I touched briefly on the intensity of this week. This stems from Mars making moving into Aries tomorrow. The combination brings a lot of fierce independence, and when you mix it with the 7 of Wands you get a certain ungovernability energetic. The 7 of Wands is intense, and represents a certain state of battle. When this card comes up in a reading, it represents a person having a lot going on in their life. They may be reaching a state of feeling like they are drowning or overwhelmed. The number 7 has Yin qualities, it has a certain connectedness to the moon, but the fire depicted in this card has extreme Yang representation, and it's outweighing the Yin. There's an imbalance to this card, and it's up to the individual to add that balance. It's a card that says, stand up and fight for what you believe in! The time is now! Take those extra steps toward your goal. It reminds us that our free will is greater than the Universal force. We have the power to change our own lives at any given second, and we need to use that power right now to make sure things are going the way we want them to. The Lord of Valour chimes in and tells us we have an army by our side. We have people that want the same things as we do, but that voice isn't enough. It's the individuality that shines today and tomorrow. If we compare this card to what I pulled last week, you'll see that you've been training for this.
You've had it in you all along. You don't have to wait for the universe any longer. If there is something you've been wanting, it's time to go get it! The Hermit was our internal strength builder. It was our pause on the everyday goings on to sit back and do some homework. That card came up at a time when we needed to learn a lot about ourselves, and we needed to learn what moves us forward. What lights our fire? What is the one thing that is at a stalemate that needs to be given a push? Swing your sword with Valour and charge forth!
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