Sunday, May 31, 2015

Magic Sunday

Have you heard the Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj song "Feeling Myself"? That was the theme of Saturday and it continues into today. Love yourself! It's all well and good to practice kindness and love to others, but if you continue to cast judgement on yourself, how can you expect that energy to stay hidden? The way you feel about yourself radiates onto others and perpetuates the energy that lives in your life. You are a strong light warrior, and you're AMAZING! The world would be dark and dismal without you, so FEEL YOURSELF! The Magician certainly knows that they're amazing, and can get a little caught up in the fact, but they recognize their true skills and talents and fully utilize them to manifest desires at will. The Magus, or Magician, is the second card in the Major Arcana. This is a person who can conjure any and all of their needs, as I mentioned. They have figured out how to manipulate the fabric of the 3rd dimension and they use it for their benefit. This person has grown from being the naive Fool to having magick powers. They haven't transcended their ego yet and still have a lot of growing to do on their spiritual path, but they are strong and can do great things for their world, just like YOU! Chiron is doing a lot of work to help us take on these qualities and make major changes in our lives this weekend. It can be physical or changes in mentality. There's a lot of healing and learning happening for us, as always when Chrion makes a presence, but it's overstated and bold today. This comes as a breather during all of the miscommunications happening during this retrograde. Use the power of the Magus and Chiron to take a big step toward your dreams. Push forward. Remain open to the lessons and trust in the astrology. We're still waxing Gibbous which brings a lot of magic (ahem, the Magician!) and reminds us to trust in our destiny (ahem, a major arcana card guiding you under the stars!). There's wisdom being set inside of us, breath deep and listen. The snakes above the Magician let us know that they have great powers that can be used for healing and helping, they just need to get off of their pedestal and pay attention to people who need them. If someone needs you today, take a minute and listen. Really listen. They are amongst the retrograde also and there's a good chance that they haven't been heard in a while. The cautionary tale of the Magician is that they're a person people reach out to, but they aren't always paying attention. They are very distracted by how powerful and magickal they are. They live on top of a pedestal and we mustn't let ourselves fall into our ego. It's a third dimensional mindset that is perpetuated by the moon and the retrograde. It doesn't mean you're selfish, and it's certainly nothing to beat yourself up over. The stars are just making communication very difficult and sometimes we don't pay attention to the people that need us most. There are many planets working with us today. Take a breath and know that the universe is on your side. If you can make it work, take charge and go with the flow at the same time. The Magician wants you to know that you have a place in destiny and the answers are within you.


Thursday, May 28, 2015


We've entered the Gibbous moon phase, which brings us into a time of trust in the universe and magic within ourselves. There are some challenging planets at work today, and the card isn't any easier. Our belief in ourselves will be tested, but you're so strong! Today will be a piece of cake! The Lord of Defeat comes up when we let the darkness overtake our light. Mercury squares Neptune which can bring forth some uncertainty and lead you astray. This could be the cause of us feeling that darkness and jealousy within, but it's not something we need to let live within us. Let those feelings rise up through your body and cast them out! This card wants you to strengthen your mind. Working on releasing those fears and judgements is the first step. Don't let these negative thoughts take root. Notice the star upsidedown. This is a warning of the darkness within us growing. All we have to do is squash it. The rose outlining the card is torn to pieces. It's time to replant seeds of happiness, particularly towards others. We must be happy when others succeed and happy to know successful people. Successful people have a high vibration and you will raise yours just by being around them. Be a cheering squad for others today. Chances are, you know someone who is going to need some advice today. Lift them up! Congratulate someone on their achievements and know that yours are coming. Timing is about alignment and when it's our turn, everything will happen for us. Don't wallow in feelings of loss. You may have tried something and failed, but figure out what you've learned from the situation. No, you didn't learn not to try. That's not actually a lesson because if you stop trying things your energy will become stagnant and you'll live in a world of lack. Focus on the strength you now have and try something else. Use your heart and your crown chakra to really focus on how to make your dream succeed and move on from there. You have all of the strength you need to move forward in love and light. Stay strong today! 


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thursday, May 28th

The image on the card is a great visual paired with the astrology for the day. It's airy, every air sign is working its magic, and social. The communication with others reaches a high point during this retrograde and we're encouraged to work together. The Lord of Prudence has come up to be a parental figure in our lives. It wants us to try to remain grounded. It's going to be easy to get swept up in adventures and excitement today, but the retrograde isn't over. Be cautious in spending money and making decisions, but not too cautious. **wink wink** Have a little fun today, you deserve it! This card showed up for us on the 5th of this month and it's cycling back around again. Back at the beginning of the month this card was all about making choices and choosing a path (I encourage you to read that day as well), but today it has a different feel. It's exciting to watch the cards move with the planets isn't it!? Today this card is our dad telling us that we don't need a new wardrobe and to make our bed before leaving the house. It's really focused on being responsible and tending to routines. As an air sign, I typically despise routine, but when it's in place to better your body and mind, I think it's necessary. I have one of my own and my guides are always telling me to stick with it. My mentality and body have become stronger than ever and I'm ready to accept those responsibilities with ease. Creating a system like this for yourself is a good idea. Talk with your friends and get some ideas. For me, I dance for 1-2 hours, take a shower, meditate, pull the card of the day, and read for 1-2 hours then bed. Think of ways to enrich your life and strengthen your core by doing what you love, and drink more water. As the sun gains it's strength our water consumption must rise to keep us functioning properly. We'll see this card come up again. It's an 8 and they often cycle throughout our lives bringing healthy reminders and little bits of wisdom. The transmission today came through with this card in a big way. Develop healthy routines. It will help strengthen your connection with source and you'll feel like a true warrior of life! Have fun out there today!


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wednesday the Healer

It was roughly 10 days ago we saw this number 10 card of the major arcana. What has transpired for you in that period of time? Have you noticed any doors closing or opening? What were you doing at 10:10 today? Have you had any revelations or new ways of thinking about an old problem? You may notice situations coming full circle today. If you were the figure falling off of the wheel two weeks ago, you're climbing back on now. Many of us are the figure at the top. We're holding our sword and it's penetrating into the higher dimensions. The sword is representative of our consciousness and the openness of our mind. Keep strengthening your relationship with the higher self. This way, when the wheel rotates and you're the figure on the bottom, you're strong enough to hold on tight. The Venus Chiron trine helps us to push forward with kindness and love in our relationships. Chiron is the planet of wounding, healing, and teaching. It wants us to revisit everything that has been going on with our interpersonal relationships. Resolve anything that's unsettling or move on in a new direction. The wheel and the first quarter moon want us to keep moving. Don't rest where you left off at yesterday. Push forward onto the next step. You're a being of light and your goals and dreams are important! The moon is void for the better half of the day, so if you have to make any major life altering decisions, it's best to wait until after 5ish today, if you can. Luckily Mars has come into play and communication isn't as off kilter as it tends to be during a Mercury retrograde. The bolts of lightning connecting the bottom of the card to the higher dimension are orange because the second chakra is activated, especially with the activity we're seeing from Venus. Have some pomegranate today. It will help balance you out and activate intuition and receptivity. It will help you tune into the emotions of others and might make it easier to interact today. Even if you're naturally empathic, the pomegranate will stir up your passion for life. With or without the flower, you might find yourself open to change and feeling empowered today. Go with it! Ride the wheel into new opportunities and abundance!


