind. This pyramid throne exists within another dimension and it's important that we have it to sit on when the time is right. In our mundane world this throne is our home, job, and inner connectivity to nature. Open your heart to the bird's song, feel the wind on your skin, and soak up the sunlight on your face. Stay productive at work and love your home.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Seven Seven Fifteen

Our reality is expanding today. The second Renaissance has been given a big boost of energy and it's propelling forward. The Prince of Wands is here with his lions and is ushering in a fierceness that can't be denied. This Prince bursts forth from the flames on his chariot and is ready to ride into the next fire. We're being given great gifts today. There are answers abound and the energy is bold and dynamic. It's important to keep up the momentum, don't let anything slow you down today! Communication could be mixed at the start of the day, but we're bright and can push through any obstacle the day throws at us! We've entered the disseminating moon phase which encourages us to share and to communicate with others, so keep pushing, even if you feel resistance. Some of us will channel the Prince harder than others and it's our job to make anyone stuck in a dream world today have a reality check. Usually, that may not sound like a nice thing to do to someone, but I don't mean it in the negative connotation that has become associated with that phrase. I mean that our reality is vast and opening wide today, and it's best for us all to have our eyes clear and hearts free. Be at one with your physical form and push it to new limits. Do some sweating today! Open your lower four chakras and act with care. Showing this unconditional love for others today will pay off in a big way! There are things happening behind the scenes and it's a good day to take chances. Be the lion!


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fourth of July Weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun)

This weekend brings us oppertunities for new ideas, a chance to really look at ourselves, and the belief in our soul family resurfaces.
  With this spread we have the two center cards representing us and our obstacle for the weekend. The Adjustment card is one that is specifically pointing at who we are over these next couple of days and how we can move forward with the astrological events occurring. Adjustment is a symmetrical card of balance and achievement. This card usually comes up at a time in our lives when action needs to be taking place, and if we choose to not make a decision, or try to let the universe take us, it can end in a repeating cycle. This card is the holder of the Akashic Records of our lives and has our familial karmic debts on one side of the scale, and it's our job to outweigh them or balance them out. If we don't take firm action we could get stuck in a loop, or our present might start to mirror our past. The number eight represents infinity, the everlasting cycle of life, and it's important that we play an active character in our destiny. If we choose to take a backseat progress won't be made. With that being said, we also need to remember that there is always an ebb and flow created by astrological shifts, and we need to hold a level of flexibility in order to truly fulfill the heart. Communication is favored on our end this weekend. The Devil has come up as our obstacle. This is a card geared toward breaking free of societal chains and becoming who you've always wanted to be. It's about reaching into your heart and fulfilling its every desire. We're not meant to walk amongst the masses cloaked in beige and white. We're meant to feel alive, hear our pulses, and dart toward our dreams. Bringing these two cards together with the Aquarian moon aspecting Uranus means listen to your ideas and act on them. Seek out like minded individuals that can help you move forward in a way that truly makes you happy. These are major arcana cards and are pushing us towards revealing our true calling. The two wands are representative of where we've been and what has pushed us into moving forward. These cards are born in our root chakra which is where our sense of security, sexuality, and obsession live. We come from a place where we were trying to live through passion, but we chose to avoid the obstacles that presented themselves. There were errors in communication and partnership for many of us, but that's turned out to be a good thing. We're meeting people that belong in our soul families now, people that we travel with from lifetime to lifetime. These people act as a catalyst on our path toward destiny, and they offer us a sense of comfort and stability. Going forward into the rest of the weekend and beginning of the week, we are the Queen of Cups. This is a card saturated in reflection. This is a person who sits on a throne looking at themselves in the water. We often have a distorted impression of who we are and how others see us. Opening up avenues of communication between our peers can contribute to our sense of self. I encourage you to say something moody and unpredictable to a newish person in your life and see how they respond. Meditate on their response for a bit. This is an experiment I like to conduct every time I meet someone new, but it definitely has a purpose in gaining knowledge on how others perceive you. It's not that we should adjust ourselves in any way based on this information, it's just an exercise in truth. Our intuition is smart this weekend, and by Sunday Venus is stirring up friendships and love interest. Cups is the suit of partnership, and when it's paired with the Fool, like it is here, we are to pay attention to the new people in our lives. Anyone you have recently met, or will meet this weekend, has a significant role to play in your life. For many of you it will trigger your heart and give you a rebirth in the way of romantic attention. For others, this person or people are part of your higher calling and have shown up to push you forward on your path of ascension. Three Major Arcana for the weekend means that our focus is directed toward our higher selves and how we can be our best individuals. Connect with your interdimensional companions and soar off into the cosmos!


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wednesday Full Moon

The full moon has been collecting the energetics of the past couple of days, much like the Prince of the Chariot of Earth. We've been given the insight and guidance to overcome our deepest problems, and we've been shown how to achieve our true happiness. This guidence is still popping up, and opportunities are abound, but we must act on them fast. There is a lot of motion in the sky and the moon is mimicking the Prince. He's riding around on his chariot collecting moments, hopes, dreams, and luck and saving it for later. He's doing this because he knows many rely on him and he wants to be there for them in their darkest times. He'll come to you today to increase abundance or to take something away if he feels it could help someone more than yourself. He practically applies his powers and serves the greater good. If he's combining his efforts with the energy from the past two days, which we know is happening, then his powers are fast and helpful. This moon is serving our ultimate happiness. Remember that what ever happens today is in your best interest, and it will lead to the true fulfillment of your heart. Full moon rituals are encouraged tonight. Casting off what you don't want to carry forward from this point on is a theme of a full moon. Since the moon is in Capricorn, an earth sign just like our Prince here, the rituals will be best served outside. Staying in touch with nature is always favored when Disks is in control. On a full moon I like to make a list of what I no longer want to take with me anymore. Since it's an earth moon you could bury the list, but for me that's not final enough. I recommend digging a hole and burning the list inside of the hole, then bury the ashes. Always remember to keep your lists about yourself and about what isn't working inside of you anymore. The new moon is perfect for making that new list of what you want to move forward with, so you can start thinking about that in these next few weeks.


