One of our major symbols of the week is the triangle. This has many symbiotic meanings across the globe, but in relation to my transmissions and the work I do, the triangle is related to Sirius. The ancient Egyptians looked at Sirius as the, "Sun behind the Sun." The star system lives in the 6th dimension, sandwiched between everlasting love and sound healing. This particular set of stars has a huge energetic pull over the planets in our own solar system. The energetic beings from this dimension want to instill thoughts of well-being and oneness within us. When humans begin their transition into sixth dimensional consciousness they start to experience dizziness, the feeling that time is moving faster than they can keep up with, synchronicities become overwhelming and apparent, and the nature of our mediocre existence doesn't feel 'real' anymore. These are also all signs that your third eye is developing and opening, meaning, you are becoming more open to your psychic and telepathic abilities. Go with the flow. Use this openness to translate into inclusiveness in your communities. Try to slow down the mind and let this open up a world of patience within you. Patience over frustration. Guidance over insult. The Disks suit specifically relates to the ground we stand on. The third dimensional life that many cultivate and live for. How to we practice higher living among this realm? Well, what feels best to you? I tend to practice my spirituality alone, but not necessarily alone. Maybe, you're like me, and you would like a community of people to talk to, or maybe you just need to maintain your house as your sanctuary and live it up from within. Do what feels right to you. Let's do some comparing:
Last Monday we had a card from the Disks suit show up as well. Both cards aren't concerned with us getting our jobs in order, like many other cards in this suit. These cards are about raising up our community to create a shift of higher consciousness amongst many. You can revisit last Monday to get specific details, but float through today and see what happens. Let's embrace the pull of Sirius for today and see where it leads us.
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