Thursday, April 27, 2017
Lost in the Clouds 4/28/17
A shadowy figure sits among 7 cups in the clouds. A cascade of psychedelic energy surrounds them. Reminiscent of the chaos that has been life lately! We are nearing the end of a month long healing cycle. What has show up from your past? What didn't go as planned? What do you have in common with these uprisings? These are character traits or emotions that had to come forward to exit your body. Once they are out, you have more room to store your greatness. All month we've seen the horizon. We know that there is a climax coming, but, when? We've got to wait for Mercury to station direct, but our eyes and our hearts will open! For now we lay with confusion. We must set the ego aside and take power over our predicament, now. We've been going through uncomfortable waters to find out what we have to do or what we need for comfort. Ease is coming, but we have to keep going. An old proverb talked about there being many paths to the top of the mountain. There is no wrong way up. The only wrong way is to run around the mountain telling others they are making the wrong choice. We are all working on different aspects of our lives, but our time to be leaders and teachers is coming. We are the teachers for the new Universe. So, let's wait for the clouds to part to ground ourselves. We must gain our strength to pave new roads.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Dutiful Elegance 4/27/17
The feelings of a new horizon have overcome us, but Mercury retro (guided by our beloved Magician) ushers in some situations from our past that have to be finalized before we move on entirely. With Venus still exhalted, we should be able to overcome these musings without burning bridges. Slow and steady progress creates stronger results than sudden miracles. Our Capricorn-led card of the day wants to remind us that the Earth is super old. The time we are alive is a blink in the Earth's eye. The way we feel it's progress is very different than the Universe, and can feel slow and painstaking. With our New Moon in Aries (remember, we're not looking at Western patterns anymore), we will feel the deepness of the red from this card in our root chakra and have plenty of energy to take on these challenges. Take pride in the process occurring over the next month. Find ways to grow wiser and more humble.
Galactic Trinity New Moon 4/26/17
We have entered extra data. We are emerging into outer limits, new territories. Since Monday, we have been progressing forward in our thought processes. Our minds are expanding. This is a necessary action in order to be one Earth. In order to expand our world, it is necessary that we become a cohesive planet, with cohesive goals and equality. We must become part of the galactic community. We must enter the era of light. Monday was the 9 of Swords, the Light and Dark. We emerged into our own self darkness for understanding and unconditional love for ourselves. This must continue all month long. We have to learn to accept all aspects of ourselves because we are perfect beings. If we accept our human nature and feel through our instincts, instead of greed and consumerism, we can be truly loving to ourselves. Can you tell ourself is the key word? We are one. It's time to unite! Tuesday brought in the 10 of Swords, a next step into our own process. The 10 of Swords is the, "Hall of Distorted Mirrors." We must get out of our own heads, and move past our social anxiety. Remember that you and your peers are perfect beings. Accept people as they are, and stop wishing people would change. When you think people are horrible, think of the ways they have been corrupted. How can you help fix that? Your awakening and eye-opening mindset that people are horrible is necessary for change. Be that change you want to see. Set the example. Many years ago a quarantine was placed on our planet. No other being would have any contact with us. We were exempt from the Universe. Two years ago that quarantine was lifted, but we have yet to see contact. Why? What progress needs to be made, and how can you contribute to this love and light? The Pleiadians, Arcturians, and the Sirians are looking for pure love and unconditional light. This is our time! The New Moon ushers in the Magician. How exciting is this trend?! Nine, ten, ONE! These progressive steps are exactly what we are looking for in our personal lives, and as a collective. Our minds are beginning to unite, and we are beginning to understand that we hold each elemental force--Earth, Air, Fire, Water--in our palms. We have SO much power. What you think and wish becomes your reality (if it betters your soul. Wishing for millions of dollars only adds corruption into your life...). Now is the time to stand up for our marginalized brothers and sisters and unite as a human species.
Friday, April 21, 2017
The Triumphant Spiritual Doctor 4/22-4/23/17
As the Sun begins to distance itself from Mercury, we find ourselves tangled in miscommunication once again. Feeling constricted, we may loose a little of our ambition. Think back to other times when you felt your worst. What pulled you through? You could surround yourself in lavender or pyrite. You could dance all night! Do what makes you smile. This will be a short lived feeling. There will always be those moments in life that feel mechanical, like you're just going through the motions. With the King of Pentacles, we are asked to harness the power of the physical realm, and heal ourselves through its potent wisdom. You are a well of knowledge. Think back and move forward. You are a beacon of strength!
