Thursday, April 27, 2017

Lost in the Clouds 4/28/17

A shadowy figure sits among 7 cups in the clouds. A cascade of psychedelic energy surrounds them. Reminiscent of the chaos that has been life lately! We are nearing the end of a month long healing cycle. What has show up from your past? What didn't go as planned? What do you have in common with these uprisings? These are character traits or emotions that had to come forward to exit your body. Once they are out, you have more room to store your greatness. All month we've seen the horizon. We know that there is a climax coming, but, when? We've got to wait for Mercury to station direct, but our eyes and our hearts will open! For now we lay with confusion. We must set the ego aside and take power over our predicament, now. We've been going through uncomfortable waters to find out what we have to do or what we need for comfort. Ease is coming, but we have to keep going. An old proverb talked about there being many paths to the top of the mountain. There is no wrong way up. The only wrong way is to run around the mountain telling others they are making the wrong choice. We are all working on different aspects of our lives, but our time to be leaders and teachers is coming. We are the teachers for the new Universe. So, let's wait for the clouds to part to ground ourselves. We must gain our strength to pave new roads.


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