Thursday, April 23, 2015

Friday 4/24

Today is a day of reflection and planning. The moon will be void of course for a large portion of the day, so it's not a day for finalizing your plans, just for gathering and arranging. Yesterday was a big deal. What was at the end of the rainbow for you? What links were made for you yesterday? Think BIG. Think on a spiritual level, not on a mundane 3-dimensional level. Chiron brought forth teachings that will push our souls into experiences that will better our lives. We will grow stronger in wisdom and integrity while we connect events from yesterday with today. The Chariot comes forth to help us carry the load. We are to take the lessons from the past week, set them next to us in the seat, and mush forward. This card is about optimism. It comes forward to let us know that we are warriors and we can handle all of the ups and downs. It always comes at a time to let you know that the light at the end of the tunnel is approaching. You've been walking a hard road for a while, and the Chariot arrives to drive you the rest of the way. Breathe deeply today. Take a look at the past week. What events have occurred that you overlooked? Have you figured out how all of the information you've been given applies to your life? Do you know how to move forward? It's ok if you don't. The answers will come. Take the golden armor off of the driver. Put it on. Shut your eyes and take a few deep breathes until the armor becomes one with your skin. You are protected.

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