Sunday, May 24, 2015

Light worker reset Sunday

How are you feeling today? There was a lot of work happening throughout the galaxies yesterday and a lot of us felt physical ailments due to these changes. The work bringing our minds into the 5th dimension is reaching an all time peak. If you feel a lot of negativity surfacing within you, ears ringing, menstrual cycles out of whack, aches and pains for no reason, etc, know that it's the light working through your body in a very intense manner. This is why the Lord of Sorrow has surfaced today. This card has come up to remind you that you have a light, represented by the flower on the card, that can withstand any of this discourse or miscommunication that's happening in your life right now. Take caution in finding pleasures in material goods. It's best to work through the troubles in your relationships then focus on monetary promises because that will lead you down a very selfish road. We're still in the crescent moon phase which will always bring up challenges and we're to pick our battles. Figure out what matters most in your life right now and push through this interruption in flow. The astrology is on your side. It's highlighting new relationships and strength in many existing ones. Focus on that yellow flower within, and turn it into light. Accept these troubling times as a challenge that will strengthen you and keep the people who vibrate highest in your life. Focus on brain strengthening exercises like meditation or a simple game of scrabble today.


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