Tuesday 3, 13

In a transmission via meditation, I was told to pull a card of the day and an opposition card of the day for today. In this first quarter moon phase we have Death as our leader and the Lord of Abundance as our obstacle. Before you read any further, look at the cards and their names. What's your first impression? Are you worried, or are you confident in this omen? Your reaction to these cards is significant in your mental thought process and your reliance in the universe. Release your worries and enter every day with confidence. Death is about cutting those chords of apprehension so you can open new doors. Notice the skeleton ruthlessly running at those ropes with the cythe. The geometry of the chords is tied to every doubt you've ever had and is separating you from flowing freely with those swirling angelic people in the background of the card. This is symbolic of our heavy work week and every aspect of your life that takes you away from following your dreams and living through passion. The moon is about taking action right now. CUT THOSE CHORDS. Tom Robbins once wrote, "Somewhere in the archives of the crudest instinct is recorded the truth that it is better to be endangered and free than captive and comfortable." In a modern world our strings are attached to certain comforts and things. Our views of abundance are born into us askew, and it's the perfect time to reroute our wiring. The Mars/Neptune square is carrying over from yesterday and it's giving us an added boost for introspection and spiritual awakening. Take a moment to learn what bounty means to you. What are the things you can't live without? I can tell you right now that your iPhone isn't the answer to that question. How do you appreciate your relationships with others? Do you have a community of support behind you? Do you need one? The suit of cups highlights the relationships we cherish in our life. It brings forth the notion that the relationships we have are our most treasured possession and that we've veered off of our true path. There has been a lot of realigning amongst our most respected relationships as of late and the astrology continues to support this. There's an important personal empowerment happening and the adjustment is contributing to our higher consciousness awakening. By no means am I saying reach out to friends and make changes, were in the middle of a Virgo moon and Mercury retrograde. It's not the best time for communication. This is an internal process for now. The verbal action will come later. Right now it's a good time to look ahead, see who keeps coming up in your life, and think of the new people entering it. It's not a time to look at the past and remember old times of happiness. Our memories aren't the fuel of the future. They were lessons and the progress for who we've become. We're moving forward with our star families and finding deep connections in unexpected places. Three cycles through both of these cards. Three brings growth, expansion, past-present-future, self-expression, and manifestation. The three specifically relates to the ascended masters and comes up when we need to be reminded to find the divine spark within ourselves. Reach out to your guides to help you find peace, clarity, and love of yourself. Three is the number of Tuesday, and it's time to take these actions. 


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Light worker reset Sunday

How are you feeling today? There was a lot of work happening throughout the galaxies yesterday and a lot of us felt physical ailments due to these changes. The work bringing our minds into the 5th dimension is reaching an all time peak. If you feel a lot of negativity surfacing within you, ears ringing, menstrual cycles out of whack, aches and pains for no reason, etc, know that it's the light working through your body in a very intense manner. This is why the Lord of Sorrow has surfaced today. This card has come up to remind you that you have a light, represented by the flower on the card, that can withstand any of this discourse or miscommunication that's happening in your life right now. Take caution in finding pleasures in material goods. It's best to work through the troubles in your relationships then focus on monetary promises because that will lead you down a very selfish road. We're still in the crescent moon phase which will always bring up challenges and we're to pick our battles. Figure out what matters most in your life right now and push through this interruption in flow. The astrology is on your side. It's highlighting new relationships and strength in many existing ones. Focus on that yellow flower within, and turn it into light. Accept these troubling times as a challenge that will strengthen you and keep the people who vibrate highest in your life. Focus on brain strengthening exercises like meditation or a simple game of scrabble today.


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday May 23rd

The Sun plays with the Leo moon in perfect harmony today. Instead of going with the flow, like yesterday, today is a day to take charge! Feel inspired, listen to music that lights you up, celebrate with friends, go outside, get your errands accomplished, and live! It's a big weekend Astrologically. Uranus is finalizing the Sabian symbol of "a magic carpet ride" and we're to pay attention to actions, symbols, and events because they're foreshadowing our future. It's a good idea to write down anything of importance to you this weekend, you'll see it come up again. This is a rare opportunity for us light workers and way-showers. We're given the ability to widen our scope and see into coincidences and happenings as guides for our future. The major arcana cards, which the Sun is one of them, signify destiny and are advisors on our shoulders. They're our chaperone in the jr high prom of our life. They know when we're dancing too close to someone or when the punch is spiked. The Sun cautions you against feeling like you're at the end of a cycle or phase of your life. It's number 19 and reduces to 10, and it can bring feelings of finishing big works and stages. This is no time for coasting! What happens when the sun's rays stay in one area for too long? It burns! Keep the Leo moon attitude that I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Keep accomplishing and celebrating your life. Keep living! If you had plans to be lazy today, it's time to reschedule. At the very least, be lazy outside. You'll feel better. If you feel yourself brought down by events today, know that it's old energy trying to take a last grasp at control. As we shed these paradigms of the past, they resurface from time to time because they aren't leaving without a fight. Think of it as the man trying to keep you down. Just hone in on your activities today and do things that you would want to reoccur. You've been given a golden opportunity to grasp and take control of your future. Imagine everything you do today and tomorrow is repeated a week from now, make it count! (You're sitting in the directors chair of the movie Groundhog Day) If you have to work all weekend, be thankful of the paycheck and don't let it get you down. Make the hours you're not punched in count for everything they are. Don't let work tire you out this weekend, be bigger, and brush it off. Give your hobbies ample time because they could grow larger than your day job by the time the energy comes back around at us. You could find yourself getting paid to work on them! Let the Sun light up your soul!


Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday May 22nd

With the moon running its void of course cycle and Mercury deep into the retrograde, today is best for routine. Springing changes on others, or trying a new way won't work out the way you plan. The obstacles outweigh the efforts. Pulling a four is a great representation of how we should embrace this void/retrograde combo with fries. Picture a square. All sides are equal to one another and the structure is stable. This specific card has the alchemical symbol for each of the elements in the corners keeping that stability at the forefront. Earth, air, fire, and water have reached a pinnacle and are flowing evenly through the vibrational current. Keep it simple, keep it steady. The firey energy present around the fort is representative of the sun opposite Saturn today. Tempers could spike and you could easily trigger the moody side of someone. Just stay grounded. Keep breathing deeply and instead of igniting your fire, tap into the earth's core. Find that red root chakra, orange sacral chakra, and yellow solar plexus. Work them until you don't even notice those hot heads around you anymore. Those three chakras represent creativity, abundance, and empowerment, which happens to be the overall theme of this card. Get outside and listen to the birds. Quiet your mind until the orange and yellow are all around you. For the first time in a while we're not to focus on our relationships with others. We're to bring the power back within ourselves and focus on being warriors of life. When Disks come up (the earth suit) we're always reminded to get back to nature. Once we connect with the air, abundance will naturally come next. Once we start realizing how lovely our lives are we begin to feel empowered, and from there your chakras come into alignment. Tonight the lion comes out to play and the air lightens up a little bit. Remember, many of us are reaping the rewards from the Lord of Power, so try not to get into any ego wars. That Leo moon can make our head swell for sure! Keep your successes to yourself for now, they're not done growing yet!


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday the 21st

This card was a surprise to me! The day has such watery energy, I expected something from the Cups suit, but that's part of the thought process for the day. Don't place expectations. The sun is located at the Sabian symbol of "a glass bottomed boat revealing the wonders of the ocean", and it's giving us some insight into our future paths. The early half of the day will be dreamy and ethereal, like your happily floating underwater. You can choose to embrace this energy or not to take part in it. However your instincts are lighting up is right for you. Today is all about learning. No projecting onto others, or having specific thoughts on how the day is going to go. Many of us are having deep revelations and it's important to let that process flow. The High Priestess is a magnificent card full of duality and galactic power. She channels fifth dimensional energy well and opens our hearts to romanticism, light, and wonder. The biggest problem with her showing up on such a fantastical day, is that we're easily swept away. This card isn't rooted deeply into the core, and neither is the astrology. Go with it! Tap into your third eye and crown chakras today. If you haven't been able to contact your guides or gain insight into your path, today is a great day to start! There's a whole process being set into motion via the planets today, (check out for a detailed description), but by tonight you will have realized desires, felt effects from past intentions, noticed an alignment in process, and felt the magical wonder of what life can truly be. Today is truly a day for magic. With an upcoming void of course moon fitting neatly inside the Mercury retrograde, it will be best to put off any major decision making today. Let the process flow. For some of you, this will come as hard transitions and realizations about your current relationships, but that's ok. The process into higher consciousness can be tough because so many of us have been trapped in old paradigms that don't work anymore. We have to shed our old skin and walk into the light. This involves training our minds and our eyes to see, instead of shielding them with sunglasses. The more open you become, the higher you will vibrate. High vibrational beings are open to all of the abundances this earth has to offer, and you can truly live a life amongst the stars. The Priestess of the Silver Star is here to provide you with the magical insight, push, and drive you need to move forward on your journey. For those of you who are very earth bound and grounded, try not to be frustrated by others today. Take a lot of deep breaths and work on your patience. Our minds will come back to earth shortly!


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Warrior Wednesday May 20th

The energy of the day is low and dominated by planets shifting and preparing for a big day tomorrow. We are already feeling their effects, and the King of the Spirits of Fire has swooped in to ignite us. There will be a tendency toward being lazy and slow moving today, but we're encouraged not to give in. The slow moving waters of Cancer are pressing on us and emotions are stirring. The Knight of Wands' fire outweighs this watery energy, especially with Mars making shifts. Have you noticed I've been pulling a lot of court cards lately? It's because many of our relationships are changing faces and are being given new meanings. The fire inside of us shines brighter when these new alignments have been made, but it can be tough going to get there. You'll be seeing the true light shine through people, and even though it may appear as darkness, it's actually bettering your life. With that being said, you must realize the magnitude and level this is happening on. This isn't just happening to you. It's occurring within your peers and friends, meaning, some people will be seeing you in a new light. You may have to lay some hard truths upon others, or you may let some people down who used to count on you. This is all ok. Think of the analogy of the seed. It has to be covered in dirt and darkness in order to grow and sprout forth, but once it emerges, it's potential is limitless! While existing relationships are changing, you may find yourself meeting new people. Our soul/galactic families are aligning. People born from the same star systems are finding each other, and those you travel with from life to life are back with you. The reds and yellows of the card remind us that it's a good day to be barefoot for a while. Be rooted in the earth, even if your mind feels miles away. This will help keep the balance even if things feel turbulent. The crescent moon comes forth tomorrow, and typically this brings challenges and obstacles. Right now it's coming forward as a test. All of the intentions you've placed for the new moon are going to be tested for about a week. This is simply for you to prove how much these ideals/gifts mean to you. If you keep driving toward them, even when it seems like it might not have been the right choice, you will have passed. Even if you don't "pass the test" you'll know that, maybe that just wasn't the right path for you to be taking in the first place. You might feel this starting today, because like I said, the energy for tomorrow is strong and we're feeling it pull at us already. The Lord of the Flame and the Lightning encourages you to get on that horse and ride steady into your dreams! 