Tuesday, June 30th

As we get closer to the full moon the energy begins to build, and that's exactly why we have two cards for today. The 9 of Cups is from yesterday, so we're essentially building upon the dynamics that were occurring the day before today. Both of these cards are late in the number scale, indicating the end of cycles for some of us. That is fairly typical for the full moon. It can bring events/situations to a close, where the new moon opens doors and ignites great change. Having our moon in Sagittarius brings about a lot of firey energy (wands) and ignites our lower chakras. The 8 of Wands signifies a time when our wands turn into lightening bolts and everything moves rapidly. This is powerful energy that can break down walls and barriers, and it's often exactly what we need. Letting go of life's obstacles is a theme for this full moon. The geometry behind the bolts is a pyramid from every angle if you look at it closely. Look at your life closely. What are the hurdles that you've been trying to jump over? The 8 of Wands is here to help you solve these problems. Look at these restrictions in a new way, from every angle, and either let them go, or try a new solution. Move through the toughness with love and light, as the golden waters from yesterday overflow from your cups. Not only can you motivate through the barriers with love, but happiness will be achieved once you do. If you're having trouble recognizing any difficulties in your life at the moment, know that the 8 on its side is the infinity symbol, and this card will show up again in times of need. This isn't a once in a lifetime opportunity for a burst of helpful energy. This card will show up over and over, just when you need it.  Be open to the solutions that you think of and that present themselves today, even if they seem outlandish. Life is throwing you a float, don't let yourself drown because it's shaped like a chicken. When we're in a Gibbous moon phase, which we are, it's important to have faith and trust in your guides/universe. Even when things are at their worst, you're becoming a stronger/wiser person, and you will actually be better for it in the end. Collaboration and team efforts are favored today, and communication is wide open. The rainbow on the card indicates our chakras are all wide open, the possibilities are endless today!


Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday, June 29th

We are in a truly beautiful time right now. Jupiter and Venus are interacting to bring a lot of luck with love relationships for many of us. From now until the new moon, expect to grow fond of someone, meet someone new, or end a relationship that doesn't put love first. Love is the key right now. We all have a different way of expressing this emotion or feeling with our heart. It's time to focus on what makes our heart sing. For some of us, that isn't partnership at all. When Jupiter and Venus move into the same place they create a fulfilling energy, so if partnership isn't what fills your heart, you're still in luck. Today's card focuses on our individual happiness and how we can achieve this idea. Any time a nine comes up it brings some magic with it, and clearly, the nine of cups is no different. Not only are our cups filled, but they are overflowing with golden light. The trine Venus is in with Uranus perpetuates this golden light around us. Our stars are aligned right now and it's the moment to seize opportunities, focus on our highest goals, and feel strong inside, knowing we can achieve greatness. Nine is the number of the light worker, it reminds us to keep creating, moving forward in love and kindness, and that there's a universal protection around us at all times. The Lord of Material Happiness swoops in during this perfect alignment of planets to open generosity, success, and pleasure within ourselves. Every card has reminders for us, keeping us on track, and this card is no different. Because the planets are so heavy in love and success right now we must remember to stay humble. Yes, we do deserve all of these things, especially after the harsh adjustments we've been going through, but we aren't to get caught up in self-praise, vanity, conceit, or any foolish nature like those. It would negate all of the progress we've been making and take away from our purpose as light workers. We operate out of love and kindness at all times, for everyone. Be satisfied with today, even if nothing major transpires. Set no expectations and be happy with what you're given, it's the best way for your waters to stay golden. These energetics will stay with us until the full moon on Wednesday, so you'll see this card interacting with another tomorrow. It's exciting!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wednesday, June 24th

This is a really important card for us right now. It's reflecting upon the solar storm and all of the flares the sun has been casting upon us. If you look at the background of the card, you'll notice what looks like an electric storm. That's exactly what has been happening around us in the cosmos over the past few days. We were in the crescent moon phase and it wasn't an easy time to process all of that information we were given, and there were a lot of thoughts of doubt and failure amongst us. We've entered a much more peaceful time. Four of Swords, the Lord of Rest from Strife comes up for us when we've been through what feels like war. This card is Jupiter in Libra. Jupiter brings us beautiful things like good luck. This war has wreaked havoc on our mental strength and we're tired, which is being perpetuated by Mars in Cancer. It's ok. We've entered a time of rest. This is similar to the two of swords, but we're not entering back into battle. Our moon has entered Libra and balance is being restored. Bagalamukhi is the goddess watching out for us and she specializes in restoring stability. She's teaming with Libra for added strength. Our inner flowers are blossoming and the swords are not crossed. We're at a very influential time mentally. How we reflect on our past is going to effect what happens next in our future. This card is directly related to the fourth dimension, which we've ascended into and has been sending us large amounts of information over the past couple of days, and that stores all of our thoughts and turns them into physical matter here in the third dimension. It's very important we remain mentally strong these next few weeks. Bring that light up from your core and let it surround your body. If you relax too much now and don't work to improve the path you're on, your energy could become stagnant and you could end up in a tepid lake of resentment and lack. Focus on abundance and the goods of this life right now. Our highest ideals are beginning to take shape, and it's up to us to stay present in our now for this to happen. Chiron went into retrograde this morning. We're going to be receiving teachings on how to move forward in love and light. This is a very good thing. Chiron wants to heal the wounded and will resurrect us in November when it stations direct again. The heaviness is being lifted and lies are being uncovered. It's up to us to preserve our highest self and work forward through love and light.


Monday, June 22, 2015


There's a lot of cosmic activity happening right now, and it's causing an adventerous feeling in some and a scared/fearful feeling in others. We are in the crescent moon phase right now and that time is always challenging, but the day is about how we persevere and overcome our fears. The eight of swords has come in and it's representing the solar storm that is currently occurring. For some this is going to be hurdles that must be jumped over and for others it's a feeling of projection. This card comes up when we are more concerned with how others are viewing us rather than how strong we are growing on the inside. This could be due to all of the shadow nature that is occurring. Today is a black moon day, so there's an element of protecting an image that is occurring with all of the swords in place. Instead of worrying how you come across to others, take in the Empress. Take in the mother of creation and plant seeds for becoming what you want to be. If you are what you want to attract then there will be no internal fight for image. Building that internal strength will also help you move forward during difficult crescent moon phases, black moon days, and tumultuous solar storms like we are having now. Meditation is the easiest way to harness one's self and to become strong in mind and body. To quote Alan Watts "When we dance, the journey itself is the point, as when we play music the playing itself is the point. And exactly the same thing is true in meditation. Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment." So let the mahavidya of the day rule over you while you focus inward on blossoming into exactly what you've always wanted to be. Bagalamuhki is here to paralyze negative thoughts and speech, pushing us forward through this turbulence in love and light. Embrace the day as an adventure! 