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Coming Full Circle 4/21/17
Last Wednesday, the Saboath Sun released a cornonal mass ejection toward Earth. This always has some powerful magnetic movement. The name of this specific CME is 'The Brave Soldier." Reread Wednesday's card, look at the picture on the card. Try to retrace your steps for this day. What were you thinking about? This was the start of a new process for you. You were given a surge of energy which added great power to your thought process. If it was just an average day for you, with no significant new ideas or thought focus, don't worry. Your time will come. There are things you must finish first. For the rest of us, this process was kicked off, and it is in full circle today. The triumphant woman on the card is looking toward a horizon only she can see. These are very personal goals that we are focused on. Behind her is Venus, who is pushing forward in exhalation as we speak, giving us extra good luck and power towards those personal goals. This card comes with major transition. Things will most likely do some overlapping for you, there is rarely a tidy change of course in life. If you need an extra coffee or tea today, get one. It's a good time to make connections and check off lists!
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Rings of Wisdom 4/20/17
Lift up the arms and stretch them as tall as you can, arch your back, and push your heart up to the sky. Take some deep breaths. Before us, a Mayan pyramid rises and assimilates with the spiral galaxy. The pyramid represents physical body and the cosmic rings are spirit. Our body is no longer at odds with our spirit. Breath deep and feel connected. Body, mind, heart, and spirit--earth, air, water, and fire all flowing together effortlessly. We may experience feeling overwhelmed, unsure, elated, and tired today. Your body is tuning itself. If you would like to speed up this process and go deeper, I recommend watching an activation on Biancatown on Youtube, or visiting her in person in Portland, Maine. She's an incredible being, and can assist your growth in her youtube or by doing some distance healing. Begin your new expansive journey today. I'll tell a short story: This began for me the other day, 4/17/17 to be exact. I had just given my home a nice deep clean, all the corners and crevices shiny and spotless. I sat on my bed and didn't know how I was feeling. I felt so strange. So, I sat there and let my body go through what it needed. It only took a couple of minutes before I felt a deep comfort and joy. It was the first time I felt like my spirit and my body were working as one in a long time. I felt like an authentic human! I've really noticed a difference in my interactions with others and my energy levels as well. It's so funny how energy fields will just hit out of nowhere! It's coming for you too.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Brave Pioneer 4/19/17
The Sun aligns with Mercury today to give us some sweet relief from the retrograde energetics. The Sun is in full combustion which will give us all a great burst of energy and send feelings of beauty, life lessons, and fickle mindedness abound. The Sun likes to shine light on the goodness of other planets and people. Today we put trust in the Sun and trust in ourselves. A month or so ago we tested the waters and tried to find comfort in places that were new to us. This is a perfect exercise to try again. The vast open plane lays before you, a burst of fireworks open up the sky to guide the way. Lesson our inner judgements and open our hearts to new surroundings and people. We can move beyond the shadows, into them, and through them.
Brush yesterday right off of your shoulders and shine! Absorb the heat from Mars, let it warm you like a comforter during a snow storm. While some of our peers will still be processing leftover energetics from yesterday and feeling quick to frustration, the rest of us reflect a shining celestial body emerging from hibernation! Channel the blossoming love that Venus carries and let it flow like waves in the ocean. Let the love you radiate warm others hearts and make people smile. Blossoming love and success are ready and available to you today if you want it. All you have to do is speak positively and live like you want it. Always remember to be humble for all of the gifts you are about to receive!
Light and Dark 4/17/17
As we begin to feel the burst of love from Venus exhalted, we also get burnt by the harsh flames of Mars. There will be an imbalance in the duality today. The card is showing us a woman exuding self love and radiance, but the impending void behind her is closing in. It may be easy to lash out today. A test of sanity is upon us. We can control our perspective, so let's focus. Tame the beast that is your mind. Use a filter of kindness over all of your words, it will come as a surprise to many who are experiencing the same situation! Don't forget yourself as well! You may find it easier to put yourself down than to lift yourself up today. Try not to be too hard on yourself, you'll be back in no time.
Chaos ensues 4/17-4/23
Friday, April 14, 2017
A changing triumph on display 4/15-4/16/17
Venus heads direct on Saturday, into watery Pisces. This is a marvelous time for celebration because while Venus moves forward, it's in exhaultation! This means the planet will be moving at light speed until May 30th! This will give us an extra boost of energy to repair our health, wealth, and overall happiness! So, it would seem, that the Wheel of Fortune is spinning in the positive direction for us! There may be a lot coming to the surface for some of you as well, because some times it takes a few days to really feel the pull from a planet shifting in space. When a bunch of crap piles up for you, know that it's coming to the surface to not live within you anymore. As hard as it can be to deal with these things, they will all come to an end this week. Ride your horse into the rainbow and shine! Following your instincts and heart this weekend will lead you to your destiny. If something doesn't feel right, don't bother with it. No one has time for that!
