Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday, February 5, 2017

The end of January hit us with Saturn placing pressure on a lot of different signs. We're feeling this a little extra right now as Mercury moves through the ruling signs of Saturn. I'm not gonna lie, Saturn is a turd. It's the hardship bringer, the lesson-teacher. Everything that Saturn brings forth is a harsh lesson, that, ultimately, makes us better people, but it sucks to go through. If you have a lot of Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, or Virgo in your chart, you could be feeling this in a number of ways right now. The 10 of Wands can act as a roadblock at times, but it is also here to slow us down. It tends to show up at moments when we think we've checked everything over, and we're ready to move onto another cycle in our lives, and we're SO sure this cycle is right for us. It slows us down for a minute and makes us re-ask the question, "is it?" Is what we've been gunning for for the past few weeks/months really what we need in our lives right now? Instead of moving forward and closing that door completely, take some deep breaths. Picture the trajectory you're moving toward. Think long term. It's important to think how our actions affect others and the state of our lives longterm. That's when Jupiter comes into play. It went into retrograde Sunday, and it is slowing down a lot of inner growth. This is a long term retrograde, it lasts until June. Carry some carnelian with you today, and meditate on passion. Does your previous plan line up with the things you're passionate about? What are you passionate about? What makes you feel the most alive? Now isn't the time to brush those things aside. As the week continues, it's going to be extra important to know the answers to those questions. As we focus on our Sacral chakra, emotions and passions are heightened. Luckily for us, Venus is also making some major moves this month, and it might just be our natural instinct to act out of love, rather than hate. We're in some trying times, and a lot of people are having hatred thrown in their faces. Let's make sure we're safe spaces full of love and light.


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