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Shifting Sunday

Happy Summer Solstice! Today is the day with the longest amount of sun in the whole year, and fittingly it's Father's Day. The Sun is the father of the earth and he's very active this morning! He's teaming with Saturn retrograde and the Tower to ignite change and to complete any unfinished business that's lurking over your shoulder. The first half of the day is going to be fast moving and powerful for most of us. We've been given an extra boost and we are amped! Take this energy and run into the fire! The Tower has a few meaningings. It can mean something huge in your life is changing or going away, job, relationship, home, or it can mean you're at a crossroads and you need to make a major decision. If it's igniting big changes for you know that this, even though hard, is a good thing. It means you've been holding onto that which no longer serves you, and you're being pushed onto a path of ascension. If you fight this change, the Universe will find a way to bring it back again, so you may as well let things happen as they need to. If the Tower has come up to represent a choice, the time for meditating on the answer has passed, and now it's time for action. Let the flames light a fire underneath you and move into battle! Because the astrology does a complete 180 over the course of the day, I found it fitting to pull another card. We move from the sacred masculine morning into a sacred feminine evening and the effects are dramatic.
The Fool is the beginning to our path of enlightenment. So, if we've moved beyond that which no longer serves (which could end up in the cutting of chords, or a heavy discussion etc),and now we feel lighter and younger. An important aspect of the Fool is that they have no gender. This is only important in the sense of internal balance, which is an achievement highlighted today by both cards. If you reduce the Tower for numerology purposes, you get 7. There are 7 chakras within ourselves, the day is both yin and yang, and the Fool has brought up complete internal balance. There are things that need to be let go of so that we can move forward as light bringers. Start your week off right and make this happen today if you can. The Fool is giving us an extra chance to be reborn. They are of complete balance and are open to the elements. They have earth, air, fire, and water surrounding them, and they take it all in. It might be fun to look at your birth chart today and see what elements you have within you. Personally, I am mostly air and water. So for my balancing activity I'm going to ground myself outside (connecting with earth) and light some candles in my house (bringing in fire). Some ideas to connect with air and water are turning on fans to create some wind or putting up wind chimes and taking a bath or going swimming. Let's use this beginning of a new season to make a new beginning within ourselves. 


Friday, June 19, 2015


Luck, abundance, love, and light. Luck, abundance, love, and light. Luck, abundance, love, and light. We're still feeling some of the energy from the Sun yesterday. It was very active and has been since the New Moon. The Lust card is from the Major Arcana and lives at the Earth's core. It comes forward as a reminder to center ourselves. If you meditate, do some deep visualization today. Picture a beam of light/chord extending down from your root chakra, penetrating each layer of the earth, until, finally, it can go no further. Look around. What do you see? Many people see caves, water, crystal formations, etc. This is the Earth's core. It's a place of grounding and focus. By stabilizing ourselves here we can alleviate fear, gain energy, and optimize our health. Other ways to connect with center are to take your shoes off in the grass, wear red, carry red stones, or eat beets, strawberries, cinnamon, meat, cayenne, pepper, or tomatoes. In other decks this card is represented by Fortitude. It represents a time where we've been building power (and are still), but we're feeling ready for it to pass on into action. Next lunar month is an action month for us, for now our month sits in the Sabian symbol of "winter frost in the woods", meaning things are manifesting but very slowly. They are slightly frozen for now, but frost is easy to melt. Harness some of this lava the lion tamer on the card is grasping at in the Earth's core and melt your frost! Tame that Leo moon and show it you have the power! You have courage, strength, and the drive to make your dreams become a reality. The lion tamer on the card is the Daughter of the Flaming Sword and she is here to pass the torch of power. She's a golden goddess and has harnessed her solar plexus. The mantra for the solar plexus is 'I do', and that will be part of our mantra today as well. After you've connected into the core focus on your will, joy, and laughter. Today is not a day to sit back and let the universe dictate your choices. As much as fate has a part to play, our free will is as important if not stronger. Ultimately, we have the final say in our destiny. Today is a day for running into the fire and meeting challenges head on. You have the strength, even if you need a little more coffee. The heat is inside of you!


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday, June 17th

Today we gain a deeper insight into the new moon from yesterday. This moon has two very opposite sides to it, completing it in a circular manner. Yesterday was all about letting it guide you, embracing the sacred feminine nurturing side. Today we feel the pull of the hunter, the destroyer. How we balance this energy is going to dictate the way today flows for you. On one hand, we have guides from the Empress honing in on the peaceful dove side of the moon. The Empress is boosting our intuition, emotion, and really tapping into the Cancer position of the moon right now. On the other hand we have this sacred masculine energy powering us through the third dimension and heightening our drive. Balance. Creating a unified marriage of these two feelings is the most productive way to handle the day. The Yin is overpowering the yang, with Cancer and the Empress holding hands in the lead. The North Node squaring the moon is hand in hand with the destroyer side of our full moon. Find a way to overlap internal care and external drive today. That will be the best way to round out your yin and yang. The Empress is the third card of the Major Arcana. Picture today as a triangle with you seated at the top. Use that firey drive to create a solid foundation for you to sit on. As you're seated at the top of your pyramid, breath deep and connect into the cosmos. Today is a day of epic proportion. The Sun is traveling and will make an exact opposition with the Galactic Center today at 5:19. This only happens once a year and ignites a spiritual awakening. For those lagging behind on their ascension, this will be a huge kick in that direction. We already have Neptune in retrograde, heightening our third eye, and so this opposition will feel like a big break. It pushes us into an area of the unknown, and where this can be scary, you have the Empress here holding your hand. (A lot of hand holding today!) She's the mother and the creator. She's here to support you and guide you into that uncharted territory we're entering. 


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New Moon Tuesday

The New Moon enters our lives at 10AM today and encourages us to set intentions for this new lunar month. Rituals involving lists, nature, and wind chimes will be fruitful this month. This lunar month isn't particularly active, and it might be a while before you see manifestations of your intentions, BUT next month is highly active. So, for now, be like the Hanged Man and let the universe do its thing. It's not a good day to push activities or make any major decisions. Let the healing begin and focus on prosperity and love today. It's important that we hold our beliefs and goals close to our heart this month. The energy is very similar to the past lunar month. There will be challenges that present themselves, and the way to overcome is to stay true to yourself. The Hanged Man is giving it all up to destiny and letting the universe work its magic. That's what is in store for us today. We don't have as much power as we usually do because fate is claiming the upper hand. It's a good day to embrace your third eye, do a lot of meditation, and read books. Take some time to yourself.


Monday, June 15, 2015

Manic Monday!

Climb up on that high road today. Saturn is making some changes and some of us are going to be feeling it's pull. The Lord of Stife is all about the hot and cold sides of ourselves weaving together in perfect harmony only to be interrupted by a large obstacle. The rod in the middle has the symbol of Saturn on it, and what do you know, Saturn is on the move. It's fallen into the Sabian symbol of "children in Halloween costumes indulging in various pranks", and it will stay there until the 4th of July. As adults, we don't take childish pranks very seriously and we aren't effected in tumultuous ways. It's important for us to remember this right now. Fives are generally short lived issues and reflect on stars aligning. If you embrace stillness and peace you will open yourself up to the ancient widsom that is vibrating loudly today. There are insights to be had and light bulbs to be turned on, just try not to be distracted. You might see some kids tp-ing someone else's house, but know that that isn't really a big deal. No one's lives will be ruined by a childish prank like that, and even though things could feel hard right now, they will pass. It's all about focusing on your Manipura, the solar plexus chakra. Ask yourself: What is your ultimate goal in life? What was a time you overcame temptation? When was a time you adapted to unforeseen problems? When was a time you struggled to overcome an obstacle and succeeded? In the solar plexus rests our complicated emotions, fear, anger, anxiety, introversion, and personal power. Focus on your inner fire. Focus on your favorite things about living and add them to your schedule today. Take that black moon side of yourself and weave it with your light. Don't worry about the small inconsistencies that are popping up all over the place. Stay focused on you or passion and fire and today will be a breeze.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday, June 13th

