Monday, May 4, 2015

May the 4th be with You

Today is a day of growth, particularly through hardship. When a Queen comes up you can expect actions to be taken. This is the Queen of the Thrones of the Earth, or Queen of Disks. She's looking out at the land she cares for and is seated on a throne of grass with Capricorn by her side. She is all about keeping a watchful eye over friends, family, home, and job security. Today isn't set up to be a breezy easy day astrologicially and its important we spend some time outside. Take off your shoes and put your feet in the grass and survey your lands. When you get outside it will be a good time to think about the next steps you need to take and what that means for you. What did you learn from the full moon? Did it present any new ideas or way of thinking? We're supposed to let go of things we've held onto for too long today, and think over our next steps. If you can take action towards your destiny, do it! The sun is on your side! Utilize the secure nature of this Queen and create a place where you, your friends, and family can go to think and get away from it all. Maybe it's your backyard. It could be the perfect day for gardening, uncovering the grill, and getting out the lawn chairs. One thing is for certain, you need a comfortable place to think today. Introspect will go a long way in these next few weeks.


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