Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Monday reflections 3/6/17

Although it's Tuesday, I am still posting for yesterday because it's important to watch the progression of the cards, and to be able to reflect back when the astrology/cards call for it.
The Devil might be one of the more complicated cards in the Thoth deck. It exists with basic principles, but the depth this card has could be a study in itself! This card is ruled by Capricorn, which is why the goat is represented, and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Let's look toward the goat. It's third eye is wide open, reflecting on the Hebrew letter Ayin which is attributed to this card. Ayin means Eye. Then, we have The Devil symmetrical with Death on the Tree of Life, leading from consciousness to Bliss. This is a concept we've talked about briefly whenever a pentagram comes up. The idea of consciousness expansion, and widening that scope and raising up our communities. This card is about leading a group away from a current. It's an energetic we'll be seeing a lot this month. This idea will bleed into Tuesday because it's a large concept to organize. What is your roll in this new direction? What part do you play, and where do your goals and dreams come into the equation? Since Capricorn is an Earth sign, it might be really helpful to write down some of the major themes you want to change globally, major themes that need changing nationally, within your state, within your city, within your neighborhood, and within your house. Then write down your hopes and dreams on a separate piece of paper. Go back and forth between reading each page. Start to mesh ideas. Give it a good brainstorm. You might be surprised. For those of you who know where you fit in certain circumstances, it's time for action! The energy will be slow moving, but remain open to the change!


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