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mercury Retrograde Tuesday

The Mercury Retrograde, mixed with the square Uranus is involved in, is making for some big changes in relationships this month. We're going to be tested over and over again, people will be showing their true colors, and you'll have a new view of many relationships in your life. This is all happening because we're moving closer to higher consciousness and the being the best version of ourselves. The Princess of Cups from yesterday is still holding some influence over today. Engaging with your community and group projects is favored. Support your peers and they will offer you support as well. The Lord of Strength comes up today because it's important to keep your best interests at heart. If the group project strays from what you believe in, you need to speak up or abandon the group. It's ok to serve your higher interests. We're trying to engage the light within us now more than ever. You'll notice the center wand of the card has the sun at the top and the moon at the bottom. All of the new revelations you'll be experiencing within others can be happening inside of yourself as well. We're amongst big changes and growth in all of our lives. This includes balancing your brightness with your shadow. The moon is at the bottom of the wand because it's especially important to ground the shadow side of yourself. It's not enough just to accept it anymore. Make peace with it and hone in on it with your root chakra. Engage your darkness in learned wisdom and strength. Tara, the goddess of guidance, is with us during this new lunar month. She's offering support during these epic times of change. It's a good time to read up on crescent moon cycles. It will give you an idea for what to expect this month. This month it will feel like we're in the crescent moon phase and it's amplified by this card. The wands are arrows pointed at us, but instead of feathers and points, it's all crescent moons. This card is number 9 in the suit of wands and points our attention directly at the 9th dimension. This dimension lives in the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. It filters information down through the rest of the layers in sound and light waves, sacred geometry, and in love and kindness. Pull the parts of you to your center, draw your feelings and experiences right into your core. Feel the completeness/emptiness and experience your whole existence. Once you're compact, expand your breathing and expand your being. Notice how these differences affect the feelings and thoughts within. Did you come to a place of silence? Were you a magnet and pulling things in that you didn't know were there to begin with? That is part of the galactic center and it's part of the ascension process. Knowing yourself completely is going to keep coming up over and over this month. Be strong in your convictions, but listen to critisisms. It's time to be open to growth and to deal with the changing world around us. That which does not serve is forcefully cutting ties with you right now and could cause drama, but embrace the Lord of Strength and you'll make it through.


Sunday, May 17, 2015


Happy New Moon everyone! The New moon is complete and here with us on the same day that Mercury goes into retrograde. There's some astrological pushing and pulling today, but have no fear, the Princess of Cups is here! This Empress of Undines comes forth with strong gifts of intuition, creativity, gentleness, and kindness. This is an extremely strong figurehead for the new lunar month. This is us and we are birthed forth from both King and Queen. We wear no armor, have no throne, or chariot because all of the strength lives within us, and we are extremely powerful. We don't need to call upon outside sources to fight any battles for us because battles won't start. The Princess is so powerful that everyone knows to stand down. Everything is coming up for you and you're blessed with the fruits of your realm. Seekers of light find love in unexpected places this month, and abundance overflows. Tread lightly on these first few days, keep your eyes open for symbols, and your heart open to new people. Let kindness flood your heart and be limitless in its potential. A few weeks ago we were practicing letting go of judgement of others and this theme continues. It's important to recognize that each of us needs to feel good about ourselves for the overall consciousness levels to raise. You are not to decide what makes others feel good about themselves, you are only to encourage them, and add love and support to their hearts. It's more than keeping scathing critisisms to yourself, it's about letting them go completely. To truly embrace the gifts of this card you must embrace your community. The Princess is decked out with gifts from sea creatures and plants because they all work together to keep the power. Work with your peers and you will create a stronger environment and feel empowered. You will also empower others! As a way-shower, take the lead and spread the light in any way you can! The Lotus of the Palace of the Floods is another name for this card. Blossom like the flower and flood your world with generosity and sweetness. It's a good day for poets and painters, romantics, and characters of all kinds. The spotlight is on you to engage your surroundings and share your gifts with others. If you're not inclined to engage in these activities, support someone who does. I don't mean monetarily, but you can go that route if you feel so inclined, but I mean encourage them on their path. Give people compliments! You have the power! Use this all month long and you will be greatly rewarded.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sunday the 17th

The new moon rings in tonight around 11 and we can expect a lot of action taking place in the next couple of days. The Taurus moon wants us to connect with the earth, which makes it a perfect day for gardening, hiking, etc.. The 8 of Wands ushers in a rush of fire power, making today extremely active (perfect for those outdoor activities!) The wands on this card have turned into surges of light reminding us of our divine nature and the power we have within. Today and tomorrow are set up perfect for new moon rituals. I've mentioned writing down lists of what you don't want to take into the next lunar month with you and burning the list, and then writing down a new list of dreams and goals and planting that with some seeds. As the seeds root and grow, your intentions will as well. That's just one idea to move forward. Anything you come up with is spot on for you and will serve you best. The swiftness that the 8 of Wands carries with the Taurus moon will give you some quick results. It's important you write your list so that you're not placing limitations on yourself and taking into account the free will of others. The light of this card eminates from the heart and wants us to expand our horizons. Dream big. Even if something that fascinates you feels out of touch, hold onto that dream. It doesn't pay to be realistic all of the time because you're putting limitations on your life and you'll never exceed your 'realistic' goals. The thing you want the MOST, the thing that fills your heart to its entirety, that should be on your list. We're trying to eminate the most light and find that rainbow in the distance. The shapes behind the light rays form a pyramid from every angle. They look like disjointed diamond and square shapes, but if you focus your eyes on them, you'll see a pyramid from all of its angles. This is an important metaphor to keep in mind for the next lunar month. Things aren't always as they seem, if you interpret life scenarios from all angles you'll come up with new solutions. Chinnamasta has been with us all month long trying to help us open our minds and make this metaphor our reality. Hopefully you've learned from the teachings that have been offered because they will pay off in weeks to come. This card is ruled by Mercury, which will be going retrograde shortly, so now is the time to power up. The influence of this card won't last long and it holds so much energy that you should harness that and be productive today. Eights often represent a cycle or loop, which can be determined by our karmic ties or by the way we live. Break cycles that aren't working for you and live today like it could be Groundhog Day (live it as if you know it's going to repeat forever and it's ok with you because you've made amazing choices). 


New Moon Sale

Hello! I am offering $5 tarot readings for the upcoming New Moon! Check out my etsy, and use the code NEWMOON18 to take advantage of this hot deal! 

