Friday, April 17, 2015


Here we are, the Aries New Moon. How do you feel? How was yesterday for you? Are you still feeling the emotional pulls that were happening? Any craziness still lurking? Let it all pass. Any intense emotions that are coming out of you right now are a result of Pluto in retrograde and the sweeping energy that's cleaning out our lives. They are all important to get through. Don't bother to ask why this is happening. It's happening to set you up for great success. The Sun and the Moon are interacting with no other aspects today. It's a day for rituals, initiations, and positive life changes. The Ace of Disks shows up at this time because it represents life cycles, and we're in a momentous one. It also represents the birth of new ideas, jobs, an input of funds, and new beginnings overall. Some of you may have already noticed new things popping up in your lives, maybe some of you have gotten a recent raise. If you haven't, don't worry, life hasn't forgotten you. We just aren't all on the same exact time line. Today the planet's energy gets reset. I like to do a couple of rituals on this occasion. First, burning representations of your past that you no longer want to take with you. Say you want to loose twenty pounds. Maybe burn the tags off of some of your clothes that fit you now, setting the intention to shrink in size. If you don't want to be hung up on an ex, burn a picture of them or something with their handwriting on it. After the burning, which can be lots of fun with friends, it's nice to follow it up with planting seeds. Prepare an area for growth, but before you put the seeds in the ground, hold them in between the palms of your hands. Say an intention. Like, I am going to be successful as an artist this year. After you say it out loud, or think it, blow your intention onto the seeds. Then you can watch your seeds and success grow together! It's also fun to write down your intentions and bury them. Whatever you think of is the right ritual for you, these are just examples.
The Ace of any suit is about marking the beginning of something important, and the first New Moon of the zodiac is about starting important journeys. The universe has big things planned for us as a social community. It's a time to embrace our power and take chances!


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