Sunday, July 12, 2015

Monday, July 13th

Last night around 11 the Sun squared Uranus and it's bringing a great force of change. The focus of the day is far away from the root chakra because we're to expect the unexpected. Uranus can stir up much in your life, but the focus will surround activities from the weekend. Fri-Sun brought a cosmic force with it that we'll see repeating throughout the rest of the year. There were influences from dreams, adventure, love, and passion. This change is focused on your heart and steams from your pulse. What makes your heart jump? What makes you excited? The Two of Cups is focused on partnership, but the most pure and healthy form of partnership. This card is all about two strong parts coming together to make an even stronger whole. Often when we pair up with someone, especially romantically, we spend most of our time with them and loose a piece of ourselves. This card comes forward to remind us what attracted us to that person in the first place, and that it's essential to maintain our individuality if we want to have a strong duo. The main lotus in the center represents the relationship pouring love and light into the two individuals. It can be hard to be this way when one enters into a relationship with someone, but nothing good is ever easy. When things become easy we appreciate them less. Strengthen an important relationship today. Most likely that means, don't actually hang out with your partner, unless you already have been strengthening through separation, then today could be the perfect day to celebrate how awesome each of you is to one another. We're really feeling the effects of Uranus today.  This planet wants us to see something differently and will drop it in your lap if it has to. Who knows, maybe this information is exactly what you needed to be reminded of. You're super strong and are a powerful individual. You don't need a partnership to validate your personal being. If you already know this and live by that code, maybe today is a good day to let down some walls. Let someone who matters to you get a little closer. The Gemini moon is teamed with firey planets in Leo making this a great day to connect with friends, partners, and lovers. Gemini raises a lot of talk about duality, along with the number two featured on our card. Apply a little extra balance where needed today.


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