Sunday, May 10, 2015

Monday, May 11th

The journey comtinues! Since Friday we've been exploring our higher consciousness through our brain and we've been raising our thought vibration. We started off young and without much power as the Prince of Swords, and through divine intervention (the Chariot and Emperor) we have grown into the Knight. We've listened to our guides and now it's time to pass on the knowledge and have conversations. Open up today. The moon is void for most of the day, so it's not a great day to focus on business anyway. Talk about your light and feelings, see how others are handling the second Renaissance and the explosive energy that's accompanied it. Don't take today too seriously and try not to make too many plans. It's a good day to keep it light and go with the flow. This isn't typical of Knights, particularly this airy swords fellow. He's charging forth and making stuff happen. He has two swords drawn and is ready for anything that comes his way. The influence of Chinnamasta has opened our minds and we've started to set less limitations for ourselves. It's entirely possible you'll be walking unfamiliar ground soon. If you've been meditating, great! Keep it up! We're very receptive right now and it's a good time to breath deep and listen for guidance. The Knight hears the message they must deliver and takes off on a journey to deliver it. This involves opening up lines of communication, listening, and seeing situations from everyone's point of view. We must remain balanced and focused. This card wants us to make sure our solar plexus, heart, and crown chakra don't become blocked or overbearing. Root yourself in the earth today.


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