Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday June 3rd

We've moved from the first card of the Wands suit to the last, in one day! That's an indication of what the energy is going to be like right up until the New Moon this month. Expect major changes in these next two weeks. For some of you, those changes will happen today. Because the moon is void of course all day, it's in your best interest not to finalize anything, but Sagittarius and Aries are here to set the wheels in motion. The wands in this card are fast moving and full of powerful energy. We're still feeling the pull from the full moon yesterday, and many of us are having major spiritual revolutions. That is a theme that will continue in the upcoming weeks. We're gaining insight to digress and separate away from ego and into a thread of altered consciousness. We're forming new patterns and making choices that, not only fulfill our heart and soul, but give us a weightlessness. We're ascending into a new area of being and all that we've packed is kindness and love. Over the past 6 months we've woven the perfect tapestry of goals, dreams, and ideals, and they are finally getting ready to hang on the wall. Stay the course, even if today feels tough. Remember who you are and what you need to light your fire. The two oppressive spears laying over our dream-weave(r) are material accumulation and selfish acts for personal gain. As things begin to get better for us it's easy to get caught up in 3-dimensional ideas of having things and wanting more, because now we're able to get it. We aren't at the top of any totem pole yet, and there's still work to do. There's still plenty of room for failure if we cloud our vibration with obstinacy, envy, and malice. Embrace the gravitational pull from the galactic helping hands and free your field of ill-will, lies, and narrow-minded thoughts. Revenge is a step backwards and we're turning on a wheel that won't stop for any personal vendetta. Stay focused and roll along into heart consciousness and enlightenment.


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