Friday, May 1, 2015


Every now and then a card comes up that doesn't perfectly align with the astrology of the day so I must meditate on it to provide further information. This is and isn't one of those cards. First, this is the card that is related to Libra. It's about balance and fairness. The moon is in Libra, so this seems like an obvious match, however, the rest of the astrology is about opening our minds and creating blossoming partnerships, which are Libra characteristics but not traits of the card. Chinnamasta, the goddess who expands the mind, wants us to open our hearts to one another and work with instead of against our community. The past few days have really been about making the necessary adjustments within ourselves to see each other for who our souls want to be, instead of seeing what others project in front of themselves. It's not an easy to see beyond someone's protective armor, but it's necessary if you're going to treat everyone with equal care. This card is very symmetrical. When the moon is in Libra there is an element of reflection in the air. What you project is reflected back upon you. This is something we've been preparing for by working on our souls and the way we treat others. If you have cast judgemental out of your hearts, then it won't come back at you today. The danger of this card is the reverse mirror effect. It's going to be easy to take on others personality traits today and be their mirror, reflect their actions back to them, but through YOU! This is something you want to avoid. You're on a path to enlightenment and have been strengthening your core, don't let anyone else change the course. Absorb Venus today and keep putting out those love and light vibrations. Focus on beauty. Fifth dimensional consciousness is redefining what beauty means. Focus on that today. What does beauty mean to you? What are the characteristics of something that makes you feel beauty inside of your being? This is the number eight card of the Major Arcana so there is an element of destiny at work today. You'll be seeing intentions from the past full moon come to fruition as well as knowing what intentions you need to set for tomorrow. The number eight is all about infinity, cycles recurring and evolving. This comes up the day before the full moon because there's a cycle at play. Again, focus on beauty, creation, and the divine living within yourself. These are all qualities worth carrying into the full moon with you. They will all help you on your path. Yesterday I told you to transmute your energy to turn the lead in your heart into gold. How did that work out for you? You have another chance at this today. Fully embrace the golden heart before the full moon arrives, it will set you up nicely for the new moon later this month.

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