We're in an interesting time Astrologically. The moon is in its balsamic phase, Neptune is retrograde, and we're nearing a powerful new moon. (There's more going on, but the relationship of these events and why the Hanged Man has come up is very relevant). Of course, each time we get closer to a new moon we pass through the balsamic moon phase, it's just the cycle. We enter a dream state and are able to focus on our hearts and lift any limitations that were bringing us down at the start of the month. Neptune in retrograde is very exciting. It heightens the activity between us and our third eyes, helps us to shed old paradigms that brought us down, and gives us strength to push forward into a new waking life. The Hanged Man has come up today as the next step in this phase of healing. It started yesterday, even though it could have been a hard day for some. Think back to what happened. In order for a healing process to start, the situations that take precedent come forward. If you weren't sure where to focus your attention, you might have been given a wake up call yesterday. Today you're to let the universe take over. The Hanged Man is pinned back and they're giving it all up to destiny. They have a snake at their head and feet signifying a restorative time in their lives. The cubes coming forth behind them are ancient wisdom passed down from the sixth dimension. It's knowledge you need for building inner strength and becoming exactly what you want to be and getting exactly what you want out of life. It's all in motion. Dream big! Even if it seems fantastical, dream it. Don't set any type of limitation on yourself anymore. After today there will be big manifestations occurring and the supernatural will be in full play. If you dream it, you'll do it!


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Freedom Friday

Congratulations everyone, Mercury has stationed direct! When a planet moves out of a period of retrograde, it appears to move forward in space. This personally effects each one of us in a myriad of ways. I suggest checking out and getting your free birth chart. See what sign Mercury is in for you, from there you can figure out what is being reborn into your life. (For example: Mercury sits in the sign of Libra for me, which will ignite my diplomacy and ability to see situations from every angle. My charm and communication are coming back and I will be able to think again. When Mercury was retrograde I had the hardest time making complete thoughts!) The Fool brings with it a newness and opportunity. We're being handed qualities of ourselves that were dormant, from the retrograde, and we're also gaining insight into our future. We've entered the last quarter moon phase and are gearing up for a tumultuous New Moon. It's going to bring magnificent highs and the lowest of lows. All we can do is listen to our intuition and do what's best for us, and luckily the Neptune retrograde that just started is on our side. Our intuitive nature is gaining strength and we need it now more than ever. The Fool comes up when we need to restructure our thought process and the way we're living our lives. It's the first card of the Major Arcana, it's numbered Zero. It's a non-gendered card because when you're reborn you are in complete balance. Your internal masculine/feminine, or yin/yang, is in complete harmony.  The figure on the card has earth, air, fire, and water all around them along with every zodiac. They're brand new and haven't been categorized or judged by anyone or anything yet. It's a chance for reinvention. You can take these next few days and really focus on this idea of rejuvenation. This waning crescent moon sets us up for removal of that which does not serve us, and now is the time to take advantage of this energy. Think about one of the main rules of the law of attraction: be what you want to attract. If you look up to someone, it's time to stop and it's time to become everything you like about them, but in your own way. It's time to fall in love with yourself and your life. The downside to the Fool is that we're now brand new and we have new eyes and a new heart. It's really easy to be taken advantage of or to make naive choices, but luckily our intuition is strong right now. Right now is a good time to build new constructive habits for yourself. The Fool wants you to choose the spiritual path and fulfill your heart, not just your wallet. Don't be a slave to money and minutes, they aren't why you're here. Embrace this new beginning and forge it with triumphs of your past to make you the complete life warrior you can be.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday, June 10th

There's an element of stability being brought into our lives today. The firey astrology is strong, and it's pushing us to accomplish goals and take on responsibilities. That's exactly what we need to do right now. It's a time to focus on squaring off our third dimensional existence and really pushing for  balance at home, in our jobs, and with our families. Some of us are still revising and aligning, but there's going to be a great change in those efforts today. We've been given an added energetic boost, note the orange surrounding our fort, and we're going to be able to make some breakthroughs today. The draw bridge is down and we're allowing communication to flow freely, finally! This card is all about structure and security. In each corner is the alchemical symbol for the elements, reminding us to establish cohesion in all aspects of our lives. Don't put all of your efforts in one area today. You've got the power to really focus on all facets of your life, put it to work! Build your fort from your heart chakra. Create this structure out of your passions and love for life. It will be so rewarding later! If you're unsure about any of these things, go outside. Any time disks show up they remind us that we need quiet moments connecting with nature to bring forth the answers we seek. Meditate outside, or sit under a tree if you're looking for guidance today, otherwise go go go! Go contribute to the day's spunky side!


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday June, 9th

Take a step back and survey your lands today. We've entered the third quarter moon phase and it's time to realign and revise. We're preparing and strengthening ourselves as we enter the higher consciousness 5th dimensional realm. Today is presenting challenges and feelings of failure, stronger than the past couple of days. All of these trials are encouraging us to crystallize old paradigms of our past and to move forward into a new flow of the future. Flow is the key word here. Let things happen and try not to control the day with manifestation or will. The Queen of the Thrones of Earth has come forward to encourage us to separate from our feelings and try to focus on the goals that fuel our fire. Our happiness is essential and it's the reason we're here. We're a part of creation and we've been given distinct differences from other human beings that make us special. Move forward with your passions, even if you feel that you are struggling in this endeavor and possibly suffering from defeat. You will come out triumphant. It might just be a matter of looking at the challenges with new eyes and from a different angle. The colors of this card are muted and that can be how we feel today, especially if you're lacking in sunshine like we are here in Maine. It's ok to feel this way, reserve your energy for overcoming these times of breakthrough and strife. This Queen has many moods and we're feeling the pull of our shadow side and others. We can sympathize with her duality, particularly in these times highlighted by Chiron and Black Moon Lilith. The Mars/Uranus sextile can insight three dimensional changes, like job, home, or work related changes. This Queen is here to let you know that if you balance yourself in these moments of great change you can be like her. You can be seated on a throne delegating all of the actions and changes instead of being an active sweaty participant. If you're having trouble with the day, take some time and connect with nature. It's on your side today. You're loved and will be taken care of if you let it happen.


