Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mon, January 31st, Enter the Rooster

The Tower is one of those cards that people dread. It is a card from the Major Arcana bringing forth rapid change, and often destruction. It's kicking off our week, and kicking off the year of the Rooster. The Rooster is ushering in light and new opportunities. We are waking up. That's what a rooster is known for, right? It's known for waking us up with the sun. The sun harnesses a lot of Yang energy, and, as you can see, this card does as well. It's interesting this card comes up today, because today happens to be lead by Neptune and Pisces, dreamers. We're in a waking state, and there's no time for dreaming today. We need to focus on grounding ourselves. The Tower is here to bring up all of the changes happening with Pluto. We are on a life changing course, and a lot is being shaken and broken up for us right now. Towers are crashing down everywhere, but the most important ones are the towers that build walls between us and our neighbors. Break down barriers! Its time for community, and it's time to work together. We are entering the Age of Aquarius, and it's time for revolution! Pluto rules the root chakra, and it's a force of transformation. This is our focus for the week: Transformation. We have a lot of internal change ahead, and it's very exciting. The biggest, and hardest, change we will be going through is the death of ego. That's why the Tower has shown up today. That's why it's here on a day we're so easily in our own heads and up in the stars. We are to burn our ego to the ground. Nothing is personal. Nothing that occurs is about one person. We are a collective. No more division. There are no real categories, sections, walls, boundaries, etc. We must unite as neighbors, cities, states, nations, and as one earth. For now, we will start with ourselves. We will start with what we can control directly. We will break down all the walls of our own ego and set it on fire! When our feet feel firmly on the ground, only then is it safe for our minds to float off into the stars.


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