Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday May 23rd

The Sun plays with the Leo moon in perfect harmony today. Instead of going with the flow, like yesterday, today is a day to take charge! Feel inspired, listen to music that lights you up, celebrate with friends, go outside, get your errands accomplished, and live! It's a big weekend Astrologically. Uranus is finalizing the Sabian symbol of "a magic carpet ride" and we're to pay attention to actions, symbols, and events because they're foreshadowing our future. It's a good idea to write down anything of importance to you this weekend, you'll see it come up again. This is a rare opportunity for us light workers and way-showers. We're given the ability to widen our scope and see into coincidences and happenings as guides for our future. The major arcana cards, which the Sun is one of them, signify destiny and are advisors on our shoulders. They're our chaperone in the jr high prom of our life. They know when we're dancing too close to someone or when the punch is spiked. The Sun cautions you against feeling like you're at the end of a cycle or phase of your life. It's number 19 and reduces to 10, and it can bring feelings of finishing big works and stages. This is no time for coasting! What happens when the sun's rays stay in one area for too long? It burns! Keep the Leo moon attitude that I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Keep accomplishing and celebrating your life. Keep living! If you had plans to be lazy today, it's time to reschedule. At the very least, be lazy outside. You'll feel better. If you feel yourself brought down by events today, know that it's old energy trying to take a last grasp at control. As we shed these paradigms of the past, they resurface from time to time because they aren't leaving without a fight. Think of it as the man trying to keep you down. Just hone in on your activities today and do things that you would want to reoccur. You've been given a golden opportunity to grasp and take control of your future. Imagine everything you do today and tomorrow is repeated a week from now, make it count! (You're sitting in the directors chair of the movie Groundhog Day) If you have to work all weekend, be thankful of the paycheck and don't let it get you down. Make the hours you're not punched in count for everything they are. Don't let work tire you out this weekend, be bigger, and brush it off. Give your hobbies ample time because they could grow larger than your day job by the time the energy comes back around at us. You could find yourself getting paid to work on them! Let the Sun light up your soul!


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