All right y'all, this is it, the NEW MOON in Aquarius. Normally, I would say that it's a new beginning, but this particular moon won't feel that way. The current energetics are too thick to feel renewed. We've been so focused all week though, so let's not loose that momentum. Aquarius is an air sign. So speak your mind toward the sky. Tools for an air sign ritual include, wind chimes, pin wheels, feathers, paper airplanes, etc. Anything that's affected by air. I'm a big fan of writing my wishes for the next lunar month onto a paper and sending it in whatever the direction the moon needs, so in our case this month by air. I'll be speaking my wishes and ringing wind chimes on top of a hill. Sounds like something right out of a cheesy movie, right? The thing is, it will work. The Princess of Wands has shown up to keep us grounded. Don't go flying away with your feathers off the mountain top today. Keep your chin up and feet firmly rooted to the ground. This Princess is fearless. They can tame wild animals and become one themselves, if they want. Use that energy to feel liberated. 2017 is the "Dawn Bringer" year, the year of the Rooster, the year of fire. If you want to burn your lists to invoke the power of their fire, go for it! Write them on yellow paper with a red pen to make it super official. This card wants you to manifest your love and desires, and wants you to live through love. What you put out there will come back. So, while we all have many concerns right now, write them positively. Instead of using words like worry and concern, use change and progress. Our words travel into the fourth dimension, and gravity brings them right back down onto this existence. So speak to the root of every issue, and speak of it as a resolution. Good luck out there light warriors.
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