Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday May 12th

Today we're the Lord of our Dominion. With so much watery energy in the skies, it's important to access our fire and take control of the day. It's not going to be easy. The Pisces moon is strong and creates some of the most beautiful dream worlds to escape into, but there isn't much time for this.  We've entered the Third Quarter moon phase and it's all about taking stock of what we've learned since the past new moon, and in the couple of weeks that have past since the full moon. It's time to remember the symbols, the lessons, the people who have been there, and the role those people have had in your life/vice versa. The two of Wands is all about taking control. It wants you to implement your free will and make choices. The catch, there's always a catch isn't there, is that this freedom of choice changes our lives drastically. It pushes and pulls us away from goals, our path, and even our soul fulfilling destiny. You'll always end up back on the path you're meant to be on, but sometimes the choices you make can veer you off into a bumpy existence that effects you for years. This is why it's so important to review the past lunar month right now. Write it all down. We're approaching the time when we'll be planting seeds for next month, and it's best to make the most educated/smart intentions you can. You want to push off into the stars! Chinnamasta has been with us all month long, encouraging us to expand our minds, and to see things from a new perspective. By the end of the month you should have this talent. You should have a new view of past situations that are still in play. Be very mindful of how you're going to use this knowledge. The intentions you put in place need to only effect you. It's important you let others' will enter their lives and let the planets play out for them as well. We're all going through the same things, we just live on different timelines and through separate eyes. August 24th marks the end of the rebirth cycle. If you feel like things aren't happening for you as I write them, it's ok. Again, we're all on different time lines. I might pull a card for opportunity tomorrow, but it might not happen for you until two weeks from now. The planets interact with us all differently. What's important are the steps we must take to reach the higher ground. They might happen on different days for us all, but it's important that they happen. All of the mind exercises, the breathing for your soul, the armor you wear, these are all things that are helping you enter this second spiritual Renaissance with the most inner power you can. So, show that Pisces moon who's boss and get stuff done today. Don't just live in the moment, BE the moment, take charge of that moment! You have the power!


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