Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday July 16th

Happy New Moon! Hopefully this Cancerian moon is bringing you all out of your shell instead of retreating inward. I would imagine with its fellow planets being all over the place that you've been feeling a little bit like doing both. Today is all about authenticity. This is a card that comes up over and over in our lives to test us, and it's how we deal with these tests that makes or breaks us. The Lord of Shortened Force is heavily influenced by Gemini, and Mercury is trying to instill great wisdom on us today. We're being given answers to some of our deepest questions this lunar cycle, and it's exciting! Mercury has been sitting in the degree of "a man staring at a mandala referencing an ancient book of wisdom" for a while now. Have you been listening? This is a great time for meditation. The watery moon gives us heightened intuition and perception, which is great when you want to receive messages from your guides. The 8 of Swords was pulled today, but it's not as scary as it looks. This card comes up when you're acting as an admirer more than a participant. You admire qualities of life, like wisdom or meditation (examples, it could be anything), but you're not putting any effort forth to bring them into your life. There's an uneven balance being acquired and you're not investing in the tools within yourself to fix it. Don't focus on how others perceive you or what vibe you want to give off, focus on strengthening yourself within to be the person of your dreams. If you be what you want to attract there's no stopping you! With Venus going into retrograde in a about 10 days, really fulfilling your inner self desires is going to be extremely important. We must have a strong sense of self and rely less on how relationships with other people make us feel when Venus is retrograde. This card is coming up to prepare us for any interference that could come up, and it's teaming with the moon in the degree of "a woman stranded on a desert island with two men." Everyone is in it together. When three people are stranded on an island, they don't separate and do their own thing. They stick together and team up. Three is better than one. If each member of your soul family is strengthening their inner self your team will be unstoppable!


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday, July 14th

The new moon in Cancer on Wednesday is increasing our intuition and emotional output already. We've been feeling it's pull since yesterday and it's making some of us really relationship focused and sentimental. Yesterday was all about celebrating the most meaningful relationships in your life and building two solid individuals to make that power couple. This could be within a partnership, it could be lovers, or just good friends. The watery nature of the moon and these cards is enhancing our heart and throat chakras. It's a good time to tell others how you feel about them, particularly if it's kind words. It's not a great time for burning bridges, since the water is so overpowering, it will put out your fire and you'll just end up looking foolish. Strengthen bonds now. The Empress is the goddess of the moon and creation. She's here to encourage our spiritual development and help us gain access to other dimensions. With Venus square Saturn today it will be easy to stay in our dream worlds and be distracted. We're still feeling that pull of partnership and love from yesterday, and we will through tomorrow as well. We have interesting numerology happening today. Yesterday was a two, balance, love, harmony, and today we have a three, creativity, expansion, manifestation. If you like to do new moon rituals, it will serve you well to start planning today. This is the perfect moon for including others into your ritual and really focusing on the strength you give your relationships. Cancer crabs can hide in their shells, but when they come out they are beautifully passionate, caring, and thoughtful beings. Encourage the crab in its confidence and include water in your ritual. This could mean taking your practice to a body of water, or simply anointing each other with it. The winter frost Sabian symbol that's been hanging over us for the past two months is rapidly melting, and we're seeing it flow and fill our cups. The Empress is here to encourage us to plant seeds for our future today. Do something that fulfills your heart, and over the course of this new lunar month you'll watch it grow and grow. She's encouraging our path of ascension. Surround yourself with people who do the same over these next couple of days. You'll be blown away by the cosmic magnetism.


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Monday, July 13th

Last night around 11 the Sun squared Uranus and it's bringing a great force of change. The focus of the day is far away from the root chakra because we're to expect the unexpected. Uranus can stir up much in your life, but the focus will surround activities from the weekend. Fri-Sun brought a cosmic force with it that we'll see repeating throughout the rest of the year. There were influences from dreams, adventure, love, and passion. This change is focused on your heart and steams from your pulse. What makes your heart jump? What makes you excited? The Two of Cups is focused on partnership, but the most pure and healthy form of partnership. This card is all about two strong parts coming together to make an even stronger whole. Often when we pair up with someone, especially romantically, we spend most of our time with them and loose a piece of ourselves. This card comes forward to remind us what attracted us to that person in the first place, and that it's essential to maintain our individuality if we want to have a strong duo. The main lotus in the center represents the relationship pouring love and light into the two individuals. It can be hard to be this way when one enters into a relationship with someone, but nothing good is ever easy. When things become easy we appreciate them less. Strengthen an important relationship today. Most likely that means, don't actually hang out with your partner, unless you already have been strengthening through separation, then today could be the perfect day to celebrate how awesome each of you is to one another. We're really feeling the effects of Uranus today.  This planet wants us to see something differently and will drop it in your lap if it has to. Who knows, maybe this information is exactly what you needed to be reminded of. You're super strong and are a powerful individual. You don't need a partnership to validate your personal being. If you already know this and live by that code, maybe today is a good day to let down some walls. Let someone who matters to you get a little closer. The Gemini moon is teamed with firey planets in Leo making this a great day to connect with friends, partners, and lovers. Gemini raises a lot of talk about duality, along with the number two featured on our card. Apply a little extra balance where needed today.


