Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Warrior Wednesday May 20th

The energy of the day is low and dominated by planets shifting and preparing for a big day tomorrow. We are already feeling their effects, and the King of the Spirits of Fire has swooped in to ignite us. There will be a tendency toward being lazy and slow moving today, but we're encouraged not to give in. The slow moving waters of Cancer are pressing on us and emotions are stirring. The Knight of Wands' fire outweighs this watery energy, especially with Mars making shifts. Have you noticed I've been pulling a lot of court cards lately? It's because many of our relationships are changing faces and are being given new meanings. The fire inside of us shines brighter when these new alignments have been made, but it can be tough going to get there. You'll be seeing the true light shine through people, and even though it may appear as darkness, it's actually bettering your life. With that being said, you must realize the magnitude and level this is happening on. This isn't just happening to you. It's occurring within your peers and friends, meaning, some people will be seeing you in a new light. You may have to lay some hard truths upon others, or you may let some people down who used to count on you. This is all ok. Think of the analogy of the seed. It has to be covered in dirt and darkness in order to grow and sprout forth, but once it emerges, it's potential is limitless! While existing relationships are changing, you may find yourself meeting new people. Our soul/galactic families are aligning. People born from the same star systems are finding each other, and those you travel with from life to life are back with you. The reds and yellows of the card remind us that it's a good day to be barefoot for a while. Be rooted in the earth, even if your mind feels miles away. This will help keep the balance even if things feel turbulent. The crescent moon comes forth tomorrow, and typically this brings challenges and obstacles. Right now it's coming forward as a test. All of the intentions you've placed for the new moon are going to be tested for about a week. This is simply for you to prove how much these ideals/gifts mean to you. If you keep driving toward them, even when it seems like it might not have been the right choice, you will have passed. Even if you don't "pass the test" you'll know that, maybe that just wasn't the right path for you to be taking in the first place. You might feel this starting today, because like I said, the energy for tomorrow is strong and we're feeling it pull at us already. The Lord of the Flame and the Lightning encourages you to get on that horse and ride steady into your dreams! 


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