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Monday June 8th

Every now and then my guides instruct me to pull two cards. The synchronicities surrounding the balance of light and dark moon sides of ourselves were too real for me yesterday (with Black Moon Lilith taking center stage), and I decided to pull a card specifically for the light within us and a card for the dark. Can you guess which card belongs with which side? (If you don't know anything about your black moon sign I highly recommend checking out the books section of In the appendix of the book on the black moon you'll find a chart that will tell you what zodiac sign your black moon is in, and in chapter two you'll find the meaning.) The dynamic of the new moon approaching is intense, and will only grow in that intensity as it nears. This new moon is powerful and brings a nurturing approach to life as well as destruction, much like the dark and light (yin/yang, sacred masculin/sacred feminine) within us. The Princess of Wands has shown up to provide balance and stability during this Pisces moon. It's easy to get caught up in fantasy and romance today, but the Princess has swooped in to ignite a fire. She's not afraid to go after what she wants and exudes confidence. She's got the tiger by the tail and she's sailing off into a world of excitement and glory. The dark side to this confidence is putting yourself on a pedestal. Don't get me wrong, you deserve to be there, but when you look down on others, literally as well as figuratively, the ego begins to take over. The Magician is only on the first step of a long journey and hasn't learned how to love self without casting judgement upon others. There are certainly people who aren't on your wavelength and that are vibrating below you, but they are simply on a different part of their journey and deserve the same respect as you. This, of course, doesn't mean you need to go around loving everyone. It's perfectly ok not to like someone. This is where our free will and our fire comes into play. It's our moral obligation to respect everyone, even if they're the beast we just finished taming. So while you gain skills and confidence and the learned behavior to conjure at will, remember how you got there, and remember how you felt when you were on step one of your journey. Balance the root of your body and the celestial nature of your crown today. Take some time to connect into the earth's core and let that light reach your crown, soar forward, and connect with source.


Sunday June 7

As we walk amongst the disseminating moon phase our minds are open and active. We're receiving new information and quick thinking. We're experiencing turbulence, but it's just adding to the rings on our human trunk-bodies. We're learning and getting wiser. It's beautiful! We have a day full of a void of course moon and Chrion striking down like lightening. Any self-doubt or failure you might feel today is to be taken as a learning experience. Think of your problem as a magic eye picture. Do you remember those? You had to stand and focus your eyes until you saw the image reveal itself to you. That's all these problems are, they're just hidden amongst a mass of color and fluff. Adjust your eyes, go outside, and breath in your answers. The Ace of Disks brings us back to nature. Connect with the roots underground and the birds up above.  Birds are high vibrational beings and their songs come straight to us from the 7th dimension, on this 7th day of June. Synchronicities are heightened during the disseminating moon phase. We're to pay attention to symbols and learn their meanings. If you open your heart, today could be a day where a door opens for you. Feel the cool air and the hot sun on your skin. Breath deep and pay attention to every ray shining down upon you. You're ready for this door to open, I just know it! Connect deep with your heart today. Listen closely and operate from there. This card is connected with your heart and solar plexus chakras, mostly. Lead with your heart and see where the day brings you. Sunday might be a typical day of rest for you, but this card is pushing you to stay active. Don't let any opportunities pass you by. It's a good day to do things you've been meaning to try, especially if it involves being outdoors. Ask a new person to go on a walk with you or take a new route on your way to the grocery store. Don't be afraid to activate change, it could certainly be in your best interest!


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday June 3rd

We've moved from the first card of the Wands suit to the last, in one day! That's an indication of what the energy is going to be like right up until the New Moon this month. Expect major changes in these next two weeks. For some of you, those changes will happen today. Because the moon is void of course all day, it's in your best interest not to finalize anything, but Sagittarius and Aries are here to set the wheels in motion. The wands in this card are fast moving and full of powerful energy. We're still feeling the pull from the full moon yesterday, and many of us are having major spiritual revolutions. That is a theme that will continue in the upcoming weeks. We're gaining insight to digress and separate away from ego and into a thread of altered consciousness. We're forming new patterns and making choices that, not only fulfill our heart and soul, but give us a weightlessness. We're ascending into a new area of being and all that we've packed is kindness and love. Over the past 6 months we've woven the perfect tapestry of goals, dreams, and ideals, and they are finally getting ready to hang on the wall. Stay the course, even if today feels tough. Remember who you are and what you need to light your fire. The two oppressive spears laying over our dream-weave(r) are material accumulation and selfish acts for personal gain. As things begin to get better for us it's easy to get caught up in 3-dimensional ideas of having things and wanting more, because now we're able to get it. We aren't at the top of any totem pole yet, and there's still work to do. There's still plenty of room for failure if we cloud our vibration with obstinacy, envy, and malice. Embrace the gravitational pull from the galactic helping hands and free your field of ill-will, lies, and narrow-minded thoughts. Revenge is a step backwards and we're turning on a wheel that won't stop for any personal vendetta. Stay focused and roll along into heart consciousness and enlightenment.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Full Moon Tuesday

Fire sign full moon, fire sign card. Today is highly charged and we're feeling it in the base of our bodies. Root yourself deeply in the earth and ignite those first, second, and third chakras. The Ace of Wands brings something new within us. This is a card deeply concerned about our morals, inner fire, and that basic gut feeling that guides us. With the sun in Gemini and the moon in Sagittarius, we're going to be doing a lot of self exploration. The Mercury retrograde has opened doors of our past and we're unlocking secrets about ourselves that tap into the very fiber of our being. We're getting deep into our Dna codes and finding out what our true structure is all about. Full moon's are always good for tapping into other dimensions, the veil is at its thinnest, and for taking some time to be with yourself. Fire and earth rule the first two dimensions. They're about accessing our core and feeling the blood pump through our veins. Deep breaths are important today because with this fire power comes firey attitudes. Mars is coming forward in a big way, so some of us could find ourselves angry for no reason. Try to lead with your light. The Ace is a torch and it's here to remind us that we all have the power to light the way. Show others out of darkness and into the higher consciousness that we're experiencing. From now until the new moon it's s good idea to work on who we are as multidimensional beings. Explore your elevated magic through meditation, astral travel, channeling, divinations, past life exploration, and crystal healing. Open your chakras to the Platonic solids. Keep an open heart and locate/be with your star/soul family. They are important in your life and you travel together for a reason. The astrology is lending itself to truly opening up and finding that purpose for all of the synchronicities in your life. The telluric realm is working overtime during this full moon and absorbing a lot of the things that do not serve us in our lives. Expect big changes over the course of the next two weeks and let them/push them to take place. We're active beings on this path and only guided by the universe. Follow your course and go get what you need. Make an updated list of what isn't serving your best interest in your life anymore and burn it today. This will not only help the second dimension, but it will put motion throughout the fourth that you're ready to be walking amongst higher realms. Work with sacred geometry to really open up your soul to the 6th and 7th dimension and work with your newly acquired skills toward ascension. Listen to music that makes you feel passionate and hone in on what ignites your soul. Keep the fire burning bright within you today. You're a beacon of individuality and spirt and a true inspiration to many!


