Sunday, April 26, 2015

Monday April 26th

The build up to the May full moon is going to be intense. The full moon itself will be expressive and active, so we must gather our energy and be strong. The Queen of Wands shows up to remind you that you have the ability to harness the power of the cosmos. There's a lot of energy circulating and you can keep some for yourself. Breathe it in and command it yours. It's that easy. You might need it in the weeks to come. The Queen knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. We must stay focused on what we want in order to get it. The fire suit of Wands is directly related to our morals and our Will. We must always live in a way that fulfills us and makes us happy. Something my mom always told me holds true today, treat others as you wish to be treated. This is a standard to live by if you want to keep joy above negativity in your life, and it's going to be a common thread until we reach the full moon. Because the moon will be void of course for most of the day, it's a good day to be lighthearted and free. Our Will is more active than usual. It's not a day to float along the stream of life. Today we're running with the current on the shore. We're having fun, but we have a specific destination. Be careful of making any firm decisions today, but be steadfast and strong in moving in a direction towards your goal. Today is a day to make progress, but not conclusions.


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