This weekend brings us oppertunities for new ideas, a chance to really look at ourselves, and the belief in our soul family resurfaces.
With this spread we have the two center cards representing us and our obstacle for the weekend. The Adjustment card is one that is specifically pointing at who we are over these next couple of days and how we can move forward with the astrological events occurring. Adjustment is a symmetrical card of balance and achievement. This card usually comes up at a time in our lives when action needs to be taking place, and if we choose to not make a decision, or try to let the universe take us, it can end in a repeating cycle. This card is the holder of the Akashic Records of our lives and has our familial karmic debts on one side of the scale, and it's our job to outweigh them or balance them out. If we don't take firm action we could get stuck in a loop, or our present might start to mirror our past. The number eight represents infinity, the everlasting cycle of life, and it's important that we play an active character in our destiny. If we choose to take a backseat progress won't be made. With that being said, we also need to remember that there is always an ebb and flow created by astrological shifts, and we need to hold a level of flexibility in order to truly fulfill the heart. Communication is favored on our end this weekend. The Devil has come up as our obstacle. This is a card geared toward breaking free of societal chains and becoming who you've always wanted to be. It's about reaching into your heart and fulfilling its every desire. We're not meant to walk amongst the masses cloaked in beige and white. We're meant to feel alive, hear our pulses, and dart toward our dreams. Bringing these two cards together with the Aquarian moon aspecting Uranus means listen to your ideas and act on them. Seek out like minded individuals that can help you move forward in a way that truly makes you happy. These are major arcana cards and are pushing us towards revealing our true calling. The two wands are representative of where we've been and what has pushed us into moving forward. These cards are born in our root chakra which is where our sense of security, sexuality, and obsession live. We come from a place where we were trying to live through passion, but we chose to avoid the obstacles that presented themselves. There were errors in communication and partnership for many of us, but that's turned out to be a good thing. We're meeting people that belong in our soul families now, people that we travel with from lifetime to lifetime. These people act as a catalyst on our path toward destiny, and they offer us a sense of comfort and stability. Going forward into the rest of the weekend and beginning of the week, we are the Queen of Cups. This is a card saturated in reflection. This is a person who sits on a throne looking at themselves in the water. We often have a distorted impression of who we are and how others see us. Opening up avenues of communication between our peers can contribute to our sense of self. I encourage you to say something moody and unpredictable to a newish person in your life and see how they respond. Meditate on their response for a bit. This is an experiment I like to conduct every time I meet someone new, but it definitely has a purpose in gaining knowledge on how others perceive you. It's not that we should adjust ourselves in any way based on this information, it's just an exercise in truth. Our intuition is smart this weekend, and by Sunday Venus is stirring up friendships and love interest. Cups is the suit of partnership, and when it's paired with the Fool, like it is here, we are to pay attention to the new people in our lives. Anyone you have recently met, or will meet this weekend, has a significant role to play in your life. For many of you it will trigger your heart and give you a rebirth in the way of romantic attention. For others, this person or people are part of your higher calling and have shown up to push you forward on your path of ascension. Three Major Arcana for the weekend means that our focus is directed toward our higher selves and how we can be our best individuals. Connect with your interdimensional companions and soar off into the cosmos!
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