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Magic Sunday

Have you heard the Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj song "Feeling Myself"? That was the theme of Saturday and it continues into today. Love yourself! It's all well and good to practice kindness and love to others, but if you continue to cast judgement on yourself, how can you expect that energy to stay hidden? The way you feel about yourself radiates onto others and perpetuates the energy that lives in your life. You are a strong light warrior, and you're AMAZING! The world would be dark and dismal without you, so FEEL YOURSELF! The Magician certainly knows that they're amazing, and can get a little caught up in the fact, but they recognize their true skills and talents and fully utilize them to manifest desires at will. The Magus, or Magician, is the second card in the Major Arcana. This is a person who can conjure any and all of their needs, as I mentioned. They have figured out how to manipulate the fabric of the 3rd dimension and they use it for their benefit. This person has grown from being the naive Fool to having magick powers. They haven't transcended their ego yet and still have a lot of growing to do on their spiritual path, but they are strong and can do great things for their world, just like YOU! Chiron is doing a lot of work to help us take on these qualities and make major changes in our lives this weekend. It can be physical or changes in mentality. There's a lot of healing and learning happening for us, as always when Chrion makes a presence, but it's overstated and bold today. This comes as a breather during all of the miscommunications happening during this retrograde. Use the power of the Magus and Chiron to take a big step toward your dreams. Push forward. Remain open to the lessons and trust in the astrology. We're still waxing Gibbous which brings a lot of magic (ahem, the Magician!) and reminds us to trust in our destiny (ahem, a major arcana card guiding you under the stars!). There's wisdom being set inside of us, breath deep and listen. The snakes above the Magician let us know that they have great powers that can be used for healing and helping, they just need to get off of their pedestal and pay attention to people who need them. If someone needs you today, take a minute and listen. Really listen. They are amongst the retrograde also and there's a good chance that they haven't been heard in a while. The cautionary tale of the Magician is that they're a person people reach out to, but they aren't always paying attention. They are very distracted by how powerful and magickal they are. They live on top of a pedestal and we mustn't let ourselves fall into our ego. It's a third dimensional mindset that is perpetuated by the moon and the retrograde. It doesn't mean you're selfish, and it's certainly nothing to beat yourself up over. The stars are just making communication very difficult and sometimes we don't pay attention to the people that need us most. There are many planets working with us today. Take a breath and know that the universe is on your side. If you can make it work, take charge and go with the flow at the same time. The Magician wants you to know that you have a place in destiny and the answers are within you.


Thursday, May 28, 2015


We've entered the Gibbous moon phase, which brings us into a time of trust in the universe and magic within ourselves. There are some challenging planets at work today, and the card isn't any easier. Our belief in ourselves will be tested, but you're so strong! Today will be a piece of cake! The Lord of Defeat comes up when we let the darkness overtake our light. Mercury squares Neptune which can bring forth some uncertainty and lead you astray. This could be the cause of us feeling that darkness and jealousy within, but it's not something we need to let live within us. Let those feelings rise up through your body and cast them out! This card wants you to strengthen your mind. Working on releasing those fears and judgements is the first step. Don't let these negative thoughts take root. Notice the star upsidedown. This is a warning of the darkness within us growing. All we have to do is squash it. The rose outlining the card is torn to pieces. It's time to replant seeds of happiness, particularly towards others. We must be happy when others succeed and happy to know successful people. Successful people have a high vibration and you will raise yours just by being around them. Be a cheering squad for others today. Chances are, you know someone who is going to need some advice today. Lift them up! Congratulate someone on their achievements and know that yours are coming. Timing is about alignment and when it's our turn, everything will happen for us. Don't wallow in feelings of loss. You may have tried something and failed, but figure out what you've learned from the situation. No, you didn't learn not to try. That's not actually a lesson because if you stop trying things your energy will become stagnant and you'll live in a world of lack. Focus on the strength you now have and try something else. Use your heart and your crown chakra to really focus on how to make your dream succeed and move on from there. You have all of the strength you need to move forward in love and light. Stay strong today! 


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thursday, May 28th

The image on the card is a great visual paired with the astrology for the day. It's airy, every air sign is working its magic, and social. The communication with others reaches a high point during this retrograde and we're encouraged to work together. The Lord of Prudence has come up to be a parental figure in our lives. It wants us to try to remain grounded. It's going to be easy to get swept up in adventures and excitement today, but the retrograde isn't over. Be cautious in spending money and making decisions, but not too cautious. **wink wink** Have a little fun today, you deserve it! This card showed up for us on the 5th of this month and it's cycling back around again. Back at the beginning of the month this card was all about making choices and choosing a path (I encourage you to read that day as well), but today it has a different feel. It's exciting to watch the cards move with the planets isn't it!? Today this card is our dad telling us that we don't need a new wardrobe and to make our bed before leaving the house. It's really focused on being responsible and tending to routines. As an air sign, I typically despise routine, but when it's in place to better your body and mind, I think it's necessary. I have one of my own and my guides are always telling me to stick with it. My mentality and body have become stronger than ever and I'm ready to accept those responsibilities with ease. Creating a system like this for yourself is a good idea. Talk with your friends and get some ideas. For me, I dance for 1-2 hours, take a shower, meditate, pull the card of the day, and read for 1-2 hours then bed. Think of ways to enrich your life and strengthen your core by doing what you love, and drink more water. As the sun gains it's strength our water consumption must rise to keep us functioning properly. We'll see this card come up again. It's an 8 and they often cycle throughout our lives bringing healthy reminders and little bits of wisdom. The transmission today came through with this card in a big way. Develop healthy routines. It will help strengthen your connection with source and you'll feel like a true warrior of life! Have fun out there today!


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wednesday the Healer

It was roughly 10 days ago we saw this number 10 card of the major arcana. What has transpired for you in that period of time? Have you noticed any doors closing or opening? What were you doing at 10:10 today? Have you had any revelations or new ways of thinking about an old problem? You may notice situations coming full circle today. If you were the figure falling off of the wheel two weeks ago, you're climbing back on now. Many of us are the figure at the top. We're holding our sword and it's penetrating into the higher dimensions. The sword is representative of our consciousness and the openness of our mind. Keep strengthening your relationship with the higher self. This way, when the wheel rotates and you're the figure on the bottom, you're strong enough to hold on tight. The Venus Chiron trine helps us to push forward with kindness and love in our relationships. Chiron is the planet of wounding, healing, and teaching. It wants us to revisit everything that has been going on with our interpersonal relationships. Resolve anything that's unsettling or move on in a new direction. The wheel and the first quarter moon want us to keep moving. Don't rest where you left off at yesterday. Push forward onto the next step. You're a being of light and your goals and dreams are important! The moon is void for the better half of the day, so if you have to make any major life altering decisions, it's best to wait until after 5ish today, if you can. Luckily Mars has come into play and communication isn't as off kilter as it tends to be during a Mercury retrograde. The bolts of lightning connecting the bottom of the card to the higher dimension are orange because the second chakra is activated, especially with the activity we're seeing from Venus. Have some pomegranate today. It will help balance you out and activate intuition and receptivity. It will help you tune into the emotions of others and might make it easier to interact today. Even if you're naturally empathic, the pomegranate will stir up your passion for life. With or without the flower, you might find yourself open to change and feeling empowered today. Go with it! Ride the wheel into new opportunities and abundance!


