The Princess of Disks lines us up for a new start. Everything that's been coming up for you this week has been dealt with, for now. With the upcoming new moon, this figure rolls in with a sense of newness. Now is the time to be planting seeds. Instead of focusing on what you don't want in your life, stay focused on exactly what you want. When doing any rituals or altars, keep your mind focused on the future. We want to create new footsteps. No more following of old patterns. It's time to break free! The Priestess of Demeter holds a symbol for balance in her hand and stands in front of an altar pregnant with the future. This figure is full of wonder and excitement for what is to come. We're being given a chance to look at everything in front of us and tell the universe exactly what we want to get from it. Now is the time to think of what is best for the group, not just the individual. This earthy energetic stays with us all weekend. She is accompanied by the Eight of Cups.
This card comes up at a pivotal moment in time. This card signifies a moment when people in a relationship (any, family, work, love, etc), stop talking to one another because of some type of disagreement. Instead of acting out of care and compassion, they act out of ego and laziness. A beneficial relationship doesn't need to go sour. It's worth working it out if both parties are willing to put in the effort. You will both feel stronger inside and your relationship will develop more trust. Look for those meaningful moments over the next few days and really let them soak in.
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