Monday, January 30, 2017

Tuesday, Jan 31st 2017

Let's expand on the energy from yesterday. Let's continue to push the ego far from self. Work on your personal everyday interactions. Does it belittle that person when you correct them or does it help them grow?  Is what your saying contributing to the conversation, or is it derailing the conversation? We must hold ourselves accountable. The Princess of Disks comes up to root us in the third dimension. Does your comment better the situation, or do you need to step out of your own self and breath? The soil of our planet is in turmoil. Our bodies are soaking up that energy, and tempers are running hot. The more hate and fear we project, the more hate and fear is out there waiting to be absorbed by someone's energy field. So, ask yourself, how can you approach this situation you might be in, calmly through understanding and love. This Princess plants seeds. They help their roots thrive and grow.  Let's ground ourselves now, and let our roots spread further than they ever have before. Let's let them grow into the future and for other generations. Let's let our actions speak for the future. The moon is going to be void for most of the day, roughly noon-5pm, so it's not the best day for starting major projects. It's a great day for reworking our own thought patterns, and it's a great day for working on compassion. Because this card is so heavily rooted in the third dimension, it could serve you well to write down what you think would help future generations of Earth. It's a good idea to write down synonyms for compassion and love. Let your vernacular in the light multiply. How many times can you turn a complaint into a compliment? If you would like to work on the lower chakras to help ground yourself, it's always a good idea to surround yourself in their colors. Red, orange, and yellow take precedent, but deep browns and cinnamon colors are a good idea also. If you choose to continue to work on putting love first and ego aside, it could help you to keep a rose quartz with you today. In these trying times it can never hurt to keep some obsidian on you as well! You got this, and you're going to be living your best life for others in no time!


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