Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday May 22nd

With the moon running its void of course cycle and Mercury deep into the retrograde, today is best for routine. Springing changes on others, or trying a new way won't work out the way you plan. The obstacles outweigh the efforts. Pulling a four is a great representation of how we should embrace this void/retrograde combo with fries. Picture a square. All sides are equal to one another and the structure is stable. This specific card has the alchemical symbol for each of the elements in the corners keeping that stability at the forefront. Earth, air, fire, and water have reached a pinnacle and are flowing evenly through the vibrational current. Keep it simple, keep it steady. The firey energy present around the fort is representative of the sun opposite Saturn today. Tempers could spike and you could easily trigger the moody side of someone. Just stay grounded. Keep breathing deeply and instead of igniting your fire, tap into the earth's core. Find that red root chakra, orange sacral chakra, and yellow solar plexus. Work them until you don't even notice those hot heads around you anymore. Those three chakras represent creativity, abundance, and empowerment, which happens to be the overall theme of this card. Get outside and listen to the birds. Quiet your mind until the orange and yellow are all around you. For the first time in a while we're not to focus on our relationships with others. We're to bring the power back within ourselves and focus on being warriors of life. When Disks come up (the earth suit) we're always reminded to get back to nature. Once we connect with the air, abundance will naturally come next. Once we start realizing how lovely our lives are we begin to feel empowered, and from there your chakras come into alignment. Tonight the lion comes out to play and the air lightens up a little bit. Remember, many of us are reaping the rewards from the Lord of Power, so try not to get into any ego wars. That Leo moon can make our head swell for sure! Keep your successes to yourself for now, they're not done growing yet!


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