Thursday, May 14, 2015


The 9 of Swords or Lord of Despair and Cruelty isn't an exciting card to have come up for the day, especially with a firey day like today. The moon has entered Aries and we're given a push of energy. It's s good day to check items off that bucket list. Everyone is feeling this surge of power and for some it seems to be triggering ill-will and malice. The 9 of Swords' definition changes drastically depending on the direction it faces. This card was upright which means we can expect someone to be coming at us trying to put out our light. Usually this person is used to using people for their own personal gain and receives their power through others' struggles. The worst part about this card is that it doesn't exactly represent one being, this could be a group, or even a virus. Take care of yourself today. As you feel the fire and stay busy, take some time to look out for yourself. Drink a nice smoothie full of kale and honey as you accomplish your errands. Keep the largest container of water with you that you can find and drink 3 of them. If you find yourself waiting in lines today, do some yoga, or shut your eyes and quiet your mind. This card is ruled by Gemini making it easy to get swept up in the day's activities. What will tomorrow be like if you push yourself too hard today and end up sick? If you do happen to encounter a specific person who is using faithfullness as a means for bad behavior, envision a ball of protective light around your body. Don't let their energy mix with yours. You are a way-shower of light and sometimes the darkness will try to take over. Be confident in who you are and your accomplishments because anything you do is part of your path, and you are amazing! The number 9 has some significance for us today. We're nearing the new moon and getting ready for a new lunar month. Take any necessary steps toward finalizing goals, it's a great day for this! Make peace with that which isn't serving you anymore and prepare to burn it away on the new moon. Cultivate and prepare your seeds for planting, how are you moving forward into the light? What practices are you putting in place to open your perspective and gain new insight? Have you learned from the lessons from the previous two weeks and made a list? This is a good item to burn on a new moon, it will help you to not make repeated steps or walk in circles. Stay fierce out there today!


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