Tuesday 3, 13

In a transmission via meditation, I was told to pull a card of the day and an opposition card of the day for today. In this first quarter moon phase we have Death as our leader and the Lord of Abundance as our obstacle. Before you read any further, look at the cards and their names. What's your first impression? Are you worried, or are you confident in this omen? Your reaction to these cards is significant in your mental thought process and your reliance in the universe. Release your worries and enter every day with confidence. Death is about cutting those chords of apprehension so you can open new doors. Notice the skeleton ruthlessly running at those ropes with the cythe. The geometry of the chords is tied to every doubt you've ever had and is separating you from flowing freely with those swirling angelic people in the background of the card. This is symbolic of our heavy work week and every aspect of your life that takes you away from following your dreams and living through passion. The moon is about taking action right now. CUT THOSE CHORDS. Tom Robbins once wrote, "Somewhere in the archives of the crudest instinct is recorded the truth that it is better to be endangered and free than captive and comfortable." In a modern world our strings are attached to certain comforts and things. Our views of abundance are born into us askew, and it's the perfect time to reroute our wiring. The Mars/Neptune square is carrying over from yesterday and it's giving us an added boost for introspection and spiritual awakening. Take a moment to learn what bounty means to you. What are the things you can't live without? I can tell you right now that your iPhone isn't the answer to that question. How do you appreciate your relationships with others? Do you have a community of support behind you? Do you need one? The suit of cups highlights the relationships we cherish in our life. It brings forth the notion that the relationships we have are our most treasured possession and that we've veered off of our true path. There has been a lot of realigning amongst our most respected relationships as of late and the astrology continues to support this. There's an important personal empowerment happening and the adjustment is contributing to our higher consciousness awakening. By no means am I saying reach out to friends and make changes, were in the middle of a Virgo moon and Mercury retrograde. It's not the best time for communication. This is an internal process for now. The verbal action will come later. Right now it's a good time to look ahead, see who keeps coming up in your life, and think of the new people entering it. It's not a time to look at the past and remember old times of happiness. Our memories aren't the fuel of the future. They were lessons and the progress for who we've become. We're moving forward with our star families and finding deep connections in unexpected places. Three cycles through both of these cards. Three brings growth, expansion, past-present-future, self-expression, and manifestation. The three specifically relates to the ascended masters and comes up when we need to be reminded to find the divine spark within ourselves. Reach out to your guides to help you find peace, clarity, and love of yourself. Three is the number of Tuesday, and it's time to take these actions. 


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Light worker reset Sunday

How are you feeling today? There was a lot of work happening throughout the galaxies yesterday and a lot of us felt physical ailments due to these changes. The work bringing our minds into the 5th dimension is reaching an all time peak. If you feel a lot of negativity surfacing within you, ears ringing, menstrual cycles out of whack, aches and pains for no reason, etc, know that it's the light working through your body in a very intense manner. This is why the Lord of Sorrow has surfaced today. This card has come up to remind you that you have a light, represented by the flower on the card, that can withstand any of this discourse or miscommunication that's happening in your life right now. Take caution in finding pleasures in material goods. It's best to work through the troubles in your relationships then focus on monetary promises because that will lead you down a very selfish road. We're still in the crescent moon phase which will always bring up challenges and we're to pick our battles. Figure out what matters most in your life right now and push through this interruption in flow. The astrology is on your side. It's highlighting new relationships and strength in many existing ones. Focus on that yellow flower within, and turn it into light. Accept these troubling times as a challenge that will strengthen you and keep the people who vibrate highest in your life. Focus on brain strengthening exercises like meditation or a simple game of scrabble today.


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday May 23rd

The Sun plays with the Leo moon in perfect harmony today. Instead of going with the flow, like yesterday, today is a day to take charge! Feel inspired, listen to music that lights you up, celebrate with friends, go outside, get your errands accomplished, and live! It's a big weekend Astrologically. Uranus is finalizing the Sabian symbol of "a magic carpet ride" and we're to pay attention to actions, symbols, and events because they're foreshadowing our future. It's a good idea to write down anything of importance to you this weekend, you'll see it come up again. This is a rare opportunity for us light workers and way-showers. We're given the ability to widen our scope and see into coincidences and happenings as guides for our future. The major arcana cards, which the Sun is one of them, signify destiny and are advisors on our shoulders. They're our chaperone in the jr high prom of our life. They know when we're dancing too close to someone or when the punch is spiked. The Sun cautions you against feeling like you're at the end of a cycle or phase of your life. It's number 19 and reduces to 10, and it can bring feelings of finishing big works and stages. This is no time for coasting! What happens when the sun's rays stay in one area for too long? It burns! Keep the Leo moon attitude that I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Keep accomplishing and celebrating your life. Keep living! If you had plans to be lazy today, it's time to reschedule. At the very least, be lazy outside. You'll feel better. If you feel yourself brought down by events today, know that it's old energy trying to take a last grasp at control. As we shed these paradigms of the past, they resurface from time to time because they aren't leaving without a fight. Think of it as the man trying to keep you down. Just hone in on your activities today and do things that you would want to reoccur. You've been given a golden opportunity to grasp and take control of your future. Imagine everything you do today and tomorrow is repeated a week from now, make it count! (You're sitting in the directors chair of the movie Groundhog Day) If you have to work all weekend, be thankful of the paycheck and don't let it get you down. Make the hours you're not punched in count for everything they are. Don't let work tire you out this weekend, be bigger, and brush it off. Give your hobbies ample time because they could grow larger than your day job by the time the energy comes back around at us. You could find yourself getting paid to work on them! Let the Sun light up your soul!


Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday May 22nd

With the moon running its void of course cycle and Mercury deep into the retrograde, today is best for routine. Springing changes on others, or trying a new way won't work out the way you plan. The obstacles outweigh the efforts. Pulling a four is a great representation of how we should embrace this void/retrograde combo with fries. Picture a square. All sides are equal to one another and the structure is stable. This specific card has the alchemical symbol for each of the elements in the corners keeping that stability at the forefront. Earth, air, fire, and water have reached a pinnacle and are flowing evenly through the vibrational current. Keep it simple, keep it steady. The firey energy present around the fort is representative of the sun opposite Saturn today. Tempers could spike and you could easily trigger the moody side of someone. Just stay grounded. Keep breathing deeply and instead of igniting your fire, tap into the earth's core. Find that red root chakra, orange sacral chakra, and yellow solar plexus. Work them until you don't even notice those hot heads around you anymore. Those three chakras represent creativity, abundance, and empowerment, which happens to be the overall theme of this card. Get outside and listen to the birds. Quiet your mind until the orange and yellow are all around you. For the first time in a while we're not to focus on our relationships with others. We're to bring the power back within ourselves and focus on being warriors of life. When Disks come up (the earth suit) we're always reminded to get back to nature. Once we connect with the air, abundance will naturally come next. Once we start realizing how lovely our lives are we begin to feel empowered, and from there your chakras come into alignment. Tonight the lion comes out to play and the air lightens up a little bit. Remember, many of us are reaping the rewards from the Lord of Power, so try not to get into any ego wars. That Leo moon can make our head swell for sure! Keep your successes to yourself for now, they're not done growing yet!


