Monday, April 20, 2015

Tuesday, April 21st

We're still feeling the effects of the new moon phase. We're still in a state of beginnings. There was a lot of focused energy yesterday. New ideas were forming, sudden realizations were happening, and it was all very deliberate. The Universe comes up when we are mastering our lives. We are putting in work and effort to be what we've always dreamed we could be. The energy and astrology are teaming up to bring us manifestations and to help us clear our path. Some of us will be receiving clear information and making firm choices late into the week. We're raising our vibration to fulfill our soul's purpose. Many of us are completing a spiritual phase and becoming ready for the next, others are moving up in jobs, while many others are expanding their families. We're in a time that's overloaded with energy and some of us may need reminders that coping can be hard. It's ok if you suddenly need to cry for a while. Your body needs to let go of blockages in order for you to grow in wisdom. It's a good day to look at yourself and see what's you've collected for wisdom and experience. How much have you grown in the past year? What's next? What excites you? The only way to swirl around in the Universe amongst the stars is to do what excites you. Today's a day to take stock of what you've accumulated within and add to it what you want to attract. You want to attract more money? Be free with the money you have and money will freely come to you. Instead of thinking, "I wish I could give, but I'm broke too!", GIVE. What you give out comes back, every time. Maybe you're new here and you want to meet creative friends that like bikes. Be creative and enjoy the reason you like bikes and it will all come to you. Be your Universe.


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