Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thursday, May 28th

The image on the card is a great visual paired with the astrology for the day. It's airy, every air sign is working its magic, and social. The communication with others reaches a high point during this retrograde and we're encouraged to work together. The Lord of Prudence has come up to be a parental figure in our lives. It wants us to try to remain grounded. It's going to be easy to get swept up in adventures and excitement today, but the retrograde isn't over. Be cautious in spending money and making decisions, but not too cautious. **wink wink** Have a little fun today, you deserve it! This card showed up for us on the 5th of this month and it's cycling back around again. Back at the beginning of the month this card was all about making choices and choosing a path (I encourage you to read that day as well), but today it has a different feel. It's exciting to watch the cards move with the planets isn't it!? Today this card is our dad telling us that we don't need a new wardrobe and to make our bed before leaving the house. It's really focused on being responsible and tending to routines. As an air sign, I typically despise routine, but when it's in place to better your body and mind, I think it's necessary. I have one of my own and my guides are always telling me to stick with it. My mentality and body have become stronger than ever and I'm ready to accept those responsibilities with ease. Creating a system like this for yourself is a good idea. Talk with your friends and get some ideas. For me, I dance for 1-2 hours, take a shower, meditate, pull the card of the day, and read for 1-2 hours then bed. Think of ways to enrich your life and strengthen your core by doing what you love, and drink more water. As the sun gains it's strength our water consumption must rise to keep us functioning properly. We'll see this card come up again. It's an 8 and they often cycle throughout our lives bringing healthy reminders and little bits of wisdom. The transmission today came through with this card in a big way. Develop healthy routines. It will help strengthen your connection with source and you'll feel like a true warrior of life! Have fun out there today!


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