Friday, July 10, 2015

July weekend 10-12 (Fri, Sat, Sun)

The overall look of this weekend is achievements and temptation. It looks like we're going to be tempted to celebrate and socialize, but our lives will be better suited if we stay practical and make progress. We're coming from a place of community building, soul tribe gathering, team building, etc. We've been supportive of our peers and found strength within us through our families. We've been gaining momentum in areas we weren't particularly focused on and it's becoming easier to walk amongst 3 and 4 D. This trend is going to continue all weekend. For some of you, you might not even realize you're making decisions with purpose. We're gearing up toward a New Moon and our subconscious and astral self are adjusting our paths/goals. If you'll look at the cards in the south, east, and west positions, you'll see the wands crossing over each other. This is an indication of being exactly where you need to be at the right moment. These types of syncronicities are important to pay attention to because they will drop the perfect information or person in your lap just when you need it/them. This is one of the big reasons it's important to stay on task all weekend. There will be themes of security, sexuality, relationships, fears, and anxieties all rolled into one until about Sunday early afternoon. Keeping a focused mind and open heart will help drive us toward the answers we need. The Taurus moon will be motivating us to keep up our homes and stay responsible, which will help us focus our energies toward a higher ascension. We'll end up doing a little bit of juggling at the beginning of the weekend, but things should smooth out for us. Even when problems hit us head on this weekend, we'll have the velocity to power through. All of these wands remind us that we're insatiably passionate beings with a lust for happiness. Working toward being unconditionally happy is our truth and even if it's hard, we can make it, and we will make it! The energy is cooling down by Sunday and communication opens up. Inner reflection is favored, especially if you feel like many different things are all coming at you at once. They may have the power to chip away at you, but they won't break you, just like the sword pictured on the card. The Seven of Swords comes up when we've been working on combining our talents or ideas, but it's not really working. We've been placing the wrong amount of attention in the wrong direction. It's ok, just reset your equation. Even out your efforts. You know the ideal way you want things to happen. It could be helpful for you right now to write down your goals and what you need to do to accomplish them. A little organization for your mind will go a long way while the Sun squares Uranus. If you find yourself in need of some social interaction, keep it balanced with work. You'll be glad you did by Monday!


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday July 8

Today is a day full of movement and alignment. We've been pushing through two months of challenging energy, and today things start to lighten up and change for us. Imagine us as the Prince of Wands from yesterday. We were glowing red and charging forth. The fire had strands of green throughout it, indicating we were working through our heart chakra. Today that green has taken over. Later in the day when Mercury enters Cancer it will be much more apparent, but your heart is speaking volumes today. We are gifted with truths that don't always get noticed, but with several planets in Cancer, we're open enough to hear our inner voices. It's a time of deep intuition and emotional sensitivity. As we work on getting in touch with this sudden burst of clairvoyance, we take deep parts of ourselves and begin to align them along the path of ascension. When we were the Prince of Wands we were glowing red. Imagine taking pieces of yourself from that time period, your favorite pieces (for me it was my positivity, energy, and fierce drive), and placing them at the base of a pyramid. Use these strengths to provide structure and help you achieve your goals. They are the three disks on the card. Dreams are linking up with reality, and it's important we have a strong structure to lean back on. As your pyramid narrows at the top, the space gets tighter and less can be stored. Prioritize what has brought you to the joy you're feeling right now. Keep that inner light, love, kindness to others, humility, and care stacked on top of each other because that's what will pierce the veil. Think of this pyramid as a throne. You're building a solid foundation on which to seat yourself as you enter the highest realm in the Second Renaissance. Remain open to possibilities today, let things sync up as they're meant to, and keep moving. Threes are a number of action. They relate to growth, expansion, and the principles of increase. It's important that we entertain these flourishing moments in our lives. Some days are better than others for letting the universe do as it will, but today isn't one of those days. Get out there and seize every moment, keeping this throne in the back of your mind. This pyramid throne exists within another dimension and it's important that we have it to sit on when the time is right. In our mundane world this throne is our home, job, and inner connectivity to nature. Open your heart to the bird's song, feel the wind on your skin, and soak up the sunlight on your face. Stay productive at work and love your home.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Seven Seven Fifteen