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday the 21st

This card was a surprise to me! The day has such watery energy, I expected something from the Cups suit, but that's part of the thought process for the day. Don't place expectations. The sun is located at the Sabian symbol of "a glass bottomed boat revealing the wonders of the ocean", and it's giving us some insight into our future paths. The early half of the day will be dreamy and ethereal, like your happily floating underwater. You can choose to embrace this energy or not to take part in it. However your instincts are lighting up is right for you. Today is all about learning. No projecting onto others, or having specific thoughts on how the day is going to go. Many of us are having deep revelations and it's important to let that process flow. The High Priestess is a magnificent card full of duality and galactic power. She channels fifth dimensional energy well and opens our hearts to romanticism, light, and wonder. The biggest problem with her showing up on such a fantastical day, is that we're easily swept away. This card isn't rooted deeply into the core, and neither is the astrology. Go with it! Tap into your third eye and crown chakras today. If you haven't been able to contact your guides or gain insight into your path, today is a great day to start! There's a whole process being set into motion via the planets today, (check out for a detailed description), but by tonight you will have realized desires, felt effects from past intentions, noticed an alignment in process, and felt the magical wonder of what life can truly be. Today is truly a day for magic. With an upcoming void of course moon fitting neatly inside the Mercury retrograde, it will be best to put off any major decision making today. Let the process flow. For some of you, this will come as hard transitions and realizations about your current relationships, but that's ok. The process into higher consciousness can be tough because so many of us have been trapped in old paradigms that don't work anymore. We have to shed our old skin and walk into the light. This involves training our minds and our eyes to see, instead of shielding them with sunglasses. The more open you become, the higher you will vibrate. High vibrational beings are open to all of the abundances this earth has to offer, and you can truly live a life amongst the stars. The Priestess of the Silver Star is here to provide you with the magical insight, push, and drive you need to move forward on your journey. For those of you who are very earth bound and grounded, try not to be frustrated by others today. Take a lot of deep breaths and work on your patience. Our minds will come back to earth shortly!


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Warrior Wednesday May 20th

The energy of the day is low and dominated by planets shifting and preparing for a big day tomorrow. We are already feeling their effects, and the King of the Spirits of Fire has swooped in to ignite us. There will be a tendency toward being lazy and slow moving today, but we're encouraged not to give in. The slow moving waters of Cancer are pressing on us and emotions are stirring. The Knight of Wands' fire outweighs this watery energy, especially with Mars making shifts. Have you noticed I've been pulling a lot of court cards lately? It's because many of our relationships are changing faces and are being given new meanings. The fire inside of us shines brighter when these new alignments have been made, but it can be tough going to get there. You'll be seeing the true light shine through people, and even though it may appear as darkness, it's actually bettering your life. With that being said, you must realize the magnitude and level this is happening on. This isn't just happening to you. It's occurring within your peers and friends, meaning, some people will be seeing you in a new light. You may have to lay some hard truths upon others, or you may let some people down who used to count on you. This is all ok. Think of the analogy of the seed. It has to be covered in dirt and darkness in order to grow and sprout forth, but once it emerges, it's potential is limitless! While existing relationships are changing, you may find yourself meeting new people. Our soul/galactic families are aligning. People born from the same star systems are finding each other, and those you travel with from life to life are back with you. The reds and yellows of the card remind us that it's a good day to be barefoot for a while. Be rooted in the earth, even if your mind feels miles away. This will help keep the balance even if things feel turbulent. The crescent moon comes forth tomorrow, and typically this brings challenges and obstacles. Right now it's coming forward as a test. All of the intentions you've placed for the new moon are going to be tested for about a week. This is simply for you to prove how much these ideals/gifts mean to you. If you keep driving toward them, even when it seems like it might not have been the right choice, you will have passed. Even if you don't "pass the test" you'll know that, maybe that just wasn't the right path for you to be taking in the first place. You might feel this starting today, because like I said, the energy for tomorrow is strong and we're feeling it pull at us already. The Lord of the Flame and the Lightning encourages you to get on that horse and ride steady into your dreams! 


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mercury Retrograde Tuesday

The Mercury Retrograde, mixed with the square Uranus is involved in, is making for some big changes in relationships this month. We're going to be tested over and over again, people will be showing their true colors, and you'll have a new view of many relationships in your life. This is all happening because we're moving closer to higher consciousness and the being the best version of ourselves. The Princess of Cups from yesterday is still holding some influence over today. Engaging with your community and group projects is favored. Support your peers and they will offer you support as well. The Lord of Strength comes up today because it's important to keep your best interests at heart. If the group project strays from what you believe in, you need to speak up or abandon the group. It's ok to serve your higher interests. We're trying to engage the light within us now more than ever. You'll notice the center wand of the card has the sun at the top and the moon at the bottom. All of the new revelations you'll be experiencing within others can be happening inside of yourself as well. We're amongst big changes and growth in all of our lives. This includes balancing your brightness with your shadow. The moon is at the bottom of the wand because it's especially important to ground the shadow side of yourself. It's not enough just to accept it anymore. Make peace with it and hone in on it with your root chakra. Engage your darkness in learned wisdom and strength. Tara, the goddess of guidance, is with us during this new lunar month. She's offering support during these epic times of change. It's a good time to read up on crescent moon cycles. It will give you an idea for what to expect this month. This month it will feel like we're in the crescent moon phase and it's amplified by this card. The wands are arrows pointed at us, but instead of feathers and points, it's all crescent moons. This card is number 9 in the suit of wands and points our attention directly at the 9th dimension. This dimension lives in the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. It filters information down through the rest of the layers in sound and light waves, sacred geometry, and in love and kindness. Pull the parts of you to your center, draw your feelings and experiences right into your core. Feel the completeness/emptiness and experience your whole existence. Once you're compact, expand your breathing and expand your being. Notice how these differences affect the feelings and thoughts within. Did you come to a place of silence? Were you a magnet and pulling things in that you didn't know were there to begin with? That is part of the galactic center and it's part of the ascension process. Knowing yourself completely is going to keep coming up over and over this month. Be strong in your convictions, but listen to critisisms. It's time to be open to growth and to deal with the changing world around us. That which does not serve is forcefully cutting ties with you right now and could cause drama, but embrace the Lord of Strength and you'll make it through.