Love and light blessings

Saturday, May 16th

Venus sets the Wheel of Fortune in motion today. Seek out partnership, in all of its forms, and know that you're rich in love and laughter. Do things that you love and be with people that you love, those are some of the easiest ways to feel rich. This card doesn't neglect the idea of money, it often comes up to let someone know they are going to be receiving a chunk of cash. It's also a reminder of working as team, when all of the parts (spokes) are put together the wheel rolls smoothly. Share your wealth with others. If you have a heart full of kindness, spread it around. If you have money, share it. Share the goods you have, they will come back you threefold. This card has heavy karmic lessons attached to it, which can go deeper into familial karmic bonds and into ties you've kept from past lives. It's always worth it to examine your Akashic Records and see how deeply your rooted.  Sometimes it's hard to hang on as the wheel rotates. This has been a particular theme for the past couple of weeks. The astrology has been very intense and a lot of us have been feeling stuck or weighed down. That is the way life goes. Sometimes we just have bad luck. The best part about envisioning life's cycles as the wheel, is that you know it's always turning and you can jump back on just as easily as you fell off. What events occur in your life next depend on how you deal with the fall/bad luck in the first place. Use this time to better yourself. Think positively, remembering that all thoughts and words you speak have matter and end up in the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is accessible to us and the powerful elite. If it's full of negativitely, heartbreak, and sadness, those things are going to keep occurring. Don't focus on your fall, if indeed this has happened to you. Focus on the light, rise above the fourth dimension into the fifth. The fifth is light filled and ruled by love and kindness. It's where our higher consciousness is ultimately trying to go, so give yourself the brain power to get there. This card is number 10 of the Major Arcana, which means we have a bit of destiny at work today. Have any new people come into your life? This might not be as much of a coincidence as you've been thinking. In numerology, number ten is a finality, the end of an idea or process. It could be simply the end of one particular step in a series of steps, which is its most likely occurrence, especially with the new moon right around the corner. Today is a good day to start setting your intentions for the next lunar month. What do you want to carry with you and what needs to just fall off of your wheel? Whenever we enter the Balsamic moon phase, the veil between worlds thins and it's a lot easier for us to dream and enter other realms. If you don't meditate. Balsamic moon phases present the perfect time to start. It's easiest to listen to your guides now. If you add the one and zero together, the numerology goes back to number one and the growing process starts all over again. When one door closes another door opens, such is the rotating wheel of life. Choose what you want to be behind the door and that will be your next step in our next lunar month.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Friday the 15th

The Balsamic moon phase is in full effect and we are feeling it! Astrologically, there are big changes taking place and today is going to be a bit of a mixed bag. There are attributes from yesterday that we need to carry over in order to interact with the card of the day, the Star. It's important we follow our hearts, create a new order that flows better, see the truth, and harness/learn from our past. It's imperative we're not getting hung up on appearances. The Star is a beautiful card, but it's the wisdom it gives us that brings us true pleasure. See a deeper truth rather than just the surface reflection. The Star comes up to provide a little cosmic push into higher thinking/living. The person on the card is crystallizing the past and actualizing their soul's fulfillment into a new physical universe. The crystallization of one's past is an important step for today. Being able to look over your former choices gives you the wisdom to grow upon those decisions. When accessing memories of the past, it's helpful to take a deep breath in the middle of the recollection. This will help separate deep seeded feelings from truths. Let go of grudges, or work on feeling ok with letting go of grudges. While the moon is void today, be the Star. Find the other stars and make a cluster or start a whole new galaxy. Be with the people who vibrate on the level you aspire to be on. Take your world to new heights! This card is the number 17 of the Major Arcana. In numerology, 17 reduces to 8. This card moves alongside infinity because it's forever a work in progress. We're constantly learning and creating a better world for ourselves, or at least we should be. It's the only way to grow your soul and let it ascend higher. This card aligns with Adjustment because we must be removing the clutter from our lives and living in open peace within ourselves. Make sure you're giving attention to the important aspects of your life, most likely, your job isn't one of those things. Sometimes, when we take away hours of our day spent toward making money and accumulating things, we free our hearts and collect moments of true happiness. Assess how you divide your energy and make sure you're giving all aspects of your life equal time.



The 9 of Swords or Lord of Despair and Cruelty isn't an exciting card to have come up for the day, especially with a firey day like today. The moon has entered Aries and we're given a push of energy. It's s good day to check items off that bucket list. Everyone is feeling this surge of power and for some it seems to be triggering ill-will and malice. The 9 of Swords' definition changes drastically depending on the direction it faces. This card was upright which means we can expect someone to be coming at us trying to put out our light. Usually this person is used to using people for their own personal gain and receives their power through others' struggles. The worst part about this card is that it doesn't exactly represent one being, this could be a group, or even a virus. Take care of yourself today. As you feel the fire and stay busy, take some time to look out for yourself. Drink a nice smoothie full of kale and honey as you accomplish your errands. Keep the largest container of water with you that you can find and drink 3 of them. If you find yourself waiting in lines today, do some yoga, or shut your eyes and quiet your mind. This card is ruled by Gemini making it easy to get swept up in the day's activities. What will tomorrow be like if you push yourself too hard today and end up sick? If you do happen to encounter a specific person who is using faithfullness as a means for bad behavior, envision a ball of protective light around your body. Don't let their energy mix with yours. You are a way-shower of light and sometimes the darkness will try to take over. Be confident in who you are and your accomplishments because anything you do is part of your path, and you are amazing! The number 9 has some significance for us today. We're nearing the new moon and getting ready for a new lunar month. Take any necessary steps toward finalizing goals, it's a great day for this! Make peace with that which isn't serving you anymore and prepare to burn it away on the new moon. Cultivate and prepare your seeds for planting, how are you moving forward into the light? What practices are you putting in place to open your perspective and gain new insight? Have you learned from the lessons from the previous two weeks and made a list? This is a good item to burn on a new moon, it will help you to not make repeated steps or walk in circles. Stay fierce out there today!


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Wednesday the 13th of May

 The Queen of Cups lives in a world that is her own. It's creative, beautiful, and low-key. The Queen is the caretaker of the waters and intuition. They're creative, nurturing, and always interesting to be around. When they show up for the day we can expect it to be a day filled with feelings. This card is deep in reflection. The Queen sits on their throne and stares into the water and their face stares right back. Chiron will align with the Pisces moon this morning and set in motion all of the heady mind expansion we've been doing. Perspectives are growing and changing, there is a greater sense of understanding being born.  We're bringing back some of the same energy from yesterday into taking stock of how far we've come during this lunar month. If you didn't have time to prepare or didn't read yesterday's card, you should do that. This is an important step in our rebirth into higher consciousness. We must not make the same mistakes from the past, and so we must learn from the lessons being given to us. The Queen of Cups lives underwater and has a very personal, some would say distorted, view on the world. Everything looks a little different when you're looking through water, a lot like the night. It's important to try to see from others' point of view today. It's not always easy to do, but you might not have as clear a picture as you thought. Take the time to ask questions and make sure you have all the facts. The reflective nature of the card can be a little dangerous in that we can start to take on the qualities of others. Their personalities are reflected back to themselves through us, which is particularly true for air signs. Instead of being the water and being the reflection of others, be the Queen. Embrace the leader within you and use your voice. At the same time as you're getting all of the facts to see things clearly, make sure you're giving them to others as well. Communication can be muffled when you're underwater, speak up. Let's get everyone on the same even ground today! 