Our reality is expanding today. The second Renaissance has been given a big boost of energy and it's propelling forward. The Prince of Wands is here with his lions and is ushering in a fierceness that can't be denied. This Prince bursts forth from the flames on his chariot and is ready to ride into the next fire. We're being given great gifts today. There are answers abound and the energy is bold and dynamic. It's important to keep up the momentum, don't let anything slow you down today! Communication could be mixed at the start of the day, but we're bright and can push through any obstacle the day throws at us! We've entered the disseminating moon phase which encourages us to share and to communicate with others, so keep pushing, even if you feel resistance. Some of us will channel the Prince harder than others and it's our job to make anyone stuck in a dream world today have a reality check. Usually, that may not sound like a nice thing to do to someone, but I don't mean it in the negative connotation that has become associated with that phrase. I mean that our reality is vast and opening wide today, and it's best for us all to have our eyes clear and hearts free. Be at one with your physical form and push it to new limits. Do some sweating today! Open your lower four chakras and act with care. Showing this unconditional love for others today will pay off in a big way! There are things happening behind the scenes and it's a good day to take chances. Be the lion!


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fourth of July Weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun)

This weekend brings us oppertunities for new ideas, a chance to really look at ourselves, and the belief in our soul family resurfaces.
  With this spread we have the two center cards representing us and our obstacle for the weekend. The Adjustment card is one that is specifically pointing at who we are over these next couple of days and how we can move forward with the astrological events occurring. Adjustment is a symmetrical card of balance and achievement. This card usually comes up at a time in our lives when action needs to be taking place, and if we choose to not make a decision, or try to let the universe take us, it can end in a repeating cycle. This card is the holder of the Akashic Records of our lives and has our familial karmic debts on one side of the scale, and it's our job to outweigh them or balance them out. If we don't take firm action we could get stuck in a loop, or our present might start to mirror our past. The number eight represents infinity, the everlasting cycle of life, and it's important that we play an active character in our destiny. If we choose to take a backseat progress won't be made. With that being said, we also need to remember that there is always an ebb and flow created by astrological shifts, and we need to hold a level of flexibility in order to truly fulfill the heart. Communication is favored on our end this weekend. The Devil has come up as our obstacle. This is a card geared toward breaking free of societal chains and becoming who you've always wanted to be. It's about reaching into your heart and fulfilling its every desire. We're not meant to walk amongst the masses cloaked in beige and white. We're meant to feel alive, hear our pulses, and dart toward our dreams. Bringing these two cards together with the Aquarian moon aspecting Uranus means listen to your ideas and act on them. Seek out like minded individuals that can help you move forward in a way that truly makes you happy. These are major arcana cards and are pushing us towards revealing our true calling. The two wands are representative of where we've been and what has pushed us into moving forward. These cards are born in our root chakra which is where our sense of security, sexuality, and obsession live. We come from a place where we were trying to live through passion, but we chose to avoid the obstacles that presented themselves. There were errors in communication and partnership for many of us, but that's turned out to be a good thing. We're meeting people that belong in our soul families now, people that we travel with from lifetime to lifetime. These people act as a catalyst on our path toward destiny, and they offer us a sense of comfort and stability. Going forward into the rest of the weekend and beginning of the week, we are the Queen of Cups. This is a card saturated in reflection. This is a person who sits on a throne looking at themselves in the water. We often have a distorted impression of who we are and how others see us. Opening up avenues of communication between our peers can contribute to our sense of self. I encourage you to say something moody and unpredictable to a newish person in your life and see how they respond. Meditate on their response for a bit. This is an experiment I like to conduct every time I meet someone new, but it definitely has a purpose in gaining knowledge on how others perceive you. It's not that we should adjust ourselves in any way based on this information, it's just an exercise in truth. Our intuition is smart this weekend, and by Sunday Venus is stirring up friendships and love interest. Cups is the suit of partnership, and when it's paired with the Fool, like it is here, we are to pay attention to the new people in our lives. Anyone you have recently met, or will meet this weekend, has a significant role to play in your life. For many of you it will trigger your heart and give you a rebirth in the way of romantic attention. For others, this person or people are part of your higher calling and have shown up to push you forward on your path of ascension. Three Major Arcana for the weekend means that our focus is directed toward our higher selves and how we can be our best individuals. Connect with your interdimensional companions and soar off into the cosmos!