Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday the 21st

This card was a surprise to me! The day has such watery energy, I expected something from the Cups suit, but that's part of the thought process for the day. Don't place expectations. The sun is located at the Sabian symbol of "a glass bottomed boat revealing the wonders of the ocean", and it's giving us some insight into our future paths. The early half of the day will be dreamy and ethereal, like your happily floating underwater. You can choose to embrace this energy or not to take part in it. However your instincts are lighting up is right for you. Today is all about learning. No projecting onto others, or having specific thoughts on how the day is going to go. Many of us are having deep revelations and it's important to let that process flow. The High Priestess is a magnificent card full of duality and galactic power. She channels fifth dimensional energy well and opens our hearts to romanticism, light, and wonder. The biggest problem with her showing up on such a fantastical day, is that we're easily swept away. This card isn't rooted deeply into the core, and neither is the astrology. Go with it! Tap into your third eye and crown chakras today. If you haven't been able to contact your guides or gain insight into your path, today is a great day to start! There's a whole process being set into motion via the planets today, (check out for a detailed description), but by tonight you will have realized desires, felt effects from past intentions, noticed an alignment in process, and felt the magical wonder of what life can truly be. Today is truly a day for magic. With an upcoming void of course moon fitting neatly inside the Mercury retrograde, it will be best to put off any major decision making today. Let the process flow. For some of you, this will come as hard transitions and realizations about your current relationships, but that's ok. The process into higher consciousness can be tough because so many of us have been trapped in old paradigms that don't work anymore. We have to shed our old skin and walk into the light. This involves training our minds and our eyes to see, instead of shielding them with sunglasses. The more open you become, the higher you will vibrate. High vibrational beings are open to all of the abundances this earth has to offer, and you can truly live a life amongst the stars. The Priestess of the Silver Star is here to provide you with the magical insight, push, and drive you need to move forward on your journey. For those of you who are very earth bound and grounded, try not to be frustrated by others today. Take a lot of deep breaths and work on your patience. Our minds will come back to earth shortly!


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