Tuesday May 12th

Today we're the Lord of our Dominion. With so much watery energy in the skies, it's important to access our fire and take control of the day. It's not going to be easy. The Pisces moon is strong and creates some of the most beautiful dream worlds to escape into, but there isn't much time for this.  We've entered the Third Quarter moon phase and it's all about taking stock of what we've learned since the past new moon, and in the couple of weeks that have past since the full moon. It's time to remember the symbols, the lessons, the people who have been there, and the role those people have had in your life/vice versa. The two of Wands is all about taking control. It wants you to implement your free will and make choices. The catch, there's always a catch isn't there, is that this freedom of choice changes our lives drastically. It pushes and pulls us away from goals, our path, and even our soul fulfilling destiny. You'll always end up back on the path you're meant to be on, but sometimes the choices you make can veer you off into a bumpy existence that effects you for years. This is why it's so important to review the past lunar month right now. Write it all down. We're approaching the time when we'll be planting seeds for next month, and it's best to make the most educated/smart intentions you can. You want to push off into the stars! Chinnamasta has been with us all month long, encouraging us to expand our minds, and to see things from a new perspective. By the end of the month you should have this talent. You should have a new view of past situations that are still in play. Be very mindful of how you're going to use this knowledge. The intentions you put in place need to only effect you. It's important you let others' will enter their lives and let the planets play out for them as well. We're all going through the same things, we just live on different timelines and through separate eyes. August 24th marks the end of the rebirth cycle. If you feel like things aren't happening for you as I write them, it's ok. Again, we're all on different time lines. I might pull a card for opportunity tomorrow, but it might not happen for you until two weeks from now. The planets interact with us all differently. What's important are the steps we must take to reach the higher ground. They might happen on different days for us all, but it's important that they happen. All of the mind exercises, the breathing for your soul, the armor you wear, these are all things that are helping you enter this second spiritual Renaissance with the most inner power you can. So, show that Pisces moon who's boss and get stuff done today. Don't just live in the moment, BE the moment, take charge of that moment! You have the power!


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Monday, May 11th

The journey comtinues! Since Friday we've been exploring our higher consciousness through our brain and we've been raising our thought vibration. We started off young and without much power as the Prince of Swords, and through divine intervention (the Chariot and Emperor) we have grown into the Knight. We've listened to our guides and now it's time to pass on the knowledge and have conversations. Open up today. The moon is void for most of the day, so it's not a great day to focus on business anyway. Talk about your light and feelings, see how others are handling the second Renaissance and the explosive energy that's accompanied it. Don't take today too seriously and try not to make too many plans. It's a good day to keep it light and go with the flow. This isn't typical of Knights, particularly this airy swords fellow. He's charging forth and making stuff happen. He has two swords drawn and is ready for anything that comes his way. The influence of Chinnamasta has opened our minds and we've started to set less limitations for ourselves. It's entirely possible you'll be walking unfamiliar ground soon. If you've been meditating, great! Keep it up! We're very receptive right now and it's a good time to breath deep and listen for guidance. The Knight hears the message they must deliver and takes off on a journey to deliver it. This involves opening up lines of communication, listening, and seeing situations from everyone's point of view. We must remain balanced and focused. This card wants us to make sure our solar plexus, heart, and crown chakra don't become blocked or overbearing. Root yourself in the earth today.


Sunday May 10th

There are a lot of guides pushing through the veil this weekend, the biggest and most powerful is Sabaoth. This is the keeper of the sun, just like the Emperer is the lord of the sun. The sun's energy is very influential and powerful today. If you can be outside, do it. This day is going to be FILLED with symbolism, hints, nudges toward your destiny, and you're going to continue to shed that which isn't serving you.  The Emperer is quick to take action without thinking it through first. They are a born leader, and they're not shy to stand up for what they believe in. This energy is powerful today. You'll be fairly inclined toward social situations and collaborations, but the inconjunction between Venus and Saturn can make it difficult to maneuver here. Hold the power of the sun in your heart. Stay true to yourself and only compromise if it serves the better interest of the group. The Emperer is bold and quick to anger which could be heightened with Saturn and the Sun being so powerful today. Take deep breaths and react as slow as you can. Think through your thoughts before you say them. We've been working and developing our minds and the fiery energy today is going to test us. Later today will be a little more watery, so it will have a better balance.  The number 4 represents this card because it's sturdy, think of it like a square with all sides perfectly even. Picture a square, it doesn't roll or change position often, and even if it did you wouldn't be able to tell. Four's can be too sturdy for their own good. We can grow stuck in the comfort and stability they provide. The Sun is giving us a glimpse into our future today. It has highlighted this amazing grand trine that is occurring on the new moon in Capricorn of January of 2016 and we're able to tap into that energy now. If you don't participate in the day and let your energy stagnate, which is very easy to do when four's are around us, you might miss a big opportunity. Seize the day! Let the Emperer light a fire within you and take charge! Even if you're working today, be bold and take a new route or simply pay attention to your surroundings. Enter the day with excitement and know that you're being looked after.


Saturday, May 9, 2015


Last night the moon met up with Pluto to give everyone an "empowering transformation." This was basically the bat signal for the Chariot showing up in our lives today. We've been working on empowering our minds and lightening our hearts for this moment. The driver pulls up alongside us with armor and the wheel of fortune in their hands. Thank them! We've had a lot of struggle up until this point and now we're being given the extra tools to make the path a little easier. The armor is to deflect any additional stress or negativity and to keep you safe from any permenant damage, so breath it in. Close your eyes and visualize the look of your armor. What is its color? Hold it up in front of you and take a deep breath. Keep breathing deeply until you absorb it and you've become one. Now wear it proudly and with confidence, you have a shield! The wheel is here to remind us that we must keep going in order to receive the abundance we're after. Keep going forward and striving toward finding and reaching your goals. The moon moving into Aquarius later will give you the additional push you need. If you're feeling the fog in the air and having trouble relating to some of these things, it's ok. You're not pushing this Chariot along with your feet, you have four drivers willing to help you. Take some time in silence and ask questions in any direction that feels right for you. What are the answers? Review and possibly write down everything that comes to mind and sort through it later. There is information coming to us all today, and it's important we take the time to let it in. The course of action we take will have a ripple effect through the end of July. Use your intuition and do what feels right for you, even if the choices don't make sense or if they hurt. We're still letting go of some extra baggage, our Chariot gets better gas mileage that way. Don't be surprised if you don't hear from someone you thought you were going to today, there are other opportunities in store for you.


