Today is a huge day! By now, I'm sure you've all read about the comet, the lunar eclipse, and the full moon all happening today. What does this mean for us as light workers? Today marks a special moment in time where we become leaders. People will be looking to us for guidance and answers. We have them! Today also marks the moment when we begin to fully operate out of our highest self. It won't be effortless at first, but we will take every new step through the actions of our highest evolution of self. A lunar eclipse marks the shutting of one door and the opening of another. We shut the door on self doubt and open the door to leadership. The full moon in Cancer opens up all of our feelers, to lead through empathy. Lead with the intentions of everyone having everything they need. Lead through love and not competition. Give guidance that helps others lift themselves and be self reliant. Lead through the intention of creating other leaders. It's time to get back to strengthening ourselves through our passions, through philosophical discussions, and through love. Let's talk about the Telluric realm for a minute. This second layer of energy, resting above the Earth's core holds a lot of power. The Lust card shows a woman who has tamed an epic beast. She's pulling down the layer of ground that our feet rest on, and she's pulling it into the Telluric realm. For some people, they may never visit, but for others, you were born there. So, how do we connect with these other realms that only our spirit remembers? Meditation is huge. Meditating is the answer to many problems. It's important to silence the mind and just listen. Connecting into the lunar cycle is a great way to extend your energy chords to other dimensions and realms. That can mean doing some type of ritual for the full and new moons. It doesn't have to be witchcraft. Maybe the moon cycle is the night you host yoga for you and a close friend, or it's the night you always go dancing. It can be anything, as long as the intention is to connect yourself to the moon. Since this moon falls into Cancer, I recommend going to water. Tell the water exactly what you want to get out of your life, and then spend some time listening to what it has to say about that. If you don't live where there is access to water, take a ritualistic shower, or bath. You can have the same conversation. You may hear things that throw you off a little bit, but know that what you hear is truth. Your guides may step in and tell you that you have to do certain things to take steps toward living life exactly as you wish. It's all part of the ascension process. So, let's go back to this Lust card. This card is full of strength and fire! Let's embody that for the next couple of weeks, all the way to the new moon.
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