Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Thursday, March 23,2017

Our minds clear, and we're immersed in sunshine. It feels like the sun only shines for us, which creates obstruction and discomfort. It's grey all around us and dark. Today is going to feel long and challenging for many. Our patience will need to be in first command, as deep breaths are going to have to come naturally to us. If you have any lavender essential oils, you will need them today! It couldn't hurt to carry some rose quartz as well. As challenging as this might sound, it will be easy for you to access your light today. Like I said, our minds are clear. Today will be a good day to have tough discussions. People will have answers. With all of this astrological force, we have the energy to complete lots of tasks. Even if it feels like you don't at first, you will feel much better if you're accomplished today. This card represents Jupiter in Gemini, so even the smallest effort will have big results. A caution from this card: careful to spend too much time on small details. The many small swords crossing the larger swords indicate that it will be easy to spend too much time on trivial ideas and not enough time on big picture plans. Stay tough out there lovers!


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