Friday, May 8, 2015


The Prince of Swords rides in on his chariot today highlighting our mental agility and power. The past few days have been about strengthening our minds to move us smoothly into higher consciousness, and today isn't any different. As we move up into the 5th dimension a lot of things, mostly negative and hard to deal with, have been coming up and out of us. This is a process we all have to go through in order to ascend. Our higher thoughts are the only thing allowed in the 5th dimension, it's a place of complete love and light, and any baggage we have within us isn't allowed. So, we're going through this process of shedding what isn't serving us anymore and it's tough. This is one of the big reasons we must work on strengthening our mind. Imagine that everything that you think happens. EVERYTHING. How would you change your thought patterns? How would you think about others and about yourself? Every thought you think has momentum and matter and Is actually born. It lives in 4d until gravity brings it here, so everything you think actually does matter. We're in the disseminating moon phase right now, which is a time of receiving. Some of you will be receiving messages and some will start to see your intentions from the past new moon start to blossom. As you receive this bounty know that it comes to you from a place of love and that it's here and happening to fill up your heart and your mind. You're in a place of privilege, even when the struggle feels so real. All of this global trauma is happening for a reason. Us, as a collective, don't want to be brought down by people that don't have our best interests at heart. We're rising up and those that have been trying to control the power are falling. Keep your mind sharp, the Prince thinks he's in a great position of power, but ultimately, his ideas have to be approved by his parents. As fun as drinking and drugging can be, they weaken us and we're being encouraged by the elite to keep it up. We're more docile when we're focused on a party or the next day when we're hungover. Bring in more meditation and less chemicals. You will be more open to receiving your messages and be able to take action when it is time. The Capricorn moon is going to make us feel like getting things accomplished today, which is great on the mundane level. Get all of the things on your to-do list checked off, but keep your armor on and your mind in a receiving state. Chinnamasta is here guiding us again and encouraging an open mind. The Prince can be vain and cowardly, don't give in to these attributes. If they come up, let them leave you. If you think in a negative way, just exhale it out, and let it leave your body. There are things in motion all around you and today is a good day to tune in.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Thursday the 7th of May

Today we take a break from our intentions and manifestations and focus on strengthening our minds. Yesterday the Sun moved into the Sabian symbol of  "a symbolic battle between swords and torches." Our minds and limits are being tested. There are many different influences in your life (even as broad as the television you watch or magazine you read) that are coming at you and trying to shatter your sword. Ones in power want you to need them. Imagine your mind is the sword in the middle of this card. It's completely shattered by all of the other swords around it. We must strengthen our minds to ensure this doesn't happen to us. We live in a fear based society and if that motivates you then that is what's going to keep coming up in your life. If you have bills piling up and you're worried about paying them, stop, and just have confidence in yourself. It's definitely easier said than done, which is exactly why we must strengthen our minds today. You can do this. Whatever challenges are in your life right now are temporary, just as all the other ones of your past have been, and you can make it through this. Even if you live with physical challenges everyday, you can get through this. Fear is in your mind. Instead of focusing on the tough parts, find the intelligent and strong person inside of you. Everyone has one. You WILL get through this and any other challenges that come your way! Power is changing hands all around us and it's time to raise your voice and be heard. Everything you think about matters and transcends into the fourth dimension. Sometimes it manifests here in 3d. Some thoughts might come at you next week and some might show up in your life next year. This is just one of the reasons getting your mind aligned to the light is so important. If you focus on creativity, love, kindness, and abundance then that is what you will receive. Be pure in your thoughts. Don't just wish to have those things, actively practice each attribute. Wishing and needing things only creates more need for wishes. Take charge and flex those brain muscles! Yesterday we were focused on a new way of looking at our lives and today that comes into practice. This is another card signifying the end of a cycle. It's the end of our intelligence being bullied into believing we're not strong enough to lead. On the end of our sword is a heart and it is whole. Team your mind up with your heart today and light a fire within. It will shine so bright that it will shatter any remaining worry you might have and cast the Lord of Ruin aside. Thanks for the warning 10 of Swords, but we'll take it from here.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wednesday, May 6th

Today is a big day. The decisions you make will determine your path beyond the new moon of this month. Yesterday "Thor's hammer" struck down. It cleared our minds of past infrastructure that no longer serves our needs. We're feeling the reverberation today and it's exciting! We are filled with new life and it's just aching to spew out of us. Notice the four figures in the corners of the card, they are overflowing with the light of the universe. That is us right now. Meditation is very important today. We must find a way to sort through the rush of information we've gathered overnight. Old habits are going to want to continue (thanks Pluto!), but we can't let them win. You've already lived the past and no matter how it went for you, you must leave it in the past. The way-showers and light workers have a lot to do and can use as much help as possible. The more of you that break free from old routines and walk into ascension, the closer we get to a peaceful takeover. It's our time to run the world and to stop letting a handful of people make the decisions for us all. We're closing a step in the awakening process today and moving forward into love. Who are you drawn to? Are you thinking of people that you haven't thought about in a while? Contact them. Take a lot of breaks today. While stepping back, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths. Make all of your sentences count and let them come from your solar plexus and heart chakras. The center of this card is all green because the center of your universe is your heart chakra. It's one of your most powerful tools. Follow it into the light, it knows the way. I can't say break away from old routines enough. It's critical to remember today. Ash Wolf said it best on her astrology blog, "don't make the same moves and expect different outcomes". Step out of old fears and attachments and step into a self fulfilling confidence. You have all of the tools for success living within you.


Monday, May 4, 2015

5th of May

The moon moves into Sagittarius today which lights our internal fire and sparks an educational interest within us. We become the Lord of Prudence with our finances and decisions, but we become the tree on the card in our soul. We've planted the seeds for our awakened destiny, and we're starting to see the tree take root and flower. As much as this card likes to come up to lend caution over financial decisions and contracts, it also shows up when we're at a crossroads. We can choose to veer off of our path and onto one of the branches, but you'll notice that the branches are already pretty weighed down. A wrong turn today could have you tumbling back down to the ground and retracing old steps. Stay the course, even if the Mercury opposition to the moon brings out some harsh truths. We can't have light without the darkness. Take all criticisms as an opportunity for growth and don't let them hurt your heart. It's just part of the process. When you pave an individual path many people are going to question you. They aren't you. They don't know what it takes to feed your fire. They can't feel how good your choices make you feel. Stay true to your heart and you will live in eternal bliss! In a reading this card is a team player. It interacts with the cards around it. When other disks show up it can often indicate financial trouble. With cards like the Heirophant or the Universe, it indicates rapid spiritual development. If you have tarot cards it might be fun to pull one today while thinking about the 8 of Disks and see what comes up. Whatever card you pull will be an indication of what's to flower next. Look at the card and let it guide you. (Helpful hints: this card is an indicator of caution if you pull another earthy card or water. It's a sign of fast motion and intense development if you pull fire or air) The number 8 is the infinity symbol turned on its side. Cards that reduce to this number or are the 8 often come up over and over. It's important to learn from them and let the development accumulate. Our 5th dimensional consciousness is all about growing into masters of our field and outgrowing old paradigms that are full of outdated routine and information. You can be larger than life!


