Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday, June 29th

We are in a truly beautiful time right now. Jupiter and Venus are interacting to bring a lot of luck with love relationships for many of us. From now until the new moon, expect to grow fond of someone, meet someone new, or end a relationship that doesn't put love first. Love is the key right now. We all have a different way of expressing this emotion or feeling with our heart. It's time to focus on what makes our heart sing. For some of us, that isn't partnership at all. When Jupiter and Venus move into the same place they create a fulfilling energy, so if partnership isn't what fills your heart, you're still in luck. Today's card focuses on our individual happiness and how we can achieve this idea. Any time a nine comes up it brings some magic with it, and clearly, the nine of cups is no different. Not only are our cups filled, but they are overflowing with golden light. The trine Venus is in with Uranus perpetuates this golden light around us. Our stars are aligned right now and it's the moment to seize opportunities, focus on our highest goals, and feel strong inside, knowing we can achieve greatness. Nine is the number of the light worker, it reminds us to keep creating, moving forward in love and kindness, and that there's a universal protection around us at all times. The Lord of Material Happiness swoops in during this perfect alignment of planets to open generosity, success, and pleasure within ourselves. Every card has reminders for us, keeping us on track, and this card is no different. Because the planets are so heavy in love and success right now we must remember to stay humble. Yes, we do deserve all of these things, especially after the harsh adjustments we've been going through, but we aren't to get caught up in self-praise, vanity, conceit, or any foolish nature like those. It would negate all of the progress we've been making and take away from our purpose as light workers. We operate out of love and kindness at all times, for everyone. Be satisfied with today, even if nothing major transpires. Set no expectations and be happy with what you're given, it's the best way for your waters to stay golden. These energetics will stay with us until the full moon on Wednesday, so you'll see this card interacting with another tomorrow. It's exciting!


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