Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wednesday the Healer

It was roughly 10 days ago we saw this number 10 card of the major arcana. What has transpired for you in that period of time? Have you noticed any doors closing or opening? What were you doing at 10:10 today? Have you had any revelations or new ways of thinking about an old problem? You may notice situations coming full circle today. If you were the figure falling off of the wheel two weeks ago, you're climbing back on now. Many of us are the figure at the top. We're holding our sword and it's penetrating into the higher dimensions. The sword is representative of our consciousness and the openness of our mind. Keep strengthening your relationship with the higher self. This way, when the wheel rotates and you're the figure on the bottom, you're strong enough to hold on tight. The Venus Chiron trine helps us to push forward with kindness and love in our relationships. Chiron is the planet of wounding, healing, and teaching. It wants us to revisit everything that has been going on with our interpersonal relationships. Resolve anything that's unsettling or move on in a new direction. The wheel and the first quarter moon want us to keep moving. Don't rest where you left off at yesterday. Push forward onto the next step. You're a being of light and your goals and dreams are important! The moon is void for the better half of the day, so if you have to make any major life altering decisions, it's best to wait until after 5ish today, if you can. Luckily Mars has come into play and communication isn't as off kilter as it tends to be during a Mercury retrograde. The bolts of lightning connecting the bottom of the card to the higher dimension are orange because the second chakra is activated, especially with the activity we're seeing from Venus. Have some pomegranate today. It will help balance you out and activate intuition and receptivity. It will help you tune into the emotions of others and might make it easier to interact today. Even if you're naturally empathic, the pomegranate will stir up your passion for life. With or without the flower, you might find yourself open to change and feeling empowered today. Go with it! Ride the wheel into new opportunities and abundance!


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