May the 4th be with You

Today is a day of growth, particularly through hardship. When a Queen comes up you can expect actions to be taken. This is the Queen of the Thrones of the Earth, or Queen of Disks. She's looking out at the land she cares for and is seated on a throne of grass with Capricorn by her side. She is all about keeping a watchful eye over friends, family, home, and job security. Today isn't set up to be a breezy easy day astrologicially and its important we spend some time outside. Take off your shoes and put your feet in the grass and survey your lands. When you get outside it will be a good time to think about the next steps you need to take and what that means for you. What did you learn from the full moon? Did it present any new ideas or way of thinking? We're supposed to let go of things we've held onto for too long today, and think over our next steps. If you can take action towards your destiny, do it! The sun is on your side! Utilize the secure nature of this Queen and create a place where you, your friends, and family can go to think and get away from it all. Maybe it's your backyard. It could be the perfect day for gardening, uncovering the grill, and getting out the lawn chairs. One thing is for certain, you need a comfortable place to think today. Introspect will go a long way in these next few weeks.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Sunday Scorpio Full Moon

Today the Flower Moon leads the way. It's a perfect day to be outside, start your gardens, and tune into nature. We're in the lunar phase "music of the spheres" which comes down to us from the 7th dimension. Andromeda is the keeper of the 7th dimension and it's focus is on the way we communicate. The Mercury opposition to Saturn today is going to make verbal expression a struggle. We must transcend the meaning of communication into something new and the Scorpio full moon is the perfect time to do this. Birds actually use the optimal form of articulation, song. Spend time outside soaking up the song of birds today. If you have any questions about your life's progression, that is how you will find your answers. The Scorpio moon is one of the most intense full moons of the year. Expect everything you're feeling to be heightened. We're seeing our intentions from the Blood Moon last month coming true and the love and light from the Pleiades is stronger than ever. Today our cups runneth over! The lotuses are pouring blissful sunshine into our hearts. Our dreams are starting to come true and it feels so good! The 9 of Cups has come up because the veil is at its thinnest today. Our intuition and psychic abilities are at their peak, especially with the help from Scorpio. That is highlighted by the purple cups. They represent our third eye and crown chakras. The suit of cups focuses on interpersonal relationships, intuition and psychic self, creativity, and feeling. The month of May is going to be a big month for soul families. There will be a lot of new love in our lives and each individual will have a role in the fulfillment of your soul. We've come full circle from last May and our rise in consciousness is changing us, for the better, in a BIG way! The 9 represents the lunar cycle. The full moon is just one stop in the cycle of "the music of the spheres", but it's the biggest and deserves the most attention. We'll complete this cycle at the new moon of this month, when love and happiness will be even more prevalent. Soak up today, you've earned it!


Friday, May 1, 2015


Every now and then a card comes up that doesn't perfectly align with the astrology of the day so I must meditate on it to provide further information. This is and isn't one of those cards. First, this is the card that is related to Libra. It's about balance and fairness. The moon is in Libra, so this seems like an obvious match, however, the rest of the astrology is about opening our minds and creating blossoming partnerships, which are Libra characteristics but not traits of the card. Chinnamasta, the goddess who expands the mind, wants us to open our hearts to one another and work with instead of against our community. The past few days have really been about making the necessary adjustments within ourselves to see each other for who our souls want to be, instead of seeing what others project in front of themselves. It's not an easy to see beyond someone's protective armor, but it's necessary if you're going to treat everyone with equal care. This card is very symmetrical. When the moon is in Libra there is an element of reflection in the air. What you project is reflected back upon you. This is something we've been preparing for by working on our souls and the way we treat others. If you have cast judgemental out of your hearts, then it won't come back at you today. The danger of this card is the reverse mirror effect. It's going to be easy to take on others personality traits today and be their mirror, reflect their actions back to them, but through YOU! This is something you want to avoid. You're on a path to enlightenment and have been strengthening your core, don't let anyone else change the course. Absorb Venus today and keep putting out those love and light vibrations. Focus on beauty. Fifth dimensional consciousness is redefining what beauty means. Focus on that today. What does beauty mean to you? What are the characteristics of something that makes you feel beauty inside of your being? This is the number eight card of the Major Arcana so there is an element of destiny at work today. You'll be seeing intentions from the past full moon come to fruition as well as knowing what intentions you need to set for tomorrow. The number eight is all about infinity, cycles recurring and evolving. This comes up the day before the full moon because there's a cycle at play. Again, focus on beauty, creation, and the divine living within yourself. These are all qualities worth carrying into the full moon with you. They will all help you on your path. Yesterday I told you to transmute your energy to turn the lead in your heart into gold. How did that work out for you? You have another chance at this today. Fully embrace the golden heart before the full moon arrives, it will set you up nicely for the new moon later this month.

Friday May 1st

The Lord of Defeat shows up, unsurprisingly, during the Libra moon. It's easy for someone with a lot of planets in Libra to get stuck in their heads, a very typical air trait. This card comes up when you've forgotten all of the kindness we're to be focusing on (see the Wednesday and Thursday's posts) and go in the complete opposite direction. People ruled by this card are stuck in a loop of defeat, anxiety, slander, trouble, etc. They are jealous and wish ill will on others. They are so focused on the lack they have in their lives that they can't be happy for others when good happens to them. These are all qualities of someone who's consciousness hasn't risen into the 5th dimension. These are traits floating around in 4D from years of societal abandonment. If you find your emotions stuck or moving toward the darkness it's important to talk yourself through it. If you let the negativity come up through you you'll be able to release it. Sometimes we have things stuck deep within us and suppressing them keeps them inside our bodies. Discover the evil-speaking shadow within you, notice and comment that those aren't feelings you're keeping, and put them behind you. This is a good activity to do before the full moon. These aren't ideas you need anymore and you don't need to take them past today. Uranus and Pluto make it easy to stir up emotions today, stay in control as best you can. This card is number 5 and ruled by the Pleiadan empire. They exist through light and love only and are here to be our guides into this new wave of consciousness. This is a message to repair anything broken within you. Turn your star from the upsidedown image on the card into the beautiful Pentagram of life everlasting. Transmute the lead in your heart into gold!