Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Guided Meditation 1: The Earth's Core

The Earth's Core is a stable place. It's the first of 9 dimensions and the center of our world. I've been grounding myself here, and I've really liked the results. It's been particularly nice with the heavy astrological transits that have been affecting us lately. I do this meditation every night to prepare for the next day, but the non-night-owls out there can feel free to do this in the morning. =^)

I sit upright, hands on my knees palm up, tall, and facing east. I make sure I can draw back my shoulders and expand my chest with each deep inhale. I shut my eyes, breath in clarity and breath out noise. Inhale peace, exhale chaos. Take as many deep breaths as you want, I usually do about 5 or 6. I pay attention to my heartbeat, I feel the blood pumping through my veins, I feel the pulses firing throughout my body, and I find a light inside of me. I focus on it and make it grow until I'm encased in the light (sometimes my light is white and sometimes it's purple. It can be any color for you, notice the color. Remember the color of your light.) I push my light through each layer of the earth below me until I can't go any further. Once I'm there, I remove the cube from my root chakra and bury it in the ground. After that I explore my surroundings and ask questions at my guides. (If you meet anyone on your journey, be sure to ask them their name. That information will be useful for when you return.)

The more I meditate, the closer I get to my Tarot deck. My readings are purely from my soul and I'm able to go deeper with more meditation. Meditation can help you in any aspect of your life!

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