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Overflowing Love 4/14/17
Yesterday we ended a cycle, and today we begin anew. The Ace of any suit is a major beginning of a new path or plateau in life. Today we walk forward in love. The woman on the card arches her back and receives radiant light of love. She is facing a vast horizon and surrounded by healing rainbows. Venus is having it's last day in retrograde today, forming this magnetic ball of intense energy. It will be propelling forward tomorrow and a rush will come over us. This Ace is here in preparation of such an intense moment. We are being invited into the womb of self-acceptance and light today. It's a good day to reach out to others and spread joy in your community.
A cosmic union in a changing constant 4/13/17
Today is an important day. We have the Wheel of Fortune, the next card in the Major Arcana after the Hermit. This is a progression in self, and helps us see revelations. Our Sun has entered Aries, and is helping us birth forth new ideas and a new way of looking at ourselves. That is what we've been looking for, right? We want to think less of how others perceive us and more about how we want to be. Who do you look up to and why? Someone is ready to look up to you. How do you want to inspire? The only constant in our lives is change. There are so many elements in play within ourselves and how we interact with society that there's always something changing. Our fortune, whether it 'good' or 'bad' is completely dependent on how we go with the flow and how we react in situations. This is dependent on our perspective on what changes that are happening. If we think we are prone to 'bad luck' or are a victim, that is how our life will continue. Who have you been in the major revolutions of your life? It's time to focus on the lessons you got out of those major moments and find gratitude in all things that happen. After today, a door closes. We're crossed by the World, the last card in the Major Arcana. We see a woman in the desert holding a crystal ball above her head. The full cycle of the moon is above her head. We experience gratitude and ultimate reverence for the cycle we have just competed. We have reached a higher echelon of being. From tonight moving forward, we experience new lessons, new growth, and new adventures.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
The Lone Wolf- 4/12/17
All I can say right now is, WOW. I can't believe we're seeing the Hermit so often. This reinstates those ideas that we have a lot to learn about ourselves. Today is a good day to delve into a new hobby, or if you didn't gain any new insight from yesterday, try meditating and contacting your guides. Virgo rules the Hermit, and that is where our moon sits right now, so looking back at the ideas from yesterday, take some further time to break the chains of a former construct of yourself. The man on the card has set himself apart from everyone else, what is he discovering? What do you find our about yourself when you're alone? These are all important tools. If you can stay inside today and reflect, you will have some deep revelations. In the crystal cave on the card is where we discover our shadow self, just like Jupiter retro has been helping us with when conjunct the full Moon. It's all coming together. Embrace your shadow nature.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Reinvention 4/11/17
It's time to relinquish old roles and work deep into our subconscious. The next steps on our path involve radiating love and a deep awakening within. The woman on the card is caught inside her head. We can get stuck in certain modes of performance, or thinking that we must hold up a certain role. A full moon moves in at midnight, through the earthy Virgo, and makes a quick stop by Jupiter retrograde to help us make those connections to our own underworld. Has this earthly plane decided you are a certain way, a certain type of person? How have you conformed to meet those standards? No one can decide what you need to do or say but yourself. You won't fit into a predesigned mold because you have a new fingerprint. That print on our planet is necessary for forward change and progression. You are a part of a great love. We are asked to grow out of our past roles now, and find truth in who we really are. Sleep with fresh rosemary under your pillow to help your great guides make contact. As the moon continues to move, it will eventually meet up with Mars. This will put us in an action-oriented state. So, for now, we learn, and soon, we take action.
Mercury has begun to takes it's trip back into space, and that can create a lot of confusion for us. We're so experienced in how we deal with this energetic, at this point, that we barely feel it's pull. Today we're feeling Saturn amping up the duel signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). Our hearts are expanding. The woman on the card exudes strength and clarity. This will be us after we revisit a possible past situation that we thought we slid away from. Many of us will find ourselves saying, " I was wrong," or, "I messed up." Admitting these truths instead of leading with your ego elevates your soul and raises your vibration. You begin a clear evolution, You will find yourself having good luck, and lot's of your wishes falling into your lap. It's important to remain humble, and remember those tougher times that actually got you where you are right now. It's a day to be thankful.
Lightspeed Energetic Shift 4/10-4/16
Our week starts with us at full radiance, absorbing all of Mercury's chaos, and with us knowing that chaos is the only constant. Sitting deep into Saturn's retrograde, we begin to notice a growth happening within. Where does Saturn fall on your birth chart? This house will tell you where you'll expect to grow this summer. As the moon waxes and shows it's full self in Virgo, we'll start to feel like voyagers discovering uncharted territory, our subconscious! There will be an intense revelation when we get to know our guides and the underside of our minds, and then...BOOM! The Sun enters the firey sign of Aries and everything changes! By the weekend our minds and hearts will be open, and we'll all feel something big on the horizon.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Falling into the void, but caught in between 4/8/17-4/9/17
Tripped up by the upcoming retrograde of Mercury, we sink into the darkness once again. Destruction seems to follow us, but it holds the keys to growth. These shadow figures are strengthening us against true darkness. It's normal to fear painful situations, but our character builds from how we deal with them. Into the fire we run. Engulfed in flames, we might panic, but we remember our control. Step out of the flames as quick as you can, nevermind what you might be loosing. This is a rebirth. Focus on your progression with patience and kindness.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
The Lone Wolf 4/7/17
Here is where we encounter the shadow self. This journey isn't for the faint-hearted. A purge, seeping with minerals and ooze creeps out of every crevice. We're remembering our darkest days and feeling deep guilt. Our guilt is a single wildflower amongst acres of untouched terrain. It's risen from the depths of our deepest root and we leave it behind, stored in a sacred memory. A growth has happened. We are learning who we need to be in this world. Amongst great change, we adapt to fill the space emptied by despair of others. Our inner journey knows no bounds and is never ending. As we persist forward we are rewarded in unimaginable ways.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Rare Love 4/6/17
Turmoil creates balance in a life well lived. Reaching out to others and exchanging intimacy fills our hearts today. These women are a collective energy. The energy they manifest is powerful. Today we cherish our tribe. The energy we carry has a power to end recurring lessons. Strengthen bonds, fill your heart with mood music, and surround yourself in golden rays. Today marks a dawning.
Reflective Brooding 4/5/17
Saturn, the lord of suffering, pressure, limitation, and separation moves retrograde today. With eyes of gold, we place others' needs before our own, easier than before. Spinning on a wheel of recurring themes, a mirror lands in our right hand, a ribbon in our left. A reflection of November 2014 lies before us and pulls us in.New isolation forms a ring around us that no one will understand. There is not another soul in sight. We feel like we have lost our direction, lost our ability to get our needs across. We must process thoughts methodically and recuperate our communication before the weekend.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
The Fertile Goddess meets the Vital Creatress 4/4/17
Sitting on the cliff of a Saturn in retrograde, we begin to feel the pushing shifts and changes from this drastic movement. Breath in maternal wisdom, the desire for the well being of all, and the archetypal mother. Exhale. You might find hardships, negativity, and cruelty rise up out of your body and into your life throughout the day. Let it all roll off. It's a purge from your body. There is no more room for these feelings. The light, love, and power takes over your breathing and you welcome in the Vital Creatress. Breath in openness, love, transparent emotions, and authenticity. Look out through the eyes of the needy, know compassion. You are becoming a stronger, more authentic version of yourself. Welcome to the light.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Into the Void 4/3/17
A woman falls into the abyss of doubt and frustration. We're determined to walk a new path, to smash the patriarchy, but we haven't figured out the 'how' yet. With Mercury still sitting in firey Aries, we're given comfort that our doubt won't last much longer. Feeling the pull from Pisces, we swallow our emotions and drink our feelings. As long as we're not letting them get in our way, it's a good time for an emotional release. Finish up some last arrangements and let your life unfold around you. Saturn rules this card and is always in our back pocket with a tough but essential life lesson. Only two days until the planet retrogrades and has a whole new energetic in store for us.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Week in learning 4/3/17-4/9/17
We move into the first full week of April stronger, stronger than we've been in April's of the past. A warrior spirit is brewing deep within our core. It's building in the Muladhara chakra and rising into our Vishuddha. You may find yourself speaking up against bullies and defending your honor with people you keep close. We have just a few days before Mercury and Saturn are retrograde, and although we're beginning to feel that pull, we still are feeling the fire of Mercury in Aries. You might find yourself making some last minute leaps this week. If you're wondering whether or not to make a seemingly crazy decision, now is the time to do it! We're without the construct of a longterm cycle at the moment, so any misguided mistake will be quickly repaired. April is going to be a month of challenges, lessons, and heartache. It's good to keep a low profile this month, and take care of yourself the best you can. The time is now to take long baths, get a massage, lay in a deprivation tank, and meditate. If none of that sounds relaxing to you, simply take care of yourself in the way you see it best. It's a good month to drink a seemingly vast quantity of water. Reach out to healers and loved ones if the going gets too rough. We'll make it through. Great change is brewing, and ultimately, it's for the greater good.
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