Our cups overfloweth! Wow, what a time to be alive! This weekend has brought along great changes. On Saturday the Black Moon left the sign of Libra, where it has lived for the past 9 months, and moved into Scorpio. Our inner reflections and intuition are intense right now. The Black Moon will help us navigate through issues of loss and security. We will be able to dig deeper than before. Along with the Black Moon changing signs, we had a fiery full moon conjunct Mars. This Sagittarian moon brings up issues with honesty and dishonesty, along with our tempers and energy. For those of you feeling all of those intense shifts this weekend, the 9 of Cups must come as a surprise. I know it surprised me! We have all of the answers within us. Today is a good day to reflect on your own personal happiness and what that looks like. Where does it take you? What do you need to change to make it happen? There's going to be many areas of your life that need attention over the next few days. With Mercury stationing direct today, communication with partners will begin to ease and go a little more smoothly, but we're not out of the shadows just yet. The moon brought forward the tides and they are breaking with intensity. Hold off on making any rash decisions until tomorrow. Use the Scorpio Black Moon today to your advantage and really dig deep. Spend today thinking about dominos. When you're happy at work, who does that effect? When your happy at home, how does that make others feel? When your happy with others, how does that make you feel? What are the steps needed to make this happiness a reality? Do you need to share this information with a partner? Today is a great day for meditation and self care. Listening to the Donald Byrd song, "dominos" always helps me. Keep some rose quartz around, or burn your favorite incense. Even better, do it all. Feel your cups overflowing! Feel your life changes bringing you closer to your soul's fulfillment. For many, this card will signify a major step with a loved one. You are nearing the end of a phase, and comfort and joy are the front runners. We'll be seeing a repetitive nature in the astrology as the week continues. What happened last week that you would do differently? Let's learn from our mistakes and keep our cups glowing purple and gold!