As we get closer to the full moon the energy begins to build, and that's exactly why we have two cards for today. The 9 of Cups is from yesterday, so we're essentially building upon the dynamics that were occurring the day before today. Both of these cards are late in the number scale, indicating the end of cycles for some of us. That is fairly typical for the full moon. It can bring events/situations to a close, where the new moon opens doors and ignites great change. Having our moon in Sagittarius brings about a lot of firey energy (wands) and ignites our lower chakras. The 8 of Wands signifies a time when our wands turn into lightening bolts and everything moves rapidly. This is powerful energy that can break down walls and barriers, and it's often exactly what we need. Letting go of life's obstacles is a theme for this full moon. The geometry behind the bolts is a pyramid from every angle if you look at it closely. Look at your life closely. What are the hurdles that you've been trying to jump over? The 8 of Wands is here to help you solve these problems. Look at these restrictions in a new way, from every angle, and either let them go, or try a new solution. Move through the toughness with love and light, as the golden waters from yesterday overflow from your cups. Not only can you motivate through the barriers with love, but happiness will be achieved once you do. If you're having trouble recognizing any difficulties in your life at the moment, know that the 8 on its side is the infinity symbol, and this card will show up again in times of need. This isn't a once in a lifetime opportunity for a burst of helpful energy. This card will show up over and over, just when you need it. Be open to the solutions that you think of and that present themselves today, even if they seem outlandish. Life is throwing you a float, don't let yourself drown because it's shaped like a chicken. When we're in a Gibbous moon phase, which we are, it's important to have faith and trust in your guides/universe. Even when things are at their worst, you're becoming a stronger/wiser person, and you will actually be better for it in the end. Collaboration and team efforts are favored today, and communication is wide open. The rainbow on the card indicates our chakras are all wide open